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ポッドキャストホスティング。 Buzzsproutは、無料アカウントに1か月あたり150 GBの帯域幅を提供し、有料プランに無制限の帯域幅を提供します。

すべての有料プランには、高度な統計、検索エンジン用にポッドキャストを最適化するのに役立つツール、エピソードを表示するためのWebサイトも含まれています。ポッドキャスト配信。 Buzzsproutは、ポッドキャストをApple Podcasts、Spotify、Google Play Music、iHeartRadioなどのすべての主要なディレクトリに送信します(無料)。




Buzzsproutは、ポッドキャストをすべての主要なプラットフォーム(iTunes、Spotify、Google Play、Stitcherなど)に配信するのに役立ちます。単一のエピソードまたはアーカイブ全体をアップロードできます。 Buzzsprout Webサイトを使用して、ポッドキャストを編集したり、章、画像、ショーノートを追加したりできます。




Buzzsproutは、ポッドキャスターがオーディオをアップロードし、Webサイトをカスタマイズし、ポッドキャストをiTunes、Stitcher、およびSpotifyに配信できるようにするポッドキャストホスティング会社です。 Buzzsproutの優れた点の1つは、生涯無料のプランがあることです。



Spreakerは、コンピューターとインターネット接続があれば誰でも自分のラジオ番組を作成できるオンラインオーディオ放送サービスです。 Spreakerアカウントは、メッセージを世界と共有する機会を提供します。


Spreakerは、iOSおよびAndroidデバイス用のモバイルアプリと、そのプラットフォームを使用してカスタムアプリを構築したい開発者向けのAPIも提供します。 Spreakerは、コンピューターとインターネット接続があれば誰でも自分のポッドキャストを作成、共有、収益化できるセルフサービスのオンラインラジオプラットフォームです。





リスナーは、Webで、またはAndroidアプリとiOSアプリを使用して視聴できるようになります。 Spreakerは、ポッドキャストを開始してAppleポッドキャストやSpotifyなどで配布するために必要なすべてのツールを提供します。プレミアムコンテンツをリスナーに販売することで、ポッドキャストを収益化することもできます。

Spreakerの機能の完全なリストは次のとおりです。コンピューターまたはモバイルデバイスからライブオーディオをストリーミングする(iOS / Android)Spreakerで直接ポッドキャストエピソードを作成するか、既存のエピソードをアップロードします。組み込みのオーディオエディターを使用して録音を編集します。動的広告で収益化(すべてのリスナーに報酬が支払われます。

プレミアムサブスクリプションで収益化(サブスクライバーごとに支払いを受ける)FacebookとYouTube Liveでライブショーを自動的にブロードキャストするすべてのコンテンツを1か所で管理する(SoundCloudやその他のプラットフォームからのエピソードを含む)詳細な分析で視聴者のリスニング習慣を追跡するチャプターマーカーと画像を追加するリスニング体験を向上させる





RSS.comは、世界中の何百万人ものRSSユーザーのためのニュースと情報の最高の情報源です。 RSS.comは、ビジネス、テクノロジー、政治、ライフスタイルに関するニュースの信頼できる情報源です。


RSSの詳細については、www.RSS.orgにアクセスしてください。 Windows向けの最高の無料RSSリーダーRSSは、最新ニュース、ブログ、およびWeb上のその他の情報に追いつくための最良の方法の1つです。


お気に入りのすべてのサイトから最新情報を1か所で入手できるため、多くの人がRSSを気に入っています。見たいものを表示するためにソーシャルメディアアルゴリズムに依存していません。そして今、あなたがコンテンツを共有するのを助けることができるRSSの更新されたバージョンがあります! RSSフィードがないお気に入りのサイトがある場合は、Feedityを使用してRSSフィードを1つに変換します。




*ブログ、マイクロブログ、フォーラム、コメントを通じてアイデアを共有してください。 * RSSフィードを使用して、自分に合ったコンテンツを見つけてください。 *お気に入りのRSSフィードで他のRSSユーザーと直接話し合う。




–カスタムデザインと開発– WordPressテーマとプラグイン– API統合と管理–モバイルアプリ開発–ブログプラットフォームとウィジェット


過去10年間で最も有名なインディーゲームの1つがついに復活しました。 Supergiant GamesのトランジスタはiOSデバイスで再生できるようになり、私が覚えていたよりもさらに優れています。




Supergiant Gamesは、いくつかの小さな変更を加えてTransistorをiOSに移植しました。主に、戦闘中に一時停止して能力を簡単に切り替えることができるタッチスクリーン対応の制御スキームです。コアゲームプレイは相変わらず完璧で、先週何時間もプレイした後でも、今夜また戻ってくるのが待ちきれません。










5。 PodBean




ポッドキャスターを念頭に置いて構築されており、ポッドキャスターがポッドキャストを管理するのに役立つさまざまな機能を提供します。 Podbeanは、ポッドキャストプレーヤー、ポッドキャスター向けの分析および現金化ツールを備えた主要なポッドキャストホスティングプロバイダーです。

Podbeanを使用すると、プログラミングの知識がなくても、プロのポッドキャストを数分で作成できます。 Podbeanは、ポッドキャストコンテンツを完全に制御できる無料のプレミアムポッドキャストホスティングプランを提供しています。



PodBeanの機能PodBeanは、ポッドキャストの作成と管理に役立つさまざまな機能を提供します。ポッドキャストの作成、公開、配布podbeanのステップバイステップガイドを使用した簡単なセットアップエピソードをアップロードして、iTunes、Google Playミュージック、Spotifyなどに自動的に公開します。テーマを使用してポッドキャストWebサイトをカスタマイズします。

あなたのブランドに合わせましょう! PayPalまたはPatreonに寄付ボタンを追加して、リスナーからの寄付を受け入れます。寄付の100%を保管してください!視聴者を増やして収益を上げる無料のホスティングと無制限のストレージスペースを手に入れましょう。帯域幅の計算はPodBeanにお任せください!



