インスタグラムのリールは、あなたのブランドのために強力なオーディエンスフェローシップを構築するための金鉱です.短編動画は、より魅力的で面白いと同時に要点がはっきりしているため、大ヒットしています。毎月 14 億人以上のアクティブ ユーザーを抱える Instagram は、最も人気のあるソーシャル メディア プラットフォームの 1 つです。そして、今後数年間でさらに大きくなるでしょう。
近年の Instagram の最大の変更点の 1 つは、Instagram リールの導入です。リールは、作成して Instagram で共有できる 15 秒の短い動画です。これらは TikTok ビデオに似ていますが、いくつかの重要な違いがあります。まず、リールは Instagram でのみ利用できます。第二に、TikTok ビデオよりも多くのユーザーにアルゴリズムでプッシュされます。
2023 年に入って 3 か月が経ちました。来年のコンテンツ戦略について考え始めるときです。必要な最も重要なプラットフォームの 1 つは Instagram です。リールを作成していなければ、Instagram でより多くの人々にリーチする大きな機会を逃していることになります。
Instagram の簡単な歴史
Instagram は、Facebook, Inc. が所有する写真と動画を共有するソーシャル ネットワーキング サービスです。Instagram を使用すると、ユーザーは写真や動画をサービスにアップロードできます。これらはフィルターで編集したり、タグで整理したりできます。ユーザーは、他のユーザーのコンテンツを閲覧してタグ付けすることもできます。ただし、公人またはハッシュタグでない限り、身元不明のタグ付き写真を表示することはできません。
Statista によると、米国の Instagram ユーザーの 46% が女性で、54% が男性で、年齢の中央値は 34 歳です。

TikTok と YouTube は短編動画プラットフォームですが、Instagram リールを他のプラットフォームと一線を画すのは編集機能です。数回タップするだけで、音楽、AR 効果、テキスト オーバーレイを動画に追加できます。魅力的なコンテンツをすばやく簡単に作成できます。外出先に最適です。
第二に、リールは発見可能です。これは、あなたのコンテンツが、通常は目にすることのない人々に見られる可能性があることを意味します。 Instagram で特定のトピックを検索すると、関連するリールが結果に表示されます。
Instagram のリールは、あなたの個性をアピールするのに最適な方法です。長さはわずか 15 秒なので、視聴者に多くのコミットメントを要求する必要はありません。また、非常に簡単に作成できるため、自分に最適なものが見つかるまで、さまざまなスタイルや形式を試すことができます。
リール、動画、画像のダウンロードに関する Instagram の制限
お気づきかもしれませんが、Instagram は最近、画像、動画、リールのダウンロードを制限しています。これは、アプリから携帯電話やコンピューターに Instagram リールをダウンロードできなくなったことを意味します。
この変更の理由は不明ですが、著作権の問題が原因である可能性があります。または、Instagram が許可なく他の人のコンテンツを保存および共有することを防止したいためである可能性があります。いずれにせよ、お気に入りの投稿を保存して共有するのが好きな私たちにとっては、少し面倒です.
一部の回避策では Instagram リールをダウンロードできますが、一部の Web サイトやアプリはユーザー フレンドリーではなく、Instagram がそれらを取り締まることを決定した場合、長く機能しなくなる可能性があります。
Instagram リールはいくつかの方法でダウンロードできます。それらの中には無料のものもあれば、少額の料金を支払う必要があるものもあります。以下は、Instagram リールをダウンロードするための最も人気のある Web サイトとアプリの一部と、その長所と短所のリストです。
Reelit は、Instagram Reels を携帯電話やコンピューターにダウンロードできる無料のアプリ/ウェブサイトです。 Reelit アプリは iOS および Android デバイスで利用でき、使いやすいです。 Search for the Reel you want to download, and then click on the “Download” button.
One option is downloading the video directly from Instagram using a web browser like Google Chrome or Safari. Here’s how:
It doesn’t require you to have an Instagram account. So if you don’t have one or are not logged in, you can still download any public Reels that you find.
Ads and pop-ups.
#2. DownloadGram
This website allows you to enter the URL of the reel you want to download, and it will then provide you with a link to download the video.
- This method is entirely free and easy to use.
- The quality of the downloaded video may not be as high as if you were to download it directly from Instagram.
- You may find ads and pop-ups irritating.
#3. ReelDownloader or InstaReelDownloader
It allows you to enter the URL of the reel you want to download, and it will then save it onto your phone or tablet.
It’s very easy to use, and they don’t cost anything.
- Once again, the quality of the downloaded videos may not be as high as if you were to download them directly from Instagram.
- Ads and pop-ups.
Why would you want to download Instagram Reels?
There are a few reasons why downloading Instagram Reels could benefit you.
For one, it can help you save your favorite Reels for later use. For instance, if there’s a particular Reel that you enjoy and want to be able to watch over and over again without having to scroll through your feed to find it.
