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DJI、Yuneec、Parrot SA、Autel Robotics、Hubsanが最も人気のあるドローン製造会社です。しかし、ドローン部品、カウンタードローンシステム、ニュース、ドローンレースの開催、保険の提供など、ドローン関連のサービスを提供している企業は他にもたくさんあります。



  • ハードウェア
  • カウンタードローン
  • メディア
  • レーシング
  • 保険
  • ソフトウェア
  • トレーニング
  • サプライヤー
  • サービスプロバイダー
  • コミュニティ
  • 資金調達
  • マーケットプレイス
  • 会議



DJIはおそらくドローン業界で最も有名なブランドです。 2006年にFrankWangによって設立されたDJIは、ドローン市場の60%以上を占めるまでに成長しました。消費者向けドローンが普及する前から存在していました。

DJIの最初のドローンはファントムドローンでした。しかし、これまで以上に人気を博しているドローンは、MavicMiniを含むMavicシリーズです。 DJIが成長し続ける理由の1つは、ハードウェアとソフトウェアを絶えず更新および改善していることです。



Yuneecは、固定翼RC航空機を製造することでRCの世界に加わりました。彼らは後にクワッドコプターの構築に移行し、かなり上手になりました。 Yuneecドローンはかなり大きく、通常の4つのプロペラの代わりに6〜8つのプロペラを備えています。彼らのドローンは、主に写真、検査、消防などの商用アプリケーションに使用されます。



Parrot SAは、ドローン、チップセット、ロボットなどのワイヤレスデバイスの製造を専門とするフランスの会社です。彼らの最も注目すべきドローンは、アナフィとビバップのドローンです。



Autel Robotics

Autel Roboticsは、UAV業界で急成長している企業であり、DJIの直接の競争相手です。 Autel RoboticsとDJIドローンは、テクノロジーが類似しているため、互いに対立することがよくあります。 Autel Roboticsは2012年にリリースされ、あまり多くのドローンをリリースしていませんが、すでに市場に出ているモデルであるEVOシリーズは特に有望に見えます。


Hubsanは、おもちゃのドローンを専門とする人気のドローン会社です。彼らのドローンはDJIドローンほど高品質ではないかもしれませんが、優れた安価なエントリーレベルのドローンを提供します。 200ドル未満で、優れたカメラ、驚くべき飛行時間、優れたビルド品質を備えた平均以上のHubsanドローンを手に入れることができます。彼らの注目すべきドローンモデルには次のものがあります;

  • Hubsan H109S X4 Pro
  • Hubsan X4 H107D +
  • Hubsan H501S


これは、クワッドコプター、ヘリコプター、およびRC車両の両方を製造しているもう1つの評判の良いRCデバイスメーカーです。 10年以上の間、彼らは初心者と子供たちの飛行体験をより簡単でより良いものにするための革新を考え出してきました。



Skydioの目標は、自律型ドローンを構築することでした。これは、ドローンモデルや、阿部とブライが参加した他のプロジェクトで明らかです。彼らの最初のドローンはモデルR1でしたが、スターダムへと駆り立てたドローンはSkydio 2でした。Skydioは現在、米国を拠点とする最初のドローン会社であり、10億ドルの価値があります(リンク)。


以前はParrotSAが所有していたSenseFlyは、調査とマッピングのソリューションを提供することを専門とするハイエンドのドローンメーカーです。 AgEagleは現在SenseFlyを所有しており、マッピング用のドローンを製造するという使命を継続しています。







これは、受賞歴のあるDracoレーシングドローンシリーズ、最高速度100 mphまでの小型で軽量のドローン、人間工学に基づいた設計、自律機能、7分の飛行時間のおかげです。これはレースに最適です。ドローン。