「私はいくつかの異なるポッドキャストホスティングサイトを試しましたが、ポッドビーンは断然最高です。カスタマイズオプションは素晴らしく、カスタマーサービスは迅速で役に立ちます。私とリスナーの両方にとって使いやすいのが大好きです。」 –クリスティン(ソーイング&DIYポッドキャスト)


彼らは素晴らしいインターフェースを持っており、分析はより多くのリスナーに到達する方法を理解するのに非常に役立ちます。」 –Jennifer(DoItScared®ポッドキャスト)「使いやすく、優れたカスタマーサービス、優れた分析。他に何が欲しいですか?」 –レイチェル(現代の農家のポッドキャスト)

6。 Simplecast



ダッシュボードに組み込まれているワンクリックのソーシャル共有ツールを使用して、Twitter、Facebook、LinkedIn、およびGoogle+で番組を共有します。 Simplecastを通じて直接寄付を受け入れるか、Patreonの独占コンテンツへのアクセスを販売して、ショーを収益化します。






あなたのウェブサイトまたはブログのための埋め込み可能なプレーヤー。 Simplecastには、次の機能もあります。作成する番組ごとに個別のRSSフィードを作成します。 PatreonやSupercastなどのサービスを通じてポッドキャストのサブスクリプションを販売します。



私たちはあなたのフィードバックに耳を傾け、すべての人にとってより効果的な新しい価格設定方法を考え出しました。 Proプランの仕組みは次のとおりです。**





Captivateは、Karen McCulloughのデビュー小説であり、SFジャンルに追加する価値のあるものです。物語は、地球-ルナシステムを周回する宇宙ステーションを舞台にしています。設定自体は非常によく考えられています。









有料広告は一切行いませんが、メールマガジン、ソーシャルメディア、Captivateディレクトリで番組を宣伝することで、多くのことを支援できます。 Captivateブログで私たちが行っていることの例を見ることができます。




彼らの無料プランでは、月に5時間のアップロード時間が与えられるので、ポッドキャストを持っていることが自分に適しているかどうかをまだ考えている初心者にはおそらくこれが最適です。 Libsynは2004年から存在しており、ポッドキャスティングで最も信頼されている名前の1つです。

彼らの無料アカウントには、50MBのストレージと1か月あたり100MBの帯域幅が付属しています。これはそれほど多くはありませんが、いくつかのエピソードには十分です。 Libsynの特徴は、ユーザーがiTunesで公開できることです。これは、注目を集めたい場合に重要です(iTunesには他のポッドキャスティングプラットフォームよりも多くのリスナーがいます)。



Buzzsproutは、番組を配信して統計を追跡するためのユーザーフレンドリーなポッドキャストホスティングプラットフォームです。 Buzzsproutチームは、最も革新的なポッドキャストホスティングプラットフォームの作成に懸命に取り組んでおり、視聴者を増やす方法に関する知識を共有しています。Libsynに買収されたことをお知らせできることをうれしく思います。




2。 Libsyn



3。 SoundCloud

SoundCloudは、ドイツのベルリンに拠点を置くオンラインオーディオ配信プラットフォームおよび音楽共有Webサイトであり、ユーザーがオーディオをアップロード、宣伝、および共有できるようにします。 SoundCloudのコンテンツは音楽と他のオーディオの間で均等に分割されます。


SoundCloudは2007年にAlexanderLjungとEricWahlforssによって設立され、2人は会社をベネフィットコーポレーション(またはB Corp)として設立しました。これにより、従業員、消費者、環境、コミュニティ、および利害関係者に対する決定の影響を考慮する必要があります。 。


本社はドイツのベルリンにあり、サンフランシスコ(SoundCloud US)とロンドン(SoundCloud UK)にオフィスがあります。


やあ!私たちはインターネット上で最高のポッドキャストの本拠地であるPodomaticです。 Podomaticには、考えられるすべての主題に関する優れたポッドキャストの幅広い選択肢があります。

あなたの脳が爆発するかもしれないほど多くの異なるショーがあります。でも心配しないでください、それは楽しい種類の脳の爆発になるでしょう。私たちはあなたが興奮していると言うことができますが、私たちを信頼してください、それは良くなります。 Podomaticを使用すると、誰でも数回クリックするだけで、デスクトップまたはモバイルデバイスから独自のポッドキャストを開始できます。


あなたが私たちについて知ったので、私たちはあなたについて知りたいです!当社のサービスに関してご質問やご意見がございましたら、contactus @



5。 Blubrry

Blubrryは、ポッドキャストホスティングとポッドキャスト統計を提供するサービスです。ホスティングに加えて、Blubrryはポッドキャストの独立したディレクトリも提供しています。 2006年11月、iTunesStoreには3,000を超えるポッドキャストが掲載されました。

2011年1月、その数は250,000に増えました。現在、Apple Podcasts(以前のiTunes)によってインデックス付けされたポッドキャストは100万を超えています。 2010年、Appleは週に10億以上のポッドキャストを販売していると発表しました。

同社は、昨年、iTunesを通じて7500万のテレビエピソードと3500万の映画を販売したと述べた。 Blubrryは、シアトル地域にあるテクノロジー企業であるRawVoiceInc.の一部門です。












例としては、iTunes、Stitcher、TuneIn Radio、Google Play Music、iHeartRadioなどがあります。ポッドキャストの送信も検討したい、より小さな一般的な関心のあるディレクトリもたくさんあります(これについては後で詳しく説明します)。






ポッドキャストホスティングは、ファイルをアップロードしてポッドキャストを管理できるサイトのようなものです。 SPIポッドキャストをホストするために使用するBlueberry、またはLibsyn(「LiberatedSyndication」の略)をお勧めします。












独自のポッドキャストを開始する方法のガイドは次のとおりです。ポッドキャストの開始を検討する前に、ユニークで興味深い発言があることを確認してください。 To some degree, you don’t need to worry about how many people will be interested in what you’re saying.

