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クローズド キャプションで子供の読解力を高めるための 5 つのヒント


そこでクローズドキャプションの出番です!あなたの子供があなたが望んでいる以上にテレビを見ている場合は、読書の恩恵を逃していないかどうかを確認してください.クローズド キャプション (CC) はテレビの機能で、画面の下部に単語が表示されるので、登場人物の発言と一緒に読むことができます。


クローズド キャプションを使用すると、お子様はテレビの言葉を読み、それについていくことができます。つまり、言われていることを処理することを余儀なくされます。これは、読むことを学ぶ上で不可欠なスキルです。また、字幕付きの DVD と組み合わせて使用​​すると、語彙と理解力が向上します。

お子様の読解力を向上させる手段としてクローズド キャプションを使用するためのヒントを次に示します。


子供の語彙力と読解力を高めようとしている場合は、ルーニー トゥーンズやトムとジェリーなどの古典的な漫画から、フルハウスなどの実写番組や、アドベンチャー タイムまたはプッカ。

2.クローズド キャプション マラソンを行う

クローズド キャプション マラソンを行います。 1 日を選んで、テレビのクローズド キャプション機能を使用して子供と一緒にできるだけ多くの映画を見て、読み聞かせを手伝ってください。

各映画が、シリーズの前のエピソードで何が起こっているのか、または何が起こったのかについてのエキサイティングな会話を引き起こしていることに気付くかもしれません.一緒に見た映画を追跡するには、無料の 5 日間のクローズド キャプション付き映画チャートを印刷してください!

3.お子様と一緒に CD で本を聴きましょう。



4.クローズド キャプションを就寝時のルーチンの一部にします。

お子様と一緒に 1 日を締めくくるときは、クローズド キャプションをオンにして、サウンドを上げずにテレビを一緒に見てください。


5. DVD やビデオ ゲームの登場人物と一緒に読むようにお子様に勧めてください。


子供たちは、お気に入りの DVD やゲームを繰り返しプレイするのが大好きです (学習の機会を逃していることに常に気づいているわけではありません)。クローズド キャプションにより、子供たちはお気に入りのキャラクターと一緒に読むことができ、まるでゲームの中にいるような気分になります。

ことばの力は計り知れず、子どもたちの成長をさまざまな面で助けます。お子様と一緒にテレビを見ているときにクローズド キャプションを含めることで、お子様は新しい言葉を学びながら、脳の活動を刺激し、数か月ではなく数か月で学業成績を向上させる識字能力を身につけることができます!

クローズド キャプションが重要な理由


お子様がテレビ番組や映画を見ているときにクローズド キャプションを使用することで、お子様の読書能力を向上させることができます。理由は次のとおりです。

クローズド キャプションは、お子様が楽しみながら新しい単語を学ぶのに役立ちます。読書は幼児の語彙を増やすのに役立つことがわかっていますが、テレビや映画を見ているときは、聞いている言葉について考えていない可能性があります.

クローズド キャプションは、見落としがちな新しい用語に慣れるのに役立ちます。
クローズド キャプションは、書き言葉の仕組みを教えることで、お子様が読むことを学ぶのに役立ちます。 It has been shown that children exposed to more opportunities like closed captioning will pick up their reading skills faster than those who aren’t.

When your child is watching TV, she’ll have a chance to look at the captions and see how individual letters are written out. Early phonics lessons can begin this way before she’s old enough for school-aged reading programs!

Closed Captioning allows you to practice vocabulary with your child. Whether or not you choose to homeschool your child, you can use closed captioning to help her learn new words.

For example, if your child watches a movie or TV show that uses lots of difficult or uncommon words, you can pause the program and give your child time to figure out what they mean based on context clues and other words in the sentence.

It helps make reading more enjoyable. Another reason why closed captioning is important. Children who already know how to read find it much easier to lose themselves in a good book. When watching video clips with closed captions, you can encourage their interest by asking them about what’s going on and where the story is headed.

Switch off Closed Captioning when appropriate. When you’re with your children and aren’t watching TV or movies, turn closed captioning off and read to them! Although closed captioning is an opportunity for parents and children alike to improve their reading levels, it’s not a substitution for an accurate reading.