Force1 RC


最高のForce1ドローンの1つに、80ドルの費用と720pカメラを備えたBlue Jayがあり、飛行時間は最大10分です。











Atlas Dynamicsは、ドローンの使用を強化するのに役立つ自律型ソリューションを製造しています。注目すべきソリューションには次のものがあります。

  • AtlasPro – これは、緊急対応、調査、農業、および検査アプリケーション用に設計された高度なドローンです。 2018年、AtlasProUAVはRedDot ProductDesignAwardを受賞しました。その主な機能のいくつかには、32分の飛行時間、強風耐性、およびフィールドにいる間に2つのドローンを交換する機能が含まれます。 AtlasProには、AtlasStationと、長いバッテリー寿命、強力な接続、便利なインターフェースを備えた高度なコントローラーも付属しています。
  • AtlasNEST – これは、さまざまなミッションを処理するためにドローンを充電して自律的に展開するドローンの格納庫のようなものです。電池も交換します。このシステムを使用すると、ドローンはデータを収集し、オペレーターからの入力なしでステーションに送信できます。
  • AtlasRelay – これは、見通し線を超えてAtlasProドローンの範囲を拡張し、長距離からのライブストリーミングを可能にするように設計されたデバイスです。
  • ペイロード– Atlasは、ジンバルやセンサーなどのペイロードや、ドローンで使用するさまざまなアクセサリも製造しています。




Freeflyは、ジンバル、カメラ、ドローンなどのシネマトグラフィー用のアクセサリを製造しています。それらは、Moviジンバル、ハンドヘルドスタビライザー、ジェスチャー制御のフォーカスとズーム、ドローンサーフィン、および360度ロールジンバルで有名です。彼らのドローンもかなり強力で、Alta 6、Alta 8、Alta 8 Pro、AltaXが含まれています。

Alta Xは、1つのバッテリーで最大50分間飛行でき、離陸重量は少なくとも77ポンドです。高度なジンバルとカメラを組み合わせることで、通常のドローンでは不可能な複雑なショットを実現できます。



しかし、GoProはまだアクセサリービジネスで繁栄しており、多くのドローンがアクセサリーと互換性を持つように製造されています。これには、Mavic Air 2、DROCON Bugs 3、HolyStoneHS7600Dが含まれます。


Holy Stoneは、屋外での使用に最適なおもちゃのドローンから、まともなカメラを備えた低予算のプロ用ドローンまで、幅広いドローンを製造しています。彼らのドローンは、これまでドローンを使用したことがない初心者に最適です。






Sky Viperは、レース、航空写真、アクロバット向けのエントリーレベルのドローンの有名なメーカーです。彼らのドローンは、ArduPilotフライトコントローラープラットフォーム上に構築されており、ドローンのほとんどの側面を制御し、初心者でも簡単にドローンを飛ばすことができます。

さらに良いことに、Sky Viperには、本物を飛ばす前にドローンを仮想的に飛ばしてみることができるアプリもあります。彼らの最も人気のあるドローンモデルは次のとおりです。

  • ジャーニーGPSドローン
  • スカウトビデオドローン
  • ファーリースタントドローン
  • ダッシュナノドローン


彼らは、Cheers CX10シリーズ、CX35、CX-OFなどの最も小さなドローンのいくつかを生産することで今でも知られています。













Draganflyは、革新的なセンシング技術業界で独自のニッチを切り開いたもう1つのドローン会社です。 30年以上の経験を持つ彼らは、政府、軍隊、捜索救助、農業、医療サービスなど、さまざまな分野のアプリケーションを使用してハードウェアとソフトウェアを構築してきました。





高度な照明と高度なデータキャプチャテクノロジーを組み合わせることで、これらのドローンは、限られたスペースやパイプ内などのアクセスできないスペースに配備できます。彼らの製品には、Elios Drones、ドローンから遠くまで飛ぶ必要がある場合のレンジエクステンダー、ドローンで使用するInspector3.0ソフトウェアが含まれます。


Action Drone USAは、商業用および政府用のドローンを製造する産業用ドローンメーカーです。

彼らのドローンには、AD-VW1、VTOL(垂直離着陸)機能を備えた固定翼ドローン、50分の飛行時間、200 Kmの動作範囲、最大2kgの積載量が含まれます。












EHangは、完全に機能する自律型航空機であるEHang 216 AAVを開発した最初の企業のひとつであるため、空飛ぶ車の未来がどのようになるかをプレビューします。いくつかのプロペラがあるのでドローンのように見えますが、少なくとも2人を輸送することもでき、パイロットは高度な飛行スキルを必要としません。