In fact, it may be better if you aren’t trying to target a large audience. But if your topic is completely boring or unoriginal, there will be no one interested in your show. Next, decide if you want your podcast to be solo or co-hosted.

I recommend starting solo until you become more comfortable with the interview process and get into a rhythm for producing your show. Once you reach about 10 episodes, consider bringing on a co-host or guest host for an episode every now and then to see how it goes. Find a microphone and recording software that works for you. Your mic can make all the

What Podcast Platforms Should I Publish My Podcast On?

One of the most common questions we get here at Simple Podcast Press is “What podcast platforms should I publish my podcast on?” Podcasting has exploded in recent years with more than 67 million Americans listening to podcasts every month.

With so many people listening to podcasts, it only makes sense that you want to make sure your show is available on all the major podcast platforms. Here are seven podcast platforms that you should make sure your podcast is listed on.

iTunes If you’re a podcaster, you already know that iTunes is one of the most important places to have your podcast listed. It’s incredibly easy for listeners to subscribe and download episodes from iTunes, even if they don’t have an Apple device.

Stitcher Stitcher isn’t as popular as iTunes, but it does have more than 65,000 unique shows and gets over 2 million unique monthly listeners. Stitcher is also the most popular app for Android users, so it’s important to make sure your show can be found there too.

Google Play Music Like Stitcher, Google Play Music is another popular app for Android users who aren’t interested in getting their podcasts from iTunes. This platform has more than 1 billion users worldwide and over 50 million songs available for listening

1。 How to Submit Your Podcast Apple Podcasts

おめでとう! Your podcast is ready to go. Now, you need listeners. To get in front of them, you need to submit your podcast to podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and Spotify. Submitting your show is the only way to get it in these directories.

Before You Submit There are a few things you’ll want to do before submitting your show. Doing these things will help make sure that everything goes smoothly and that you’re set up for success.

Double-check your RSS feed:Your RSS feed is what tells iTunes where to find the audio for your show. Without a working RSS feed, iTunes won’t be able to display your episodes or send new subscribers directly to them.

If you don’t already have an RSS feed set up, learn how to create one here. If you’ve already set one up, just make sure that when you run the RSS feed through a validator like W3C’s Feed Validator or FeedBurner’s Feed Validator it’s coming back clean and without errors.

Get your first three episodes ready:It can take anywhere from 24 hours to several days for Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) to review and approve your podcast once it’s submitted. During this time,

2。 How to Submit Your Podcast to Google Play

Google has made it easier to submit your podcast to Google Play by adding a section to the Google Play Music app and website just for podcasts. While you can’t submit your podcast directly from the app or website, you can use it as a tool to find your podcast’s RSS feed URL (a requirement for submission).

Here’s how:Download the Google Play Music app on an Android device. Open the app and click on the navigation icon in the upper left corner.

When the navigation menu appears, scroll down until you see Podcasts. Click on Podcasts. You’ll be taken to a page that shows featured podcasts and many of them will have a Subscribe button next to them.

Find one that you want to subscribe to and click Subscribe. You should now see a list of episodes of that podcast as well as Subscribe buttons next to each one. Click on one of those episode Subscribe buttons, and you’ll be taken to a screen that shows that episode along with options such as Play and Download.

Click on the three vertical dots at the top right of this screen, then click Share> Copy link. Paste the URL link somewhere so you can access it easily later (for example, a text file on your computer). This is your podcast RSS feed url, which is required

3。 How to Submit Your Podcast to TuneIn

Before you submit your podcast to TuneIn, you’ll need to have a TuneIn account.

  1. Go to and click on the Sign In button in the upper right corner of the page. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address and password if you’re already signed up for TuneIn, or to sign up for a new account if you haven’t used TuneIn before.
  2. Once you’re logged in, go to Click on the link that says “Submit a Station.” Fill out the form with information about your podcast:title, description, language, location, and email address where potential listeners can reach you.
  3. Make sure that “Podcast” is selected as the station type under Step 1:Station Info (you can also select an image for your podcast here). On Step 2:Submit Your Stream, fill in the rss feed URL of your podcast under “Stream URL”.
  4. You can find this on your Captivate Dashboard under Settings> Show Settings> RSS Feeds> iTunes &Directories feed URL; copy and paste this into TuneIn’s form. Click Continue

4。 How to Submit Your Podcast to Stitcher

Stitcher is a popular podcast streaming platform that lets you listen to your favorite shows on-demand and on the go. In this article, we’ll show you how to submit your podcast to Stitcher.

If you’re already hosting your podcast with Buzzsprout, then submitting your podcast to Stitcher is as simple as clicking a button! Go to Directories in the left-hand menu of your Buzzsprout account.

Find Stitcher in the list and click Submit Podcast. You’ll be taken to Stitcher where you can claim your show by entering an email address and password. Before you submit your podcast, make sure it meets all of Stitcher’s requirements:

Stitcher recommends at least 5 episodes before submission, but they do accept new shows with just 1 episode. The artwork for your show should be 3000×3000 pixels, or at least 1400×1400 pixels. It should be 72 DPI and in JPG or PNG format.

Stitcher accepts both MP3 and M4A file formats. The bit rate must be 128 kbps or higher for an MP3 file, or 64 kbps or higher for an M4A file.

5。 How to Submit Your Podcast to Spotify

Spotify is the number one music streaming service in the world. It also has a huge podcasting library.

