
 WTVID >> ビデオ >  >> ビデオ >> ビデオ制作

















  • 聴衆は何を学ぶことができますか?
  • 画面上のプレゼンターは誰ですか(お持ちの場合)?何が彼らを際立たせているのですか、なぜ彼らは最高のホストなのですか?あなたの顔と声を見せて、顧客が会社に顔を向けられるようにします
  • 知識をどのように伝えますか?
  • オーディエンスが製品またはサービスを購入する必要があるのはなぜですか(別のものではありません)?
  • 購入する時期はいつですか?答えは1つだけです:今!悪名高い召喚状。購入するようにアドバイスせずに視聴者を解雇しないでください。通話と具体的なメリットを組み合わせます。



  • 3秒:画像を開始します。顧客があなたのビデオをクリックしたばかりですが、それを表示するのに少し時間がかかる場合があります。とにかく最初の写真は退屈してはいけません。
  • 20秒:何?本質的な学習の成功、理想的には実践的な例。
  • 20秒:誰ですか?少なくともここでは、自分で写真を撮る必要があります。
  • 20秒:どうやって?レッスンからの抜粋(スクリーンキャスト、スライド…)–サウンドトラックに説明があります。
  • 20秒:なぜですか?自分自身またはプレゼンテーションで最もよく説明されます。
  • 10秒:いつ?召喚状。理想的には、マウスポインタが予約ボタン上を移動するScreencastを使用します。





























  • 会社の強みを強調するプロモーションビデオ。
  • 商品やサービスを宣伝するための販売動画。
  • セミナー/会議の記録。
  • トレーニング用のビデオ。

ご覧のとおり、ビデオには多くの用途があります。 2つの主な領域は次のとおりです。

  • 内部ビデオ、および
  • 外部動画。





















  • 左側で、シーンを長方形でスケッチします。
  • 真ん中には、シーンに適した説明とコメントが続きます。
  • 3番目の列に音響イベント(対話、音楽など)を説明します。





その後、オンライン動画の特別なバリエーションを作成するだけで済みます。これは、ソーシャルネットワークで共有したり、Webサイトに埋め込んだりするバージョンを指します。 Y


企業の映画をYouTubeにアップロードすると、エディターを使用してそこでオンラインビデオを作成することもできます。 YouTubeビデオエディタの機能:

  • 映画のいくつかのビデオと写真がまとめられました。
  • クリップを切り取ります。
  • 音楽を追加します(YouTubeライブラリから)。
  • ツールとエフェクトを使用してクリップを調整します。








サイズ:HD(1920 x 1080ピクセル)


48000 Hz(最小)


















6. 1つのビデオを作成していますか、それとも複数のビデオを作成していますか?これは、動画のコンテンツや動画の表示方法に影響しますか?





たとえば、ディスプレイ中にFirework Crazyで友人のような動画を撮影することは、座って顧客にメッセージを配信したり、チームのためにすべての行動を促す動画を作成したりすることから数百万マイル離れています。







  • 動画が撮影された場所と、これが動画の目的にどのように適合するか。
  • 照明とオーディオの品質、およびビデオ自体の品質。
  • ビデオの編集方法。誰がそれを行い、どの編集スイートを使用しますか?
  • 背景音楽や文章など、必須と思われる追加の効果。























組織のためにビジネスビデオを作成するには、多大な労力と時間を必要とするだけでなく、ビジネスビデオを通じて必要なタイプのコンバージョンやエンゲージメントを求めるために、ファンベースを一貫して構築するのに役立つ巨額の投資も必要です。 。







ビジネス動画を宣伝したい場合は、Facebook、Google Plus、Twitter、LinkedInなどのさまざまなソーシャルメディアチャネルで、終了したらすぐに共有する必要があります。


























企業のビデオは特定のターゲットオーディエンスに到達する必要があるため、適切な配信メディアを選択してください。 HDオンラインビデオ(YouTubeにアップロードするため)または企業DVD(物理的なコピーを販売するため)を作成しますか?
