また、Falcon Bシリーズ、企業や政府企業にとって多くの価値ある機能を備えた一連の自律型ドローン、消防用に設計されたEHang 216Fなど、他の小型ドローンもあります。


ブレードは、エントリーレベルとミディアムレベルのクワッドコプターとヘリコプターの両方で知られているさらに別の消費者向けドローンメーカーです。彼らは、ドローンを比較的簡単に飛ばせるSAFE(Sensor Assisted Flight Envelope)で知られています。

SAFEテクノロジーは、軽量設計に関係なく優れた安定性を保証します。 Bladeのドローンは、100ドル未満のおもちゃのドローンから、BladeChromaなどのGLONASSおよびGoPro機能を備えた高度なドローンまでさまざまです。




また、FPVレーシングドローンとDJIファントムドローン用のPPKアタッチメントもあります。 PPKは、飛行後に修正する高度なGPSであり、収集するデータの精度を高めます。











Azur Dronesは、セキュリティニッチのもう1つの大手ドローンメーカーです。彼らは、監視と検査のために設計された完全自律型ドローンであるSKEYETECHの背後にあります。これらのドローンは、すべてAIのおかげで、離陸、事前定義された領域のスキャン、着陸を行うことができます。


Planck AeroSystems

ドローンの使用を制限する主な機能の1つは、1つの場所から起動し、同じ場所に着陸する必要があることです。移動中に操作することはできません。 Plank AeroSystemsは、車両、ボート、船など、移動中に操作できるドローンを製造することで、この問題を解決します。彼らのドローンは熟練したパイロットを必要としません。



ParaZeroは、ユーザーとその周囲の人々の両方にとってドローンの使用を安全にします。 FAAの規則によると、ドローンは人や財産に危険をもたらすため、ドローンを人の上に飛ばしてはいけません。免除を申請することはできますが、何かが起こる可能性があり、ドローンが人に衝突する可能性があります。


  • カットパワー– 緊急の場合、ParaZeroはモーターへの電力を遮断します。これにより、モーターが致命傷を負うのを防ぎ、モーターがパラシュートに干渉するのを防ぎます。
  • サウンドアラーム– 緊急時にドローンがクラッシュした場合は、アラームを鳴らして周囲の人に警告します。
  • パラシュート– パラシュートは衝撃を最小限に抑え、ドローンが損傷したり怪我をしたりすることなく安全に着陸できるようにします。
  • ブラックボックス– これは、クラッシュの原因を示したミニコンピューターです。

Impossible AeroSpaceは、飛行時間の延長と捜索救助任務および法執行に適した高度な技術を備えた独自のドローンを製造しています。これは、テスラの元バッテリーエンジニアであるスペンサーゴアによって開始され、彼らの「バッテリーファーストアプローチ」について説明しています。

彼らは2018年にUS-1ドローンをリリースしました。これは、システムを利用して電力を生成する飛行バッテリーであり、少なくとも90分間飛行することができます。また、光学センサーと熱センサーも装備されており、かつてはSWAT Team Captureに使用されていました(リンク)。



彼らの最近の開発の1つは、斗山と共同で製造された世界初の水素燃料電池VTOLドローンであるDJ25です。この印象的なプロトン交換膜燃料電池は、1回の飛行で5時間半の飛行時間を達成することができました。 DJ25は、飛行中に最大500 kmをカバーできるため、長距離検査、大規模な測量、およびマッピングに理想的なソリューションです。





Airspace Galaxyは、ドローンの検出および応答システムを開発しています。これらのシステムは、無線信号に依存して、お住まいの地域のドローンアクティビティを検出し、AIと機械学習に基づいてドローンアクティビティを脅威またはカジュアルな使用法として分類し、好みの方法で警告します。