If you’ve recently launched a podcast, you may want to consider submitting your show to Spotify. If your show is approved for inclusion on the platform, you’ll be able to reach a whole new audience of listeners.

The first step is to choose an aggregator — a company that distributes your podcast to Spotify and other platforms including iTunes, Google Play and Stitcher. (You can also do it yourself.)Once you’ve chosen an aggregator and uploaded your episodes, Spotify will review your submission.

They’re not likely to accept podcasts that are too short or that have low production quality. If your show meets their standards, they’ll accept it and make it available on their platform within a few days or weeks.

How to Submit Your Podcast to Spotify Spotify has been in the podcast game for a while now, but they’ve only recently started to dip their toes into the hosting game. To help you get started, we’ll show you how to submit your podcast to Spotify, as well as what you can do in your Spotify artist profile to promote it. How to Submit Your Podcast to Spotify.

What is the Best Podcast Equipment I Need for My Show?

You want to start your own podcast, but you don’t know where to begin? No problem, this blog will tell you what you need! First of all, congrats on wanting to start your own podcast. I love podcasts and started my own in 2017.

Before we get into the equipment you’ll need, let’s figure out why you want to start a podcast. Is it because it’s a hot trend right now and everyone is doing it? Or do you have something meaningful to share with the world? The latter is the reason why I started my podcast.

I wanted to share my story, inspire others and help them live a more fulfilled life. So before you invest in any equipment, make sure that you have a clear vision and mission for your show.

Once you know WHY you want to start a podcast, it’s time for the next step:planning your first episode. I always recommend writing down an outline for your first few episodes so that you know what topic(s) you want to cover in those episodes. I usually spend 2-3 hours on each episode:1 hour recording and 1-2 hours editing.

1。 Blue Yeti:Best Podcast Microphone

Blue Yeti:Best Podcast Microphone If you want to start a podcast, one of the most important pieces of equipment you’ll need is a microphone. While you can use your computer’s built-in microphone, it’s going to sound awful.

For $129, the Blue Yeti is a great choice that will improve your audio quality immensely The Blue Yeti has three recording modes — cardioid, omnidirectional and bidirectional — which let you record from multiple directions at once. This allows for more creative freedom when recording interviews.

Blue Yeti microphones are the best podcasting equipment available.その理由は次のとおりです。 Podcasting has become one of the most popular forms of content creation in recent years.

As a result, there has been an explosion of new microphones that are marketed towards podcasters. There is a lot of great equipment out there, but if you’re looking for the best microphone for your podcast I believe that the Blue Yeti is still the best option for most people.

It’s not as sexy as some of the newer mics on the market, but it’s hard to beat in terms of sound quality and price. The Blue Yeti is consistently rated highly by reviewers and users alike and is often cited as being great value for money.

It is also very easy to set up and get started with right away.

2。 MacBook Air:Best Laptop for Podcasting

When it comes to podcasting, you have a lot of choices for laptops. While many of these are suitable for recording, editing and publishing podcasts, there are a few features that you should pay special attention to when buying a laptop for this purpose.

MacBook Air:Best Laptop for Podcasting Display Size:If you plan on using loops or adding other pre-recorded tracks into your podcast, you will want the largest display possible. A large screen will allow you to see all the elements at once and make it easier to mix them.

The MacBook Air has a 13.3-inch display, which is more than sufficient for most podcasters. Memory/RAM:The amount of RAM in a laptop plays an integral role in how well it can handle intensive tasks like photo or audio editing.

The standard MacBook Air comes with 4GB of RAM, but can be upgraded to 8GB if needed. This is more than enough memory to handle most audio editing software packages and the general multitasking associated with running a podcast.

Processor Speed:The processor speed on the MacBook Air is what makes this laptop such a powerhouse in terms of performance. It has a dual-core Intel Core i5 processor that can run at speeds up to 2GHz, which allows

3。 Logitech C920S:Best Webcam for Streaming

The Logitech C920S is a great option for anyone looking to get into streaming, and it’s even better for those who might just want to take a few videos and pictures. The camera comes with a stand but also has a tripod mount, so you could use it with a boom arm.

The Logitech C920S offers 1080p video calling at 30FPS or 720p at 60FPS. It also offers 15MP stills, so you could use this as your primary camera if you wanted. You’ll get dual stereo mics, autofocus, and even some mild facial tracking.

It’s not the best webcam on the market, but it’s pretty affordable at just $79.99. It is worth noting that ther are multiple versions of this webcam available, so make sure you’re getting the “S” version when you order. Best Webcam for Streaming – Logitech C920S

4。 Audio-Technica ATH-M50x:Best Headphones for Podcasting

Audio-Technica ATH-M50x:Best Headphones for Podcasting The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x are a big step up from your standard earbuds. They’re ideal for podcasting because they’re closed-back, meaning they don’t leak noise out into the room.

Plus, the large ear cups mean you don’t have to listen to your voice through your ears while recording (which can be off-putting). The sound quality is great, and they’re comfortable enough to wear for long periods of time.

Although they aren’t as portable as other headphones on this list, they fold up nicely, so you could easily use them on the go if you wanted. These headphones are also popular with producers and musicians because of their pro-level sound quality.

The Audio-Technica ATH-M50x headphones may be a bit pricey, but if you’re serious about podcasting, it’s money well spent.

5。 Mackie PROFX8V2:Best Mixer for Podcasting

Podcasting and streaming are all about getting your audio out to the world. But you need the right tools to get it done.

A podcast mixer receives input from multiple sources, allowing you to control the volume of each source individually and to balance them before sending them out to a recording device or broadcast medium (such as YouTube).

If you’re looking for a mixer that’s affordable and easy-to-use, the Mackie PROFX8V2 is a great choice. It has eight channels, so you can use up to four microphones at once.