顧客が数秒後にビデオをスキップまたは閉じる場合は、ビデオを微調整する必要があることを示していると考えてください。 ITは明らかに視聴者を効果的に引き付けていません。

























  • おしゃべりインタビュー
  • お客様の声
  • 「ムードリール」、および
  • 新しい会社の方向性を示すモンタージュ。





Now, a number of organizations have taken the initiative to market their products to the general public using modern and slightly unconventional methods.

A good example of this is the high-quality video production methods used for video marketing.

This style of advertising products and services is incredibly productive and can bring great benefits to any business.

Video clips are either placed on DVDs or uploaded to the internet as a way to ensure a large viewership.

We’ve covered the reasons that you should use video marketing on this blog before, but let’s take a look at a few key stats about video marketing that will blow your mind.

Content That Drives Highest ROI

52% of marketing professionals claim that video is one of the best forms of content that drives the highest ROI.

Over the past few years, videos have proven to have a huge influence on decision-making when it comes to purchasing products and services.

Consequently, it’s not surprising that more and more companies are using video to increase the popularity of their businesses.

In fact, both B2C and B2B marketers have rated video among the top 3 most effective marketing strategies.

Video Leading The Way

It’s predicted that by 2025, 85% of all internet traffic will be video.

After the inception of YouTube and similar free video posting websites, it has taken just a few years for video content to account for nearly three-quarters of all internet traffic.

Therefore, by 2025, video content will become mandatory for any business seeking to create a reputation and gain traction and success in the marketplace.

Video Dominating Marketing Methods Moving Forward

93% of marketers use video for online communications, marketing, and sales.

The volume of video content on the internet has risen significantly over the years. Not only is it preferred by viewers nowadays, but it has also become an effective marketing strategy for marketers around the world to reach new audiences faster and with more consistency.

Video Content Consumption Shooting Upwards

33% of tablet owners watch a minimum of one hour of video content per day.

The advent of smartphones and similar technologies has played a key role in the popularity of video content with tablet owners watching a lot of videos online, either at home or on the go.

In 2013, 72.1 million smartphone users watched video content on their devices monthly.

In addition to the popularity of video content among tablet users, smartphones also rely heavily on video to make important decisions regarding purchasing.

Gaining Attention in Google Search Results

Video results command more attention than other forms of listings (according to an eye-mapping study of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs)).

You might have noticed several times that upon searching for a particular topic or subject, the search engine results page displays web pages that feature videos. This is because Google likes media, especially video.

These videos are attractive to Google because they link directly to the topic being discussed, hence resulting in more clicks. And what gets clicked on regularly gets featured higher in Google.

Further, Google also places a high premium on those ages that visitors spend lots of time on. So a page with something like a video (that requires a number of minutes to watch) will help a page rank more highly in Google due to its ‘stickability‘.

Video’s Importance For Email Marketing

Using the word ‘video’ in the email subject lines reduces un-subscribes by 26%, open rates by 19%, and click-through rates by 65%.

Over the past few years, video has gained so much popularity over the internet that simply using the word ‘video’ in an email plays a huge role in the success of your campaign.

Others Stats

  • 50% of all mobile traffic is generated by video content.
  • By 2016, online video viewers are expected to increase by almost 1.5 billion.
  • 55% of all internet traffic in 2016 will be generated by online video traffic.
  • Only 20% of online visitors read written content, while 80% of visitors prefer to watch a video.

As you can see, video content has huge potential when developing a useful marketing strategy. So, if you want your business to gain success and a competitive advantage over others, perhaps it’s time to consider a solid video marketing strategy.

5 Reasons Your Marketing Strategy Should Include Video

In the past, video marketing was a cost-prohibitive service for businesses. High-quality cameras were rented, cameramen hired, and videos were edited professionally.

However, with more people having access to computers and the internet and video making/editing equipment becoming cheaper and easier to use, video has somewhat become a key driver of sales and leads.

It has become an effective and inexpensive way for businesses to get the word out about their services and products, also driving engagement, conversation, and optimization.

Not to mention, it also makes it easier to measure marketing results and drive a higher ROI as compared to other media.