Share them with friends or family who don’t have an Instagram account. By downloading the video, you can then send it via text message, email, or even post it on another social media platform like Facebook or Twitter. This way, everyone can enjoy the content regardless of whether or not they’re on Instagram.
Downloading Instagram Reels can also be useful if you want to edit the videos before sharing them on other social media platforms. For example, maybe there’s a video section that you want to cut out or add some filters or effects to make it more visually appealing. With most video editing apps, such as iMovie or Adobe Premiere Rush CC, it’s easy to import files from your camera roll - including downloaded videos from Instagram. So if you’re looking for more creative control over your content, downloading Reels could be the way to go.
You may want to download Instagram reels to gain leverage as user-generated content (UGC) for your brand promotions.
Is Downloading Instagram Reels Legal?
It’s a valid question to ask, considering that there are many ways to do it, and many people seem to be doing it without any consequences.
The answer is:it depends.
There are some cases where downloading Instagram videos is perfectly fine and others where it might not be.
Let’s take a closer look at the details.
First of all, let’s consider the copyright situation. Copyright law says that you can’t make copies of copyrighted material without the copyright holder’s permission. When you download a video from Instagram (or anywhere else), you are making a copy of that video.
So, if the video you’re downloading is copyrighted, then you need the permission of the copyright holder in order to do so legally. In most cases, the copyright holder will be the person who originally posted the video on Instagram (unless they’ve sold or transferred their copyright to someone else).
It means that if you want to download a copyrighted video from Instagram without breaking the law, you’ll need permission from the person who posted it first. Of course, this isn’t always easy or possible—but it’s something to keep in mind.
Now let’s consider another angle:what if you’re downloading a video for your own personal use? This is where things get a bit more complicated.
There are two main arguments here:one is that downloading a video for your own personal use doesn’t hurt anyone, so it should be allowed; and the other is that once you’ve downloaded a video, you could potentially share it with others (either online or offline), which does violate copyright law.
So which side is right?
Unfortunately, there isn’t really a clear-cut answer here—it depends on how you look at things. Some people believe that as long as you’re not sharing the downloaded videos with anyone else, then there’s no harm done and thus no reason why.

Download Instagram reels without watermark
One thing that can be frustrating about Instagram is that you can’t download videos without a watermark. You can use video editing tools to remove the watermark or you can use some free tools that remove watermark for you.
Why should you be making Reels in 2023?—Here are 4 reasons:
1. Reels are algorithmically pushed to more users
Reels are algorithmically pushed to more users than TikTok videos. This means that if you create a Reel that performs well, it has the potential to be seen by millions of people.
Here are some things to keep in mind when creating Instagram Reels:
Keep it under 30 seconds: Like with regular Stories, people’s attention spans are limited when watching Reels. Keeping your reels concise and to the point—is the key to more engaging reels.
Use catchy music: To grab more people’s attention and hold it throughout the video.
Be creative with your editing: With Reels, you have access to several editing features that can help you add some flair to your videos. So don’t be afraid to experiment!
Use hashtags: Hashtags can be a great way to reach new audiences with your Reel. Just be sure to use relevant and popular ones that will get you noticed.
For example, if you’re a jewelry designer, you might use hashtags like #jewelrydesigner #handmadejewelry #customjewelry #jewelrygram.
2. Reaching out to a new audience with Instagram Reels
Reels are a great way to reach a new audience on Instagram. If you’re not creating content for Reels, you’re missing out on an opportunity to connect with people who might not be familiar with your brand.
Reels are a great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. You can include links in your Reel descriptions, which makes it easy for people to click through and learn more about what you do.
The average engagement rate on an Instagram post is 2 to 3%. For instance, if you have 1000 to 1500 followers, it will reach to minimal amount of people. For Instagram Reels, you can receive a very uncommon engagement rate if the Reels are relevant and engaging.
3. Reels are engaging and fun
Reels are engaging and fun. They’re the perfect way to show off your personality and connect with your audience on a deeper level. Instagram marketers must evolve their content marketing strategy to remain relevant, goal-oriented, and successful. Seeing the same type of images from time to time is kind of boring content. Reels may not be rapid, but they are more engaging, funny, and genuinely enjoyable to watch when they are done right.
4. Building a strong image for your brand
Content creators can choose different personas, such as professional-on-camera and relaxed-on-camera, to best present the true personality of their brand. As you may have observed, some part is entertainment, and some part of the screen show text is the kind of content we rarely saw before. The personas can leverage your marketing perspectives while building a strong personality for your business.
It’s a wrap-up
Instagram reels are a way to interact with your audience on a deeper level. They are short, enjoyable videos that display your personality and inform your followers about what you’re up to. But how can you download it? If you want to download Instagram reels, any of the above-mentioned tools can assist. No matter which tool you choose, downloading Instagram reels will be easy!