The mixer also includes an effects engine with 16 effects presets — including reverb, delay, echo and more — that allow you to add some character to your audio without a whole lot of work. It even includes a USB interface for recording directly into your computer.

With all these useful features, the Mackie PROFX8V2 is our favorite mixer for getting started with podcasting.

What is the Best Podcast Software to Record My Episodes?

Podcasts have been around for a while now and the medium shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, it’s getting bigger and bigger by the day.

This is especially true for brands, who are using podcasts more than ever to promote their products and services. The reason for this is clear:audio content is much easier to digest than text-based content. It also has a ‘stickier’ factor in that your audience will often engage in other tasks while they’re listening.

Text, on the other hand, requires 100% of a reader’s attention in order to make sense of it (and even then, they might not get it right). But what is the best podcast software to record your episodes? Not all recording software is created equal, so if you’re wondering which option to go with, read on! If you’re a new podcaster, you may be wondering about the best software to record your episodes.

Like many things in podcasting, there is no “best” answer, but we can give you some recommendations that should help you decide what podcast recording software is right for you.


Anchor is an all-in-one platform where you can create, distribute, and monetize your podcast from any device, for free. Anchor is the easiest way to make a podcast, brought to you by Spotify. With just a couple taps you can create a beautiful podcast that sounds great on all devices.

You don’t need any fancy equipment or a big marketing budget to get started. You can launch a standout podcast in minutes, right from your phone or computer. Anchor handles everything from recording, editing and publishing podcasts, to distribution and monetization.

2。 Zencastr

Zencastr is an online application that records high quality audio using the power of the cloud. The software records each participant locally in high fidelity WAV format, which means there is no degradation in quality due to compression.

All files are automatically uploaded to Dropbox, Google Drive or AWS S3 and saved as separate tracks that can be mixed down later in programs like Adobe Audition, Pro Tools and Garageband. Zencastr is a web-based app that uses the power of your browser to provide the best quality audio recordings possible.

While it sounds simple, there’s actually a lot going on behind the scenes. In this article we’ll take a look at some of the ways Zencastr achieves its goal to give you studio quality audio from remote locations.

In short, we record each guest locally in their own browser and upload those individual tracks directly into our cloud storage in real time. Then, when the show is over we mix those tracks together for you and make them available for download within just a few minutes.

However, there are some other things involved that make this whole process work seamlessly. Let’s start with recording audio in the browser!

3。 Avid Pro Tools

You can use Avid Pro Tools to create, collaborate, and deliver your music. Use it for audio post-production, recording, editing and mixing.

Youcan use Avid Pro Tools to create multitrack music or sound projects with the help of a digital audio workstation. You can record MIDI and audio tracks, edit them and mix them together, add effects such as reverb and EQ, etc.

You can also create music on the go by using its built-in Beat Detective tool that helps you make a beat on your iPhone or iPad. You can use Avid Pro Tools to collaboratively edit music files while they’re being recorded.

You can also export your projects to other workstations such as Logic Pro X or GarageBand for further editing and refinement.With the help of Avid Pro Tools you can easily deliver a final mix of your song or album to the world by burning a CD and making an MP3 file or exporting your project as a WAV file which can then be loaded into iTunes or another media player software package

What Are the Benefits of Podcast Hosts and Why Do You Need One?

What Are the Benefits of Podcast Hosts and Why Do You Need One? If you are interested in learning about podcast hosts and the benefits that they can provide to you and your business, you have come to the right place.

In this article, we will be going over some of the benefits that podcast hosting services provide.

  1. They Deliver Your Content To The Right Places One of the biggest benefits that comes with using a podcast host is the fact that they can help deliver your content to all of the right places where people may want to listen to it. By having a podcast host, you will be able to access all of the proper iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, and other directories that your target market will be looking at when they are looking for new podcasts to listen to. This is going to make it far easier to acquire listeners because they are going to be able to find you on their favorite platform or app.
  2. They Make It Easy To Update Your Podcast Feed Another benefit that makes using a podcast host worthwhile is the fact that they make it incredibly easy for you to update your podcast feed. When it comes time for you to publish a new episode or if you need to make changes to your feed, you should be able to do

1。 Podcast Hosting No Compromise in Quality

Podcast hosting is a well-established method for distributing audio files to millions of people around the world. The technology is used in a variety of ways, from general entertainment to business training.

If you are looking for a way to deliver high quality audio and video to your audience, podcast hosting is one of the best options available. There are no compromises in quality when it comes to podcast hosting.

Podcasts are delivered with the same level of quality as any other media type.It is easy to find a high-quality podcast host that can provide you with the tools you need to distribute your content in a professional manner. You will enjoy more viewers and listeners with ease when you choose a provider that offers this service.

Podcast hosting does not have to be a compromise. With Castos you get top of the line podcast hosting with zero compromises.

Unlimited storage space, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited podcasts. Everything is included in your monthly subscription to Castos. You can focus on growing your podcast audience and leave the technical stuff to us.

2。 Podcast Hosting Sites Can Handle Data Transfers

Podcast Hosting Sites Can Handle Data Transfers There are a few different ways to get your podcast to your listeners, but most podcasters use a podcast hosting site. Podcast hosting sites charge a fee to host your podcasts, and sometimes they require you to pay extra if you exceed data transfer limits.

But some, including Libsyn and SoundCloud, say that their standard accounts can handle the data usage of even the most popular podcasts. The amount of data transfer your podcast uses is based on the size of each episode (usually measured in megabytes) and how many times each episode is downloaded.

“Most podcasts that don’t have extremely large file sizes and very large audiences will be fine with our standard plans,” said Cheryl Toner, a spokesperson for Libsyn. “However, if a show has episodes over 100 MB or an audience larger than 50K downloads per episode, we would recommend reaching out to us so we can tailor a plan for them.”