So, if you haven’t already added video to your marketing strategy, here are five good reasons to start now:

1。 It Adds a Personal Feel

One of the best things about adding video to your marketing strategy is it delivers a personal feel to customers.

You have the opportunity to talk directly to potential clients and can discuss useful tips or solve potential problems regarding a particular product or service.

Not only does this make customers feel more comfortable about contacting your business, but it also develops a sense of trust, which is imperative for the growth of your business.

You can even ask loyal, regular customers to give their own testimonials in videos, hence adding more credibility to your business. These kinds of review formats sell products and services.

2。 Easy to Share

A successful marketing strategy brings hundreds and thousands of potential customers to buy a particular product or service.

As video sharing sites, like YouTube or Vimeo, give you the platform to target millions of viewers, you can achieve this goal and increase brand awareness, enough to get your business seen and heard through other mediums.

This is mainly because, unlike TV commercials, videos on hosted sites are shareable.

3。 It is Inexpensive

As mentioned earlier, a few years back, creating a video to market your business and its products used to cost a great deal of money. You had to purchase ad time and video equipment.

Now, however, creating a video is incredibly inexpensive and hiring a video production company is more cost-effective than ever before.

Marketing products and services online have never been easier for small businesses.

As there are many free video hosting sites, you don’t even have to worry about paying for ad space.

4。 Professional Approach

Another undeniable reason why your marketing strategy needs to include video is it delivers a professional approach.

There is something about a video that suggests a premium stance, provided you produce high-quality engaging video content. People will watch the video to the end and stay on your website longer.

Consequently, this increases the likeability of your business, hence improving the chances of consumers bookmarking your site or purchasing a product or service.

5。 Proof for Your Product Claims

Anyone can make tall claims about different products or services. However, you can never guarantee the writer has been truthful. Adding a video can be a great way to prove those claims because it offers visual representations of those claims in action.

Therefore, adding video to your marketing strategy can be used to provide proof for your product claims, hence increasing its chances of selling.

So, if you want to enhance your marketing efforts, increase sales and create brand awareness for your business, it’s time you hire a professional corporate video production company so you can add video to your marketing strategy.

Using Video As a Content Marketing Strategy

Owing to the fact that video will account for 69 per cent of all consumer internet traffic by 2017 according to Cisco, it makes perfect sense to choose this medium for your content marketing strategy.

But before doing so, you will need to come up with a plan of action to maximize exposure and impact through the correct preparation, production, distribution, promotion, optimization, and measurement.


First and foremost, you will need to define your objectives and intentions. What do you want to achieve and who is your target market? Every piece of content marketing should be produced with an end goal in mind.

You should also think about the type of video you want to produce (for example corporate video production, event video production or promotional video), your tone of voice (corporate, informal or humorous), and whether any other pieces of content will work alongside it (blog post, transcription, product page).


With aspects of your video decided, you can move on to the production process. It might help to craft a storyboard, which includes scenes like an attention-grabbing introduction, an intriguing set-up, a compelling story, a happy resolution, and then a call to action.

Although it’s fairly easy to shoot a movie with smartphones and tablets, try and use quality equipment wherever possible.

Otherwise, a substandard video would reflect badly on the business.


Your first port of call will probably be YouTube, due to its hundreds of millions of viewers. However, you will need to consider whether the pre-roll adverts and lack of conversion control work for your business.

For this reason, hosting the video on your company website might be a better option. But if you struggle with traffic, social media sites such as Facebook achieve superb engagement levels through video.

Just post the video on your social media channels, like Facebook and Instagram, and let your video get noticed by your pre-existing audience.

The idea, from there, is that your pre-existing audience shares the video to their friends and you gain a new audience (and followers) as a result. In this way, your video starts to become viral.


Start by addressing SEO with a title and meta description that contains relevant keywords. You should also think about tags, links, and thumbnails.

From there, give your audience a reason to watch and take to social media with promotional messages that include humor, surprise, or controversy. Make it as easy as possible for users to watch, share, and download your video too.