SPARROWHAWK By Search Systems


SPARROWHAWKは、最大20 kgのドローンを阻止でき、高度なターゲティングシステムを使用して、ドローンを捕獲する可能性を高めます。 SPARROWHAWKシステムをGryphonセンサーと一緒に使用できます。このシステムでは、ドローンを検出した後、カウンタードローンを配備して脅威を軽減します。


ドローンの人口が増えるにつれ、差し迫った危険を軽減するためにドローンを検出できるシステムが求められています。 Gryphon Sensorsは、モバイルドローン検出システムであるMobile Skylightを開発することで、そのギャップを埋めようとしました。これは、高度10KM内を飛行するドローンを検出できるシステムです。


Teledyne FLIR


他のドローンには、Skyranger R70、ION M440、およびR800Skyraiderが含まれます。ドローンの他に、センサー、海事システム、統合ソリューションも製造しています。








あなたがドローンを所有していて、ドローン規制を研究したことがあるなら、あなたはほぼ確実にFAAに出くわしました。 FAA(Federal Aviation Administration)は、有人航空機、模型飛行機、およびUAVを含む民間航空の規制機関です。





DroneDJは、コミック風にアレンジしたドローンニュースサイトです。彼らのポッドキャストをいくつか見てください。彼らがドローンに関する質問に答えるとき、彼らがどれほど楽しいかがわかります。 DroneDJは、さまざまな電子機器をレビューするサイトのファミリーである9to5サイト(リンク)の一部でもあります。


Women &Drones is a community of drone experts and enthusiasts seeking to inspire female participation in the drone world. They pioneer educational efforts among women and young girls, promote careers in the drone world, and award women who’ve accomplished great things in the drone industry.

Women and Drones also offer flight services, where they have a highly trained team that uses drones for data collection and analysis for both industrial and government entities.

Drone Industry Insights

Drone Industry Insights is a research firm that conducts studies and interviews experts about the usage of drones and publishes them on their websites. This helps show where the drone industry currently is, the direction it’s taking, and how businesses can benefit.

Some of their studies are available on their website for free, but some are available for sale either as a one-time payment or a monthly subscription. If you’re stuck when it comes to market research for your drone business, this is a website you should follow.

Inside Drones

Inside Drones is part of Inside, a huge platform that offers the latest news in the tech world. They mostly share news about drone regulations in the form of Newsletters, videos, and podcasts.

To access unlimited news, stories, and videos, you may have to sign up to the Insider PRO, which costs at least $25 per month.

sUAS News

Featuring the “For drone drivers, by drone drivers” slogan, this is a news website that was started by drone pilots to share news and tips about drones. They organize podcasts, expositions, share drone jobs, and even run a Drone TV, all in an effort to share and connect with other drone users.

They also have a section called “Patrick Rants,” where Patrick Egan, an editor at the sUAS News, gets to write about his opinions about drone regulations and general drone usage.

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If you want to keep tabs on the professional drone racing world, below are some top companies to check out.

The Drone Racing League

The Drone Racing League is simply the WWE of the drone world. Started in 2015, the Drone Racing League brings the thrill of MotoGP into the world of drones, where experienced drone pilots race at high speeds through an obstacle course. The race also broadcasts on major sports networks such as ESPN, Sky Sports, and NBC.

Unlike some competitions where competitors build their drones, the DRL makes the drones so that all competitors are equal. The DRL is also one of the most competitive drone races. It’s pretty hard to join too. But when you do and win, you can take home thousands of dollars and create opportunities for sponsorship deals.

If you don’t make the cut to participate in a DRL race, you can still have fun in their simulation game.


MultiGP is another drone racing league that operates in several states within the United States and other parts of the world, such as South Africa, Asia, and Australia. They have chapters in these regions where drone pilots in the locality can organize their races, but the main race is organized at least once a year.

The chapters make the sport more accessible to aspiring drone races compared to the DRL.

DR1 Racing

DR1 organizes drone races and televises them on major sports networks. Unlike in DRL, where the race organizers provide the drones, in DR1, the drone pilots make and maintain their drones. The better you are at modifying and flying your drone, the more advantage you’ll have.