“We have never encountered any issues with bandwidth for any of our users,” said SoundCloud spokesperson Graham James in an email interview. “Our users run the gamut from small-scale hobbyists who upload the occasional track or recording to professional audio producers regularly uploading multiple tracks per day.”

3。 Podcast Hosting You Save Money on Storage

Podcast hosting is different from other forms of web hosting. Podcasts are audio files, which means they take up a lot more bandwidth than text-based websites.

When you’re shopping around for podcast hosting, you want to find a host that can give you all the resources you need to create and distribute your podcast. Because podcasts are audio files, they take up a lot more bandwidth than a typical website.

If you’re publishing your own podcast, storing and distributing it will cause a spike in your bandwidth usage. That’s why it’s important to find a host that can support the traffic spikes that come with online publishing.

When you get started as a podcaster, your audience is likely small. But as time goes on, your following will grow, and so will your bandwidth needs. You don’t have to choose an expensive plan when you get started, but make sure to find a host that allows for easy upgrades as your show grows.

Podcasts use up huge amounts of storage space if they’re not compressed properly. Many hosts offer unlimited storage as part of their packages, but others limit how much space you have on the server. If you’re recording high-quality audio files or if you plan to publish shows frequently, make sure you choose a host

4。 Podcast Hosting Faster Speed

How To Set Up an Encoder Feed In simple terms, a podcast encoder is a program that takes audio and turns it into an RSS feed. A feed is what your subscribers use to listen to your podcast.

There are two types of feeds you can create. One is for individual episodes, and the other is for the entire show.

It’s always best to submit one feed for your entire show. This way, if you ever want to move away from the service you’re using, or if you want to switch to a new host (like we’re going to do), you don’t have to change any links for your subscribers.

Every podcast episode is supported by a blog post. If you want to read more about the topics we discussed, check out the links on our show notes page.We encourage you to join the School of Podcasting or ask your questions on Speakpipe.

This podcast was produced by me, Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting, and Troy Price from Blubrry Podcasting.

5。 Podcast Hosting Robust Analytics

Podcast Analytics (PA) is a powerful tool for monitoring your podcast and audience. With PA you can see at a glance how your podcast is performing, and view data about your audience.

There are three categories of stats available within PA:Downloads – these are the total number of times an episode has been downloaded by your audience Play rates – these are the total number of times your episodes have been “played” by someone

Geolocation – this shows a high level view of where your listeners are located. The downloads for each episode get updated in PA every 24 hours. These numbers represent how many times that episode has been downloaded during that time period.

The play rate numbers will update immediately and you can see how many people have played each minute, hour or day.” Great audio storage, fast and reliable hosting, easy to use interface and best of all amazing customer service.” Lyndsey Parker Yahoo Music, SiriusXM

6。 Podcast Hosting Additional Security

Podcast Hosting | Additional Security Additional Security We have several additional steps that you can take to keep your podcast hosting account secure. Please note:These security measures will impact the way that you and other users access your account.

If you are uncomfortable making these changes, they are not required to safely host your podcast with Libsyn. The following are a list of recommendations that we suggest in order to increase the security of your account and prevent unauthorized access.

1:Use a Strong Password This is a no-brainer, but please pick a strong password for each of your accounts. Learn more about creating strong passwords here.

2:Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on Your Account This is one of the best ways to protect your account from unauthorized access. If someone manages to guess or steal your password, 2FA will help ensure that only you can access your account even if another person has your password.

For instructions on enabling 2FA on your Libsyn account, click here. 3:Set Up Two-Factor Authentication on Your Email Account If someone gets access to your email address, all sorts of damage can be done to you, including changing the passwords on all of your accounts and accessing sensitive information like bank statements or Social Security numbers

How Do I Choose from the Best Podcast Hosting Sites?

Podcasting has exploded in the past few years. With podcast listenership on the rise and more businesses than ever trying to capitalize on this growing marketing trend, it’s no surprise that there are now dozens of podcast hosting sites out there.

But how do you choose from the best podcast hosting sites? There are a lot of factors to consider. Do you want free podcast hosting or a premium service? What about analytics, monetization options and auto-posting to iTunes? And does your podcast host need to be compatible with your existing website?

The good news is that many of these options are available, but knowing what you’re looking for will make it much easier to narrow down the list of top podcast hosting sites. So let’s take a look at some of the key features you should be considering when choosing the best podcast host for your podcast.

9 Steps to Start a Podcast

What follows are nine steps to start a podcast.

  1. Pick a subject you’re passionate about. Create a show format.
  2. Name your show. Choose a co-host (optional). Create artwork and write a description.
  3. Get recording software and a microphone. Decide where you’ll host your podcast and how you’ll distribute it.
  4. Record and edit your first three episodes. Set up your website, launch, and promote.

1。 Choose a Name For Your Podcast

The name of the show is one of the first things you will want to decide when starting a podcast. It can be difficult to pick the perfect name for your show, but with a little planning and brainstorming, you can select something that will attract listeners and make sense for your show’s theme.

Choose Something Memorable Think about how much attention people pay to websites and social media accounts. If you were to register for a Twitter account and then have to explain it to someone over the phone, would they be able to get on Twitter and find it just by hearing you describe it?

Your podcast’s name should be memorable enough that you can say it once, and people will remember it the next time they are looking for your show. Choose Something Simple The name of your podcast should also be simple.

If your show’s name is too long or complicated, people aren’t going to remember it or tell their friends about your show. You don’t want names where people have to ask you “what was that again?”