Despite the fact views are encouraging, you should be more concerned with conversions. So, remember to keep your message simple but remember those all-important calls to action.

Make it easy for viewers to take the next step, give them various options, and come up with some incentives to share their personal information or complete a purchase.


There is little to no point in using video as a content marketing strategy if you fail to measure and analyze the results.

Although this will ultimately come down to whether your initial intentions were achieved, there are a number of other factors to bear in mind too.

  • What was the cost of the video?
  • Where did you generate the most interest?
  • And how many quality leads/bottom-line conversions did you achieve?

Once you have answered these questions, you can evaluate your campaign’s success and repeat the entire process again with greater knowledge and enlightenment.

Why Videos Are The Future of Small Business Marketing

If you run a small business then I’m sure you already know how important marketing is.

The truth is that without a dedicated and strategic marketing plan, business will eventually dry up.

And in our experience, promotional videos (harnessed in combination with the internet) are one of the most effective ways to market your small business today.

Here’s why:

Video Enables You to Bond With Your Customers

People hate buying from faceless corporations and businesses.

But what promotional videos allow you to do is put a face and a voice and a personality to your business, meaning customers are much more likely to buy.

This also helps to create trust because your customers feel as if they already know you.

Videos Allow You to Demonstrate What You Do

If you’re a carpenter, for example, you could shoot a series of promotional videos about this topic and demonstrate your work, and knowledge on the subject.

This way your prospective customers can see that you actually know what you’re talking about.

The True Power of Promotional Videos

With that said, the true power of promotional videos is to be found when combined with this crazy piece of technology we know as the internet.

You see, most people today, when looking for a service provider, will turn to the internet first.

Now imagine someone is looking for a carpenter in your neck of the woods, and your site comes up in Google.

Then they watch your video, give you a call and hey presto – half the selling job is done.

And it gets better because promotional videos can be uploaded to video-sharing and social media websites. Video sharing sites as places like YouTube and Vimeo.

I’m sure you’re aware of these, but there are many others, too. Social media websites are online locations like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

I like to think of video-sharing websites as television 2.0. Most business owners would give their right arm to be able to advertise their small business on TV. Well, with video sharing sites you can come pretty close.

And if you’re really lucky your video can go “viral,” and I’m sure you know what that can mean for your business.

With an eye-catching video for your business, something that gets both fans of your business and everyday people sharing the video all over social media, and business can explode.

For example, just look at one that happened with the esteemed Dollar Shave Club advert.

If you haven’t already seen it, it’s a great example of what can be done with video marketing. It’s certainly worth a watch, as it’s extremely funny!

The Marketing One-Two Punch You Need

In fact, Google search and video marketing can provide a powerful marketing one-two punch that no business should be without.

And they are not only useful for online marketing, you can also use them in your offline promotions.

For example, we’ve found that sending testimonial videos to prospective clients is very effective.

At this point, you may be wondering what the cost of all this is?

Advances in technology mean that corporate video production can now be done on a very reasonable budget.

Bottom line?

Promotional videos are a highly effective method for getting business and are definitely the future of small business marketing.

Why Customers Love Online Video

Do you build content and websites for clients across a wide variety of industries? Or do you produce any kind of product or service that can be explained visually?

If so, there is one specific area of content you need to begin investing in immediately:online video.

Video production services are one of the most sure-fire ways to impress your clients, as well as your own customers.

Online Video As The Future of Content Marketing

Articles, while useful, can be cumbersome and difficult for people to engage with during their busy lives.

Video solves this dilemma, as not only can people casually watch them while still gaining information, but they’re entertaining as well!

While you can certainly make a video that communicates information passively, making it as engaging as possible is the best way to dazzle clients and customers.

In today’s world of affordable but high-quality video and audio equipment, companies all over the world are investing in online video to advertise their products/services and raise awareness for their brand.

Doing so will make your brand look professional, versatile, and will help you stand out from your competition.

The Different Types of Video Production

In our mind, there are three kinds of online video that might be of interest to your company:

1。 Corporate Video Production

Come into someone’s business and film a video (or series of videos) that promote a company in general, or even focus on a specific product/service that you’d like to highlight.