IUDRO (International University Drone Racing Organization)

IUDRO organizes drone racing leagues between universities, similar to the inter-university football or basketball games. The universities act like chapters where drone enthusiasts will come together, form a team, and register at the IUDRO website, and get a chance to compete with other universities locally and internationally. There are at least 18 teams (universities) from the UK, USA, and China.

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An increase in drone traffic has also increased the risk they pose to people and property. Let’s not forget that a drone is also an investment that needs to be insured. With that in mind, below are the top drone insurance companies.


SkyWatch is one of the best drone insurance companies, thanks to the flexibility it offers. Whether you need insurance for a couple of years, one year, a few months, or just one flight, they have a plan that will suit you.

The per-flight plan is convenient for those who don’t fly often, and it’s only $7. However, the per-flight plan is quite limited in coverage.

A monthly plan or annual plan is better if you fly a lot in different regions. They also have an app that you can use to monitor your plans, update them, or even plan your flights.


BWI Fly provides insurance for a wide range of aircraft, including drones. Their policies include full liability coverage, ranging from $500,000 to $25,000,000, and insurance against physical damage ranging from $800 to $500,000.

If you’re looking for comprehensive policies, expect to pay at least $475. You also have an option to customize the policies based on the nature of your business.


Thimble offers drone insurance for flight occasions rather than monthly or annual plans. If you just decided to fly your drone and need an insurance policy ASAP, you can get one from them. They give immediate proof of insurance which you can show to relevant authorities while in the field.

Thimble also has a very easy-to-use app where you enter where you need to fly to, get a quote, and once you pay, you instantly get a certificate of insurance that’s valid for up to 60 days.

Avion Drone Insurance

If you’re hired to film a wedding or even use a drone, Avion Drone Insurance provides insurance specifically for these commercial applications. You can insure your drone and its payload, insure against liabilities and injuries caused when filming, or insure the commercial services. Better yet, you can customize the policies to your needs.

If you’re planning to travel worldwide and take your drone with you, is a good option. That’s because it offers international coverage to most parts of the world, except for those with unique drone laws.

They also offer on-demand drone insurance for a day or a month’s use. Better yet, you can insure your drone when not flying by paying for the Base Coverage or get the flight coverage for as little as $30.

United States Aircraft Insurance Group

USAIG offers specific insurance types for commercial and government use cases. For instance, you can insure against war, terrorism, or the ground equipment used with the drones. Launched in 1928, USAIG has become one of the best insurance companies for both manned and unmanned aircraft.

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Below are some companies that make software to use with your drones or drone data.


Esri is a leader in the surveying and GIS field. They built ArcGIS, one of the best mapping platforms for consolidating and analyzing the data you collect from the field. You can make topographic maps, mosaics, TIN models, and other data representations necessary for your field.

ArcGIS also built Drone2Map, a platform that enhances drone aerial photography, making it easier to use, and more accurate.


Pix4D makes some of the best photogrammetry hardware and software, making it easier to collect and analyze data using drones or airplanes. With over 50,000 users, Pix4D has found uses in both commercial and government sectors.

Their products include mapping and modeling software, cloud solutions, digital surveying, inspection and telecom, data capture applications, and data capture devices. Pix4D also powers the Drone2Map platform built by Esri.


3D Robotics started as a drone manufacturer. When that didn’t work out, they reentered the drone scene with drone software known as Site Scan for inspection, construction, and engineering. This software enables the drones to create 2D or 3D models of the site for further analysis using ArcGIS, AutoCAD, and other software.

Since they don’t make drones anymore, they partnered with DJI, and their software can now be integrated with DJI drones.


DroneDeploy provides data processing tools for drone pilots, engineers, businesses, and government entities in an affordable and accessible way. Their software is compatible with most drones, allowing them to collect data, consolidate it, create maps and 3D models that are shareable.

AgEagle Aerial Systems

AgEagle provides both hardware and software for data collection and analysis in the precision agriculture sector. As mentioned earlier, they acquired SenseFly, an aerial UAV manufactured by Parrot SA.

