リモート インタビューは、特に COVID-19 パンデミックの最中とその後に、ますます一般的になっています。また、これまでのキャリアで経験したことのある典型的な対面式のオンサイト インタビューとも異なります。
では、効率的なリモート インタビューを行うにはどうすればよいでしょうか。リモート面接が初めての方、またはスキルを向上させたい方は、このまま読み進めてください。
ヒントに進む前に、まず基本的なリモート面接のエチケットについて学びましょう。 すべてのオンライン採用担当者が心に留めておくべきこと…
- ドアロックがある場合はそれを使用してください。そうなってほしくありません。
- スマートフォンとパソコンの両方で通知をオフにするか、少なくとも無音にしてください。
- 在宅勤務であっても、その役を演じる。プロ意識を持ち、面接を真剣に受け止めてください。
- ワークステーションから、子供のおもちゃやその他の私物など、目立って散らかったものを片付けます。
- 候補者の注意をそらしたくないので、中立的でビジネスライクな経歴を維持してください。
- 照明について考えてみましょう。後ろの光があなたに影を落とすのは望ましくありません。代わりに、自然光がたっぷりと差し込む窓の前に身を置いてください。
- その人物と物理的に一緒にいないため、その人物が話し終えたという兆候を見逃す可能性があります。したがって、お互いに話し合わないように、話す前に数秒の時間を空けてください。
- すべてがうまく機能していることを確認するには、インタビューの実施に使用しているメディア (カメラ、マイク、電話回線など) で同僚に電話してもらいます。
- 土壇場での混乱や正しく設定されていないという懸念を避けるために、テストを実行して、すべてが正しく機能していることを確認してください。
リモート面接の準備を整えることは、面接の成功を保証するだけでなく、チームのリモート メンバーとして働きたいという候補者の意欲を尊重していることを候補者に示すことにもなります。
リモートインタビューを成功させるには、適切な機器を用意することが不可欠です。電話をかけるだけですか?それとも、一方向のビデオ インタビュー、ライブ バーチャル インタビュー、またはその 2 つの組み合わせを行いますか?
Skype、Zoom、または Go-to-meeting などのビデオ プラットフォームを使用して面接をホストすることもできますが、組み込みの評価フォームや便利な面接記録などの追加機能を提供する特定のリモート面接システムがあります。ホワイトボードを使用してインタビューを行いたい場合は、それを可能にするツールを見つけることができます。
要約すると、面接手段を決定する前に、要件を十分に検討してください。また、仮想面接ソフトウェアがモバイル デバイスと ATS とのインターフェースに適していることを確認してください。
リモート インタビュー プロセスには、適切な字幕とキャプションを付けた録画済みのビデオを使用することもできます。それぞれの仕事の機会には何十人もの応募者がいます。これは、採用担当者がその仕事に最適な人材を選ぶのに役立つため、素晴らしいことです.
しかし、多くの優れた見込み客が群集の中で迷子になったり、採用担当者が他の 50 人の候補者と面接した後、彼らのことを忘れたりするのは当然のことです。採用担当者はいつでも戻って、ビデオ面接で面接をもう一度見て、その仕事に最も有望な人材を選択したことを確認できます。
しかし、録画済みのビデオ インタビューを成功させるには、完璧な字幕とキャプションが付いたビデオが必要です。キャプションと字幕の作成が苦手な場合は、SubtitleBee のような完璧な字幕とキャプション クリエーターを見つける必要があります。

SubtitleBee は、ビデオに最適な字幕を作成するのに役立ち、完璧なリモート インタビューを実施するのに役立ちます。

多くの候補者はすでに働いており、あなたとチャットする時間を割くことができません。その結果、柔軟に対応し、見込み客にとって都合のよい時間を提供します。おそらく、家に子供がいる、奇妙なシフト パターンで働いている、または単に現在の職場を離れることができないなどです。
採用は、多くの企業にとって専用の手順ではありません。代わりに、それは潜在的な従業員との一連のやり取りです。 But you’re not just meeting someone new; you’re gathering evidence to see if they have the right abilities, values, and cultural fit for a position at your organisation.
As a result, turning your unorganised recruiting efforts into an organised recruitment and interview process and ensuring that everyone involved is taught on it ensures not just consistency throughout the hiring process, but also a more accurate and trustworthy hiring choice.
5. Make A List Of Interview Questions