Choose Something Descriptive If at all possible, choose a name that describes what your podcast is about. This will help listeners know what type of content they’ll hear from the very beginning. If someone hears the title of your podcast,

2。 Add a Cover Photo For Your Podcast

You can upload a photo to use as the cover image for your podcast. This image will be displayed in iTunes, on Apple Podcasts, and in Google Play Music. If you’ve created a series of episodes on SoundCloud, the image will also be displayed on the episode list page.

To add a cover photo:Go to your Settings by clicking your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen Click Podcasting in the left sidebar Upload a cover photo by clicking Upload Cover Photo under Cover Image The optimal size for images is 1400×1400 pixels.

You can customize the cover art and other information for your podcast on iTunes. To change cover art, or to enter podcast details like name, author, and description:Sign in to Podcasts Connect. Click My Podcasts. Select your podcast.

Click Edit. Note:To edit your feed URL or to upload a new RSS feed, click Advanced Settings.

3。 Add Your Intro Music For Your Podcast

You can add an Intro Music or a theme song to your podcast by uploading an MP3 file. To upload your intro music, open your podcast settings and scroll down to the Intro Music section:[podcastsettingsintro]

Select Upload Intro Music and choose your MP3 file. You can also paste a resource link to the MP3 file if you’d prefer.Once uploaded, you’ll see the audio waveform of your intro music previewed in the editor.

You can change its start time by dragging the bar on the left side of the audio waveform. This is useful if you want to skip over any long silences at the beginning of your intro music! Finally, click Save Changes at the bottom of the page and your intro music will be added to all episodes that don’t already have their own custom intro or outro audio set.

4。 Get The Necessary Equipment For Your Podcast

If you’re going to start your own podcast, you’ll need the proper equipment. Here are the basics:Microphone:You need a microphone that will pick up your voice and convert it into an electrical signal.

That signal will then be sent to your computer, where it can be recorded and edited. If you plan on having guests on your podcast, you may want to consider investing in a mixer, which will allow you to record multiple microphones at once.

Headphones:You’ll need headphones so you can listen back to audio as it’s being recorded. This is important so you can correct mistakes while recording and make sure your audio sounds good before posting it online.

Recording software:There are many different programs that allow you to record and edit audio. Audacity is free and user friendly. It also works for both Macs and PCs.

It’s not necessary to go out and buy all new equipment for your podcast. Many laptops now come with built-in microphones, which should work just fine for recording short episodes.

5。 Create Your Podcast Style

If you love podcasts, it may be tempting to start one yourself. But before you jump in, you need to have a style. By this I mean not just the content of your show, but the format and feel it will have.

If you love podcasts, it may be tempting to start one yourself. But before you jump in, you need to have a style. By this I mean not just the content of your show, but the format and feel it will have.

For instance, there are many different types of shows that can work for a variety of audiences. The key is to find something that works for your content and for your personality — as well as for your audience’s preferences and needs.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating your podcast style:Content and flow:What do you want to say? What is your niche? Are there other podcasts similar to yours? How will they differ? What makes yours unique?

Make a list of topics or ideas that will be covered in each episode and how long each segment will last. The more detailed the outline, the easier it will be to stay on track during recording.

Audio quality:This should go without saying, but having good audio makes all the difference. Investing in

6。 Record and Release Your Podcast

The first step to producing a podcast is recording a podcast. The good news is that you can record, edit and release your podcast from your home computer.

Once you’ve got all your equipment in place, it’s time to record. Recording software is included with your operating system — Windows users will find Sound Recorder on the Accessories menu, while Mac OS X comes with GarageBand and QuickTime Player.

However, these are low-end solutions at best, so it’s worth upgrading to a third-party audio editor for better editing options and higher-quality recording. Three options worth considering are:Audacity (free; open source) Adobe Audition ($249)

REAPER ($60; free trial) To start recording in any of these programs, just click the Record button. When you’re done speaking, click Stop, then listen back through the recording to ensure that you’re happy with it. If not, just click Record again and start over.

Once you’ve recorded everything you need for an episode, save it as a WAV file. This format creates high-quality audio files that don’t compress the sound like MP3 files do (which results in lower-quality recordings). You can then export your finished file as an

7. Promotion and Marketing For Your Podcast

Promotion and marketing is a huge topic, and we don’t have time to cover all the ways you can do it. The good news is that some of the most effective methods are also the easiest and cheapest.

We’ll show you how to create a plan in this lesson. And if you’re not sure what to include in your plan, we have a few ideas! The Best Ways to Promote Your Podcast One of the most powerful ways to promote your podcast is with word-of-mouth.

Word-of-mouth marketing is when people talk positively about something they like and spread the word to their friends, family members and peers. How do you get people talking about your podcast? You create an awesome show that people love! We know that sounds simple, but it really is the best way to get people talking about your show.

When someone likes your podcast, they’ll naturally want to tell other people about it. They might even share it on social media or leave a positive review on iTunes. If your podcast does well, it might even get featured in iTunes New &Noteworthy section for new podcasts!

Podcast Hosting Frequently Asked Questions

Need some help getting your podcast up and running? We’ve created a list of frequently asked questions to help you begin. What is podcast hosting? Podcast hosting refers to a service that stores your audio files in a way that makes it easy for listeners to download or stream them.

It also provides an RSS feed that can be used by podcast directories like Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, Stitcher, etc. In addition to storing your audio files, a podcast host will provide you with analytics about the number of downloads (or streams) so you have an idea of how many people are listening to your show.

An important part of any podcast host is the ability for listeners to subscribe to your show through an RSS feed and for this content to be shareable across different platforms. This is why you need a podcast host — without one, it will be difficult for people to find and listen to your show.

Why do I need a dedicated podcast hosting service if I can just upload my episodes on SoundCloud or YouTube? SoundCloud, YouTube, and other media sharing platforms were not designed specifically for podcasts. Many people do use these services as their dedicated podcast hosts, but there are a few drawbacks:You don’t own or control

Is Starting A Podcast Worth It?