Why Closed Captioning is important for Dyslexic Students

Studies show that students with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD) often have trouble understanding what they hear; children with dyslexia may even misread words when they sound like other words.

One way teachers and parents can help these struggling readers and teach autistic children is by using closed captioning. Captions provide real-time translation, which means viewers can read what they hear, just as people who don’t have disabilities do.

Captions also allow educators and parents to preview how well students understand the material before allowing them to watch without supervision.

In addition to its ability to improve comprehension skills, closed-captioning makes it easier for struggling readers – particularly those with dyslexia – to process information presented visually in text format.
While most people can process written words quickly, those with dyslexia struggle with word recognition and decoding text, making it difficult for them to grasp what they read.

Teachers can use closed captioning to help their students avoid common reading mistakes.
For example, skipping over words or phrases while reading aloud, confusing homophones (words that sound alike but have different meanings), misreading or omitting punctuation marks in a sentence, and losing their place on the page.

Closed captioning also helps some students build fluency because they can read at their own pace.
Using media or television in the classroom can help students read and understand content better.

Closed Captioning:Using Television in the Classroom

Many educators already use closed captions in classrooms worldwide; however, not all visually impaired students use them. Many country laws require that specific programs or videos are captioned for people with disabilities.

Educators can implement closed captions in several ways:

1) Have students watch a video with TV captions featuring a character they study in language arts or social studies class.

If possible, choose one that features descriptive audio to learn about how different people sound when they speak; this will help build their awareness of dialects and accents.
For example, you could play a video that provides commentary on the historical period they are studying or use it as an introduction to a play you will soon begin rehearsing.

2) Learn through TV captions on educational videos

Show students an educational video during language arts and social studies class, perhaps after introducing a new vocabulary word(s).

This allows struggling readers to read the definition of difficult words as they appear on screen rather than wait until later, when they may have forgotten what was said.

3) Use closed captioning as part of auditory processing therapy for ASD, NVLD, or dyslexia.

While captions aren’t delivered orally like audio recordings, which can present challenges for students with specific learning disabilities, they do visual information that helps them process and retain information faster and more efficiently.

4) Play a video clip containing dialogue or detailed instructions found in an audiobook your students are listening.

It will help students process the information they hear while following along with what they read simultaneously. It also allows them to increase their fluency when reading aloud by eliminating any hesitations over words that cause trouble for them (i.e., “a” + “r” =?).

5) Closed captions also provide more opportunities for students with autism and other disabilities to learn social skills.

Watching a character on video speak, then reading what that character said in the form of closed-captioning, helps ASD students understand how others communicate and how their words are translated into text.
It also allows them to practice conversational skills by engaging in role-play based on an activity they just watched on screen.

Ultimately, captioning is another tool educators can use to help struggling readers and those with learning disabilities boost their comprehension and fluency while building awareness about language, visual elements and advance literacy concepts.

How Parents &Educators Can Assist Struggling Readers With Closed Captions

Closed captions can be used to help struggling readers and those with dyslexia learn how to recognise letters, words, and sentences in the context of sentence structure and meaning rather than in isolation.

Since such students often need to hear or see words multiple times before they grasp their meaning, this can help them become more confident and comfortable with written language.

Educators using closed-captioning can:

Pair it with narration

While showing a video clip that includes captions, read the transcript and encourage struggling readers to do the same as you highlight key points and discuss what’s happening on screen.

If your school has iPads, consider downloading an app such as Highlight Cam that helps students record themselves reading along with a visual cue of where they are currently at in a given text as well as their finished performance of captioning.

Use it during fluency practice activities

Have struggling readers watch different video sections and then read the captions and discuss what they saw and heard. It allows students to practice reading aloud without worrying about mispronouncing words or getting lost in passages.

Pair it with other literacy tools such as graphic organisers

Ask students to watch a short video clip containing captions, write down words as they appear on screen and details from the dialogue, and then compare those notes to those of their classmates.

Next, have them watch another section of the same video and do the same thing again using different visual maps such as Venn Diagrams, T-charts, or cause/effect diagrams to help them analyse critical aspects of a text.

When different online teaching tools are used along with closed captioning, these strategies help students learn how to sequence the different events of a story while providing them with more time to focus on understanding written words rather than guessing what they are based on context.

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