Interview Prep 101 is so important that some people skip it entirely, opting instead to wing interviews in the hopes of establishing a more personal connection. However, when it comes to remote employees, your amount of interview preparation indicates your level of devotion to the position.
In addition to your regular interview questions, you should additionally prepare questions about how your prospect will perform remotely. Moreover, there are lots of interviewing question materials available on search engines, so before interviewing candidates do some research on it.
6. Set Clear Expectations for the Job Candidate
Surely, You want to have the finest possible interview. The job applicant feels the same way. Setting clear expectations for the interviewee is one of the secrets to making remote interviews succeed.
You should both be aware of who will call the other to start the meeting and what software you will use to conduct the interview. Use a perfect Caption for your job post or you can use SubtitleBee for making a clear caption for your post
They should know whether the call will be visual or audio-only (for reasons we’ll detail later in this piece, we strongly advocate video calls). You should inform the candidate who will be on the call, including their names and titles, as well as whether they will be remote interviewing or simply seeing the candidate.
By communicating these (and any other relevant information), you can ensure that the candidate is well prepared before powering up their laptop and answering your first question. This is significant because you’re allowing job seekers to present their best selves - the best version of themselves to evaluate when considering hiring them.
7. Provide Complete Details of the Interview
It’s best to over-communicate when conducting remote interviews — this may be your hundredth remote interview, but it may be the candidate’s first, and the tools you’re using may be unfamiliar to them. As a result, provide all of your prospects with the same information and allow them to begin on the same footing.
Before you begin the interview, inform the candidates:
- When the interview will take place.
- To whom is it? (include every member of your team who will be in on the interview).
- What platform are you intending to use? (and how to use it).
- What the candidate should do ahead of time to prepare (if they need to prepare something).
- Will you rely just on audio or will video be required?
- Do you need to screen share with them, or do they need to screen share with you?
- You may even provide some advice for conducting a remote interview (like finding a quiet space, minimising distractions, etc.)
The more details you provide on what to expect during the interview, the easier it will be to evaluate candidates entirely on their relevant abilities and expertise, rather than their ability to use remote interviewing technologies or how they react to surprises.
8. Maintain Your Focus And Attentively Listen
It’s not your imagination if you find it difficult to focus when doing a remote interview using Zoom, for example. Without face-to-face conversation, video calls take more concentration.
Only a small portion of what we communicate with someone, whether it’s a friend or a colleague, is spoken. The vast bulk of what we communicate (70-93 percent) is nonverbal communication, in which the meaning is innate and instinctive for us.
Body language, facial emotions, eye contact, hand movements, body posture, and even tone of voice all add depth and meaning to what we’re saying. When conducting a remote interview, most of these nonverbal indicators are difficult to detect, making communication more difficult – therefore you must pay close attention to what the interviewee is saying.
9. Use a Structured Remote Interviewing Methodology
This should be done in conjunction with writing down all of your interview questions. A systematic interview procedure allows you to assess each remote candidate on a set of criteria, making the hiring process much easier.
For example, you can ask each candidate identical questions and evaluate their responses objectively to determine who should be offered the position.
You can delegate interviews to various members of your team using a structured interview process. A fixed method ensures that each interviewer will deliver almost the same experience as the others, potentially speeding up the hiring process.
10. Interview Candidates with a Team
For many professions, one-on-one interviews are great, but employers generally prefer to have more than one interviewer in the room, especially in the final round or two of the remote interviewing process before you and your team decide who to hire. Different recruiting managers bring different abilities to the table, which usually results in a more effective interview.
One interviewer may be able to establish a stronger connection with the interviewee and assist them in unwinding. Another person’s inquiries can be more focused on soft skills. The last may delve deeper into the job criteria and test the interviewee’s willingness to work remotely. While one interviewer may be able to tackle everything on their own, delegating some of the questions to others can be beneficial.
You’ll also get to observe how the interviewee responds to various types of questions from various types of people. After all, they’ll be expected to communicate with a wide range of personalities in other departments and should be able to hold their own while discussing their work with anyone.
11. Choose an Appropriate and Relaxing Environment
When you interview remotely, you have complete control over the atmosphere in which you are interviewed. Make an informed decision. You don’t want an espresso machine exploding with steam while a barista calls out a customer’s name for the fourth time, and you’re still trying to say “hello” over the ding.
Choose a calm, relaxing setting with few interruptions. Many people find that their own home meets their needs. If you have young children, rambunctious dogs, roommates, or the like, you’ll need to make special arrangements to guarantee that no one comes knocking or barging into your “interview room” while it’s still being conducted.
Make sure everyone in your immediate vicinity is aware that you are remote interviewing someone and that you will not be distracted before the interview begins.
12. Take the time to explain your company’s culture.
It’s possible that your applicants will not be able to visit your office or meet your team. Maybe you don’t have an office at all. As a result, make sure that prospects don’t miss out on learning everything there is to know about you.
Give them some background information, such as your company’s culture and principles. Share stories, examples, and references to what you mean by culture - don’t just say your values; explain the behaviours you expect employees to exhibit for each value, and provide best practice examples to help prospects understand what you mean.
It’s difficult to grasp a company’s culture when you can’t see it for yourself, so paint a picture for the prospect.
Summing Up
However, if they are handled correctly, remote interviews can be a successful approach. But keep in mind that you’ll have to pay additional attention to making connections with your applicants because you won’t be meeting them face to face.
Creating a structured interview procedure, making it a two-way, informative conversation, and focusing on applicant communication before and after the interview will go a long way toward conducting productive remote interviews.