They also have software that can analyze the data collected by this UAV and any other compatible drones.

Avision UTM is a flight management and authorization app authorized by the FAA and NASA. If you need urgent authorization to fly in restricted airspace, you can request authorization from their app. They also provide a logbook to track your activities, 3D simulation, flight planning, real-time monitoring, weather alerts, and integration with other software.

This software is suitable for personal drone use, law enforcement, industrial inspection, public safety, and airport security.

Drone Harmony

Drone Harmony provides a one-stop-shop for data collection and analysis. This ranges from automated flight planning, mobile app, web app, and the ability to derive meaningful insights from the data collected using drones. The whole process is automated. The software knows what to look for, which minimizes any errors that may occur when operating a drone.


Airmap provides a convenient way to manage drone traffic. Also known as Airmap UTM, this platform allows drone pilots and airspace authorities to communicate. That way, drone pilots can get crucial traffic alerts, such as temporary or permanent air space closing, knowing which areas are under geofencing, and even requesting authorization to fly in restricted areas.


PrecisionHawk is another leading data processing company that leverages AI to collect and analyze drone data. Currently, they have two software packages.

PrecisionAnalytics Energy helps users analyze utilities, save money, reduce risk, and increase customer satisfaction. The other one is PrecisionAnalytics Agriculture, a software designed to analyze crop health, signs of stress, growth trends, crop yields, and other aspects of precision agriculture.


PixPro is a highly efficient drone measurement software that provides the following features:

  • Detailed 3D terrains
  • Photo processing tools
  • Orthorectified imagery
  • GCP workflow
  • Advanced Data Export
  • Dem Histograms
  • Contour-line generation
  • Profile measurements
  • 2D measurements
  • And many more

Their pricing starts at £10 per month.


SLANTRANGE provides sensors and analysis tools for precision agriculture. Their work involves helping breeding programs test and improve their seeds, and assisting farmers to increase their yield. They’ve partnered with top brands such as Microsoft, DJI, Syngenta, AgReliant Genetics, BASF, and BAYER, which shows their insights work.

Maps Made Easy

As the name suggests, this is a web app that allows drone pilots to upload their images, stitch them together, create a map, or create a 3D model. Maps Made Easy is also quite accurate. You can even take measurements or even georeference the images for overlaying or clipping with satellite data or other data for the same region.


Datumate is a construction data analysis company offering various tools for collecting, analyzing, and presenting data in construction projects. They currently have two products.

DatuBIM is an engineering data analytics platform that outputs volumes, progress, completion, and deviation from the plan after data capture. And DatuFly is an app that allows drones to make customized images. For instance, you can set it to capture stockpiles, roads, intersections, etc., for georeferencing and 3D modeling.

GeoCue Systems

By now, you may have realized that there are several surveying and mapping software platforms, and that was just a peek. But GeoCue Systems manages to stand out in the crowd by offering LIDAR data collection and analysis services, a more efficient and precise data collection method.

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Below are some top drone flight training schools.

Drone Pilot Ground School

The Drone Pilot Ground School is one of the best places to learn drone flying, starting with the basics, all the way up until you get your FAA license. They’ve partnered with the FAA and taught more than 30,000 pilots so far.

Their Part 107 course costs $299, but you get a discount if you enroll two or more people. You can form a team of at least 5 and enroll in the course at an even lower price. Besides training, you also get advice on how to run a drone service business, as well as access to potential job opportunities.

Pilot Institute

You may know them for their airplane courses, but Pilot Institute also offers a wide range of commercial drone courses. These include the general Part 107 course, a public safety course, Drone-specific courses (DJI Mavic 2, Air 2S, Mini 2, Parrot Anafi), drone business courses, a DJI FPV course, and cinematic FPV courses.

DART Drones

Dart Drones rose to stardom when their CEO, Abby Speicher, appeared on Shark Tank and received up to $300,000 in investment from Mark Cuban. Since then, this drone training school has been growing tremendously.

They have over 40 training centers, several flight instructors, and a wide range of courses for hobbyists and professional drone pilots, with the pricing starting at $19.