2。 Event Video Production

For this kind of video production, we go to a conference, seminar, meeting, or tradeshow, etc, and film for the entire day (or weekend in some cases).

From there, we make a short film that highlights the main aspects of the event. We can include:

  • interviews,
  • montages,
  • motion graphics, and
  • other dynamic types of video production that promote the occasion.

3。 Promotional Video

A promotional video is a short video that promotes your business or an aspect of your business, giving your audience a short and concise vision.

Promotional videos can be explainer videos, motion graphics projects, and more.

Why Clients Love Online Video

Our clients love seeing their brand and message communicated effectively in a sleek and stylish promotional video.

Videos are one of the most promotable content options available in marketing campaigns, and clients get a massive amount of use from the videos we create for them.

Creating a super fine-tuned promotional video will help you increase your brand’s visibility online.

We find that our client’s initial investment in video production often easily pays for itself after they’re shared the video with their audience.

Here are a few things that online video will do for you:

Increase Sales

As video is such a powerful medium, people will understand your business better and you’ll sell more as a result of using video.

Make Your Company More Interactive

Video is interactive and dynamic. Visitors to your website will engage with and feel more drawn to your product/service.

Increases Awareness

Video helps you build a brand, launch new or existing products/services, motivate employees, retain customers, and build stronger communities.

It’s true that online video works exceedingly well with companies who already have an established audience, but it’s also highly effective for new startups looking to grow.

Now that you know how much value you can gain from implementing online video, you should have no reason to deny yourself this amazing investment opportunity.

Affordable, valuable, and easy to use, getting an online video produced for your company provides a surefire way to have your business’ revenue and customer retention explode!

Video Marketing For Your Company Or Brand

I want to talk a little today about video marketing and how it can benefit your company or brand.

At this point, most everyone who runs a business these days knows that online marketing has revolutionized the modern business landscape.

With changes in broadband speeds and media becoming easier to create and more accessible, in recent years video has started to emerge as the most dynamic form of marketing expression for businesses and brands to tell their story.

Today, video can be seen as the leading form of online marketing. I hope this article goes some way towards explaining why online video is such a powerful marketing technique and why it’s a must in your company’s future (if you’re not already using it!)

Video Marketing Emerges

To put it simply, online marketing has over-taken traditional marketing methods, as it is almost always more affordable and more effective.

Knowing how to properly target information in a way that is both engaging and easy to engage with, helps businesses deliver content that customers will respond to and remember.

This article from The Guardian gives a detailed run-down of the marketing’s emergence.

With its tried and tested format and almost limitless possibilities, currently, there is one marketing approach that stands head and shoulders above the rest:video marketing.

With the explosion in broadband speeds in the UK over the last decade, video is far more accessible and viewable online than ever before.

Couple that with the professional camera and auditory industry coming on leaps and bounds during the same timeframe and it’s easy to understand how online video has come to dominate the digital space.

Businesses soon realized that putting videos on their company websites, blogs, social media accounts, and other outreach platforms is a great way to get an audience engaged with their brand.

Of course, not all online video we see around the web is created equal. We’ve seen plenty of poor-quality examples that have us scratching our heads as to a company’s intention with video project.

On the other hand, we’ve built up a sterling reputation and a great track record of making dynamic and effective promotional videos for clients.

We believe that video marketing starts with an exploration of a company’s ethos and mission.

From there, we can form a story around your brand and create something truly memorable and effective.

To help demonstrate the advantage video marketing can have for your company’s digital marketing campaign, here are 3 reasons online video is a great marketing investment:

1。 You Can Video Alongside Almost Any Online Approach

Not only can you put promotional videos on your website, but you can include them in emails, as physical DVDs that you can hand out to your clients, as well as including them on your blog, in your social media, etc.

Online video’s inherent usefulness across a range of media makes it a great tool for making an awesome piece of content that much more engaging.