Podcasting is booming, but starting a new one can be daunting. There are so many questions to ask yourself:Should I start a podcast? What should my podcast be about? Will my podcast make money? And most importantly, is starting a podcast worth it?

It’s not easy to make money off of podcasts if you’re just starting out. For example, let’s say you have an audience of 1,000 listeners and you sell advertising for $20 per ad. That means your gross revenue is only $20 per episode.

While we can all agree that $20 isn’t bad, it doesn’t really make or break anything either. Especially when you consider that editing and publishing costs can add up to around $200 per episode.

The good news is that the more listeners you gain, the more money you’ll earn from advertisers. As your audience grows, so does your revenue potential — which is why we recommend starting a podcast with the goal of growing an audience first and foremost.

Where Can I Host A Podcast?

If you’re starting a podcast, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is choosing where to host your podcast. The right hosting platform will help you get your podcast out to listener, as well as provide you with useful analytics on how people are listening, and what they’re enjoying.

Podcast hosting platforms are generally quite simple to use. All you have to do is upload your audio file and then copy and paste a small bit of code into your website, and your episode will be live!

You have a couple options for podcast hosting:Use a free hosting service (like SoundCloud or Anchor). This option is best if you’re just starting out, or if you don’t plan on having a lot of listeners.

The biggest downside here is that these platforms can be unreliable, or might shut down at any time. Pay for podcast hosting. There are many great paid podcast hosts out there (including Sounder), which will give you more reliable hosting, better analytics, and more control over your content.

Where Can I Host A Podcast For Free?

If you’re creating a podcast, the first thing you need is somewhere to host it. But while there are plenty of good places to host podcasts online, it’s hard to find one that offers unlimited bandwidth and storage for free.

That’s why I was surprised when I found out that SoundCloud offers its users both of these features at no cost. SoundCloud has been around since 2007 and is originally a music sharing platform.

However, it also works well as a place to host podcasts because it gives users unlimited storage for their audio files. This means you can upload your episodes in high quality with no restrictions on the size of your file or number of downloads.

You can also embed your podcast episodes into websites like WordPress or Squarespace (and even social media platforms like Facebook) using Soundcloud’s embedding option. If you don’t have your own website, SoundCloud also includes a basic webpage where people can listen to your podcast episodes directly on the app.

Do I Need Podcast Hosting?

Do I Need Podcast Hosting? I’ve been an avid podcast listener for many years. I listen to podcasts on my commute, at the gym and while performing menial tasks around the house. I probably listen to 2-3 hours of podcasts each day.

In that time, I’ve discovered some great shows and more than a few awful ones. I find that one of the biggest culprits behind a poorly produced show is poor quality audio. It’s not always poor audio levels (although those are certainly common), but it may also be background noise, echo, or even just bad recording equipment.

What does all this have to do with podcast hosting? Well, if you’re starting your own podcast you’re going to need a reliable host for your episodes. In this article we’ll talk about what a podcast host is, why you need one and how to choose the right option for your show.

Can You Mke Money Podcasting?

The first step to making money as a podcaster is passing on the bill for your podcasting expenses to your listeners. There are lots of ways you can do this, but the most common method is probably by using one of the major podcast advertising networks and hosting services like AdvertiseCast.

For example, you can use AdvertiseCast to host your podcast while simultaneously getting paid through their affiliate network. This means that whenever you bring in new sponsors and advertisers, AdvertiseCast will get a cut of the money.

This service will also allow you to insert custom ads into your podcasts, giving you even more control over how much money you make, and when Of course, if you’re going to be hosting your own ads on your own site or YouTube channel, you’ll need to pay for that too — which means adding additional fees onto your podcast hosting costs, which will eat into any earnings that you get from advertising. Keep this in mind if you’re budgeting for the future of your podcast!

Another option is to start selling merchandise through your website or social media channels (like T-shirts or mugs), or even offering tickets for live events. By allowing people to support your podcast financially, you can make sure it doesn’t become unsustainable

How Often Should You Publish A Podcast?

When you’re starting a podcast, one of the first questions that comes up is:How often should I publish?

Don’t overthink this. It’s a noble thing to want your show to be consistent, but it’s not the most important factor in being successful or attracting an audience. And if you get too hung up on it, you may end up missing out on other aspects of producing your podcast that can really help you stand out.

The truth is, there is no right answer when it comes to how often you should publish. The key factors are putting out shows that are high quality and true to your mission, and having fun while doing so.

Podcasting can be a great way to get your voice heard. You can create a podcast on almost any subject you like, from animals to self-help, and spread your message across the globe.

To enjoy the full benefits of podcasting, however, you need to build an audience for your podcast. That may sound like a daunting prospect, but with some consistency and planning on your part, it’s achievable.

One of the best ways to develop a loyal audience is by deciding how often you’re going to publish your podcast, and then sticking to that schedule. It doesn’t matter if it’s daily or once a month — just make sure you put out new episodes at the same time every week or month so people know when they should be listening.

Best Podcast Hosting – Wrapping Up

Well, there you have it. We think that Libsyn is best podcast hosting service on the market today.

They have a great feature set, excellent customer support and have been in the game longer than anyone else. That said, many of the other podcast hosts in our list are also very good.

Just make sure you are choosing a host that meets your needs. If you are just getting started, you might not need all of the advanced features that Libsyn has to offer – or you may be able to afford them (Libsyn’s plans start at $5/mo).

But once your podcast starts growing, it will be nice to know that your hosting provider can handle whatever comes next. There’s not really a wrong choice here – they all have their pros and cons.

Our best advice is to look at each one carefully and make an informed decision based on what’s right for you and your show.

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