Drone U

Drone U is both a training institution and a community. They have a wide range of courses, and you can access all of them for just $47 a month. Besides the course, there’s also a community where you can share ideas and learn other creative ways to use drones.

If you can’t afford the courses, they provide lots of free information on their website and YouTube channel, where they also answer questions and discuss pressing topics in a segment called Ask Drone U.

Drone Launch Academy

Drone Launch Academy is another top-rated drone flight training school that teaches everything, from FAA basics, aerial photography, inspection, marketing for drone businesses, to how drone businesses work.

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Below are the top companies that manufacture drone parts and systems used in most drones.


NVIDIA manufactures a wide range of hardware and software, enabling drones to fly and accomplish various tasks autonomously. A good example is DJI’s Manifold powered by NVIDIA Tegra and the Skydio 2 drone powered by NVIDIA Jetson.


InvenSense is behind most of the devices we are using today. As far as drones are concerned, they manufacture Motion Tracking systems that work as compasses, gyroscopes, obstacle avoidance, image stabilizers, and flight control systems.


IXYS Corporation manufactures chips, semiconductors, transistors, and power controllers for drones and other electronic devices. They also acquired Samsung’s microcontroller business before Littelfuse Inc acquired them.


MicroPilot manufactures autopilot systems specifically for UAVs. Their systems allow drones to accomplish tasks such as:

  • Altitude Hold
  • GPS Navigation
  • Vertical Take-Off and Landing
  • Autonomous operations such as taking off, landing, and following waypoints.
  • Airspeed
  • Turn Coordination

TransDigm Group

TransDigm group manufactures connectors, batteries, chargers, and many other parts used in drones as well as manned aircraft.

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Service Providers

Below are the top drone companies providing a wide range of services.


Zipline is a US-based drone manufacturer that specializes in making delivery drones. Their efforts have been instrumental in delivering medical supplies in rural Rwanda, Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines, and some parts of the US.

This was even before Covid-19 hit various parts of the world, making drone delivery even more paramount as health organizations advocated for no-contact services.

Zipline’s drones are mostly fixed-wing drones, allowing them to travel for long distances. However, since they need a run-way, they have a “drone airport,” where they still rely on other forms of transport to get the medical supplies and samples to the airports.

Raptor Maps

Raptor Maps have carved a niche for themselves in the roof and solar inspection industry, where they provide software for collecting and analyzing different types of data.

Their deliverables include:a PV thermal inspection and analysis that inspects solar panels, finds anomalies, and gives a detailed report; a rooftop PV planning and survey for enhancing rooftop design and building; and inspection data capture services in case you lack an in-house team to handle the tasks.

Bentley Systems

In a world where surveying technology is rapidly changing, Bentley Systems prides itself on providing the latest data capture and analysis technology. Whether you want to survey a small piece of land, a large piece of land, conduct structural analysis, bridge analysis, hydrology and hydraulics analysis, or any other location-based data collection task, they have a solution.

Bentley Systems is also a collection of various brands offering the surveying and mapping solutions I mentioned above and many more.


According to DRONEII’s latest research, AeroDyne is the best remote sensing and data analytics solutions provider for businesses and industrial entities. Soon, they may also start offering drone delivery services.

Terra Drone

Terra Drone is a Japan-based drone solutions service provider specializing in surveying, mapping, inspection, and insightful data analysis. They were ranked number 2 after AeroDyne in the industry.

Other Drone Service Providers

  • Google’s Wing -A drone delivery company
  • CyberHawk – A company that specializes in inspection and data analysis of nuclear plants and electricity production plants.
  • Matternet – A drone delivery company for medical supplies.

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Below are some drone communities and forums you can join to stay connected in the drone world or find answers to your questions.

Mavic Pilots – DJI Drone Forum

This is a community about drone pilots who own any drone in the Mavic series. You can ask questions that will be answered by an experienced member or a member from DJI. Or you can share your experiences and learn from other members.