Words communicate ideas well, but a large majority of people are much more visual in their learning style and will appreciate your company’s efforts in helping them better understand all the awesome advantages you have to offer.

And, of course, being a visual culture that adores movies, TV, and watching YouTube videos on Facebook, your potential customers will respond well to video as it’s something that they’ve come to love and trust.

2。 Video Can Be Affordably Produced

Many of our clients are surprised to hear just how affordable our video production work can be.

Video is not just reserved for the Nikes and Coca-Colas of the world. Nowadays, great video production is available to businesses large and small.

While large-budget online adverts are not unheard of, it is most certainly not the norm. Thanks to the aforementioned video revolution, we have access to fantastic tools and equipment that are able to craft high-caliber work at reasonable prices.

Additionally, the price of hosting videos online is minuscule compared to the amount it costs to play on national television channels.

3。 Video Marketing Campaigns Are Easy to Track

Unlike radio adverts, print campaigns, and spots on traditional TV, it is possible to get a much more accurate and understandable idea of the result your online marketing campaign has had on your business.

And we’re not just talking obsolete figures and woo-woo stuff here – we’re talking real numbers.

Firstly, using sites like Google Analytics or Clicky, you can easily see how much new traffic your videos are driving to your website.

For instance, if you have videos up on a site like YouTube, you can monitor how many visits you’re getting to your site from your online videos.

In this way, you can see exactly what effect your online video marketing efforts are having.

As well as that, you can read the analytics of how many times your video has been played online with ease.

You can see when your peak watch hours are, and in some cases, even the age and gender statistics of your viewership.

The ability to track this consumer information online with ease puts online video marketing at a distinct advantage over traditional print or radio advertisements.

Employee Training Video – Get the Best Out of Your Employees With Video

Why choose explanatory videos as training videos for your internal communication and staff training?

Internal training can be quite a job for both leaders and employees, and training initiatives are not as effective as employees are not properly hired.

In order for a company to achieve its full potential, it must offer professional development and training.

Using internal explanatory videos as training videos for employee training is a unique way to ensure that employees retain the information they need to succeed in their work.

In each sector, managers must communicate internally to communicate information about important events, such as policies and policy changes.

By involving employees in visually oriented stories, the animated video ensures that employees receive the message.

In addition, internal explanatory videos as training videos can be easily updated as the procedures change.

An animated video is an ideal and most fun way to achieve this. By combining visual and auditory stimulation, the video offers two different ways to process new information about long-term memory.

Whether you’re demonstrating a complicated software system or submitting the details of an acquisition, a video is the best way to ensure that viewers keep the information.

Explanatory Videos For Reports And Presentations

One of the great things about videos is that you can show them on almost any device and everywhere.

They can be viewed online or retrieved during a presentation.

Moreover, these videos can only be used as a facet of a general training strategy. Animated videos can also communicate in a more attractive way about the content of reports.

Training Videos For Support Pages

Many companies have internal software that can be difficult to use. Instead of calling the IT department every time something happens, companies can create an animated video explaining how common problems can be solved.

Video enables people to solve problems themselves, reducing the time needed to keep track of help.

Explanation Videos For Compliance And Employee Orientation

Onboarding has a number of issues to consider, including company standards and rules. These rules are not the most exciting part of a new function, but they are very important. Use a special employee video to familiarize new employees with the policy.

Training Videos For Health And Legal Topics

In addition to legal requirements, most companies are required by law to focus on occupational risks, workplace intimidation, and other important issues that are aimed at maintaining a safe working environment.

These issues are essential to the integrity of a company, so it is important that people actually keep the information they have.

Employee Training Video – Conclusion

Quickly get your staff on board with a responsive video describing tasks, policies, and instructions for different computer-based and other processes.

By placing this important information in a visual package, new employees can be updated more quickly.

This is why training videos are the most ideal and fun way to teach staff the business processes and policies in a relevant way.

They are also well-suited for informing new products and can support them in learning how to handle difficult hardware and software systems with which to work.

All this will contribute to an effective and clear work ethic. This will ensure that the tasks will be successfully executed in every department of the company.

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