DroneFlyers is an all-in-one directory of information about drones. Drone Life, the website I mentioned in the media section, is part of it. Other websites that are part of it include DroneRacingLife and JOBFORDRONEs. DroneFlyers also has a YouTube channel and a forum where people ask questions and learn from each other.

NODE (Network of Drone Enthusiasts)

If you’d like to contribute to the formulation of drone laws, check out NODE, a forum that helps drone users air their concerns and suggestions as far as drone laws are concerned. This forum was started by DJI.


Reddit is one of the best places to find communities on anything or even start your community. Some sub-reddit topics to join include;

  • r/diydrones
  • r/drones

UAV Coach Community

UAV Coach is one of the best online resources for drone-related articles. However, Alan Perlman, who started both UAV Coach and the Drone Pilot Ground School, realized there’s a need for a community of drone experts and enthusiasts to share ideas. That’s when he started the UAV Coach Community, and it has grown to a community any drone pilot should join.

sUAS Commercial Mapping Pilots

This Facebook group brings together drone pilots who have a career in surveying and mapping or those seeking to join. Started in 2016, it has grown into one of the best communities for drone mapping pilots.

More Forums for Drone Experts and Enthusiasts

  • Amelia Droneharts
  • Skypixel
  • AirVUZ
  • Meetup
  • SkydioPilots
  • Drone Academy Forum

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Below are some funding companies that fund drone-related startups.

Drone Fund

The Drone Fund recognizes what the future holds for drones. And as a result of that they provide financial support to advance drone technology. They also provide support in IP strategy and administrative strategy, and contribute to the formation of drone policies.


In partnership with DJI and Accel, SkyFund provides venture capital to entrepreneurs who plan to use UAVs and robotics in their businesses.


Starburst provides training and mentorship on strategy, business development, and fundraising to drone startups. This equips them with the necessary skills to benefit from funding rounds, such as the Series A funding.

Genius NY

Genius NY is a startup accelerator that funds startups in the UAVs, IoT, robotics, and big data sectors. It’s funded by top companies such as the Empire State Development and CenterState CEO.

What they do is hold a competition where five winners are selected and awarded $3 Million. They also get all the tools they need, including a stipend, to help them bring their ideas to life.

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Below are some places where you can hire drone pilots or advertise your drone services.


DroneBase is an aerial imagery and analytics service provider. But they also double up as a hiring platform where any qualified pilot can sign up, take on projects, and get paid for them. Just submit your project, and they’ll assign the most skilled pilot to handle it.


DroneUP is one of the largest drone solutions providers. They also have a platform where they manage drone pilots and deploy them in the public sector, agriculture, public safety, and many other areas. If you’re having trouble finding drone pilots for your project, they can help you with that.

Other Marketplaces

Below are more directories for drone services.

  • UpSonder
  • OBEO
  • Fair Fleet
  • Dronegenuity

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Below are some of the biggest conferences, events, and shows where people discuss drone applications.


InterDrone, or the International Drone Conference and Exposition, is one of the largest drone conference organizations that organizes webinars, interviews, whitepapers, annual conferences, and panel discussions about drone usage in the commercial industry.

Commercial UAV Expo Americas

Commercial UAV Expo Americas is a trade fair that brings together drone experts to discuss how drones can be integrated into industries such as construction, health, safety, surveying and mapping, forestry, agriculture, mining, drone delivery, security, among others.

While the first one was held in a physical venue, the most recent conferences took place online, inviting and including people from all over the world.

Energy Drone &Robotics Coalition

Energy Drone &Robotics holds summits and virtual events to discuss the application of UAVs and robots in the energy sector. You can subscribe to their newsletter to get updates on the next events, the themes, and the participants.

Other Conferences and Events to look out for


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Final Thoughts

そして、あなたはそれを持っています。 I hope that gives you an idea of how large the drone industry can be, and we didn’t even cover all the drone companies that exist. If you’re entrepreneurial, maybe you can find some of the gaps that exist in the industry.

If you’re a business owner wondering how you can incorporate drones into your business, you can find answers in some of these companies. And as rules become more accommodating, we can expect to see tremendous growth and more opportunities for drone uses, manufacturers, and service providers.

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