Product Hunt は、大勢の視聴者やコミュニティに新製品を紹介する優れた方法です。このプラットフォームは、新製品の発売を加速させ、人気を博すことができることを長年にわたって証明してきました。あなたの製品やスタートアップ全般についての言葉を広める本当のきっかけとチャンスです。
この記事では、プロダクト ハントの立ち上げを成功させるための経験上のヒントとコツをすべて書き留めました。これには 10 回以上の打ち上げが含まれます 過去 12 か月で、すべてが成功しました。実際、+6800 以上の賛成票を集め、次の結果を得ました:
- その日の 1 回限りの最高の商品
- Four times #2 Product of the day
- 今日の商品 #3 を 2 回
- 今日の商品 #5 を 2 回
- 今週の商品第 5 位を 2 回獲得
- Product Hunt の紹介
- ローンチ結果
- 打ち上げ準備
- コミュニティ
- 発売日
- PH ニュースレター
- 製品ハンティング船
- 結論
1. Product Hunt の紹介
Product Hunt を初めて使用する人のために、Product Hunt とは何か、プラットフォームがどのように機能するかを簡単に紹介します。 Product Hunt を既に知っていてアクティブな人は、次の章にスキップできます。 Product Hunt は、Similar Web によると、1 か月あたり約 500 万人の訪問者がいるプラットフォームです。

もちろん、投票数が多ければ多いほど、より多くの注目を集めることができ、同時に、より多くのウェブサイトの訪問者、サインアップ、またはアプリのダウンロードを意味します.毎日のランキングの他に、週ごと、月ごとのベスト商品のランキングもあり、年に一度、ゴールデン キティ アワードでベスト商品が表彰されます。昨年の受賞者をチェックしてください。
心配ない! Product Hunt での立ち上げは完全に無料で、サブスクライブしてプロファイルを作成するだけです。プラットフォームを偽のアカウントから保護し、ログインを簡単にするために、ソーシャル プロファイルを購読できます。したがって、Product Hunt は、新製品を紹介するための最大のプラットフォームです。 Product Hunt が急速な成長、メディアの注目、投資家の関心、または販売の触媒となった成功事例は数多くあります。 Product Hunt が提供できる膨大なリーチは、小規模なスタートアップ、インディー メーカー、またはサイド プロジェクトだけでなく、すでにユニコーン レベルの確立された大企業やスタートアップも、Product Hunt で製品を立ち上げていることを示しています。

プロダクト ハントの立ち上げにベータ版プロダクトが理想的かどうか、よく尋ねられます。答えはイエスです。Product Hunt コミュニティは、まだ準備が整っていない製品について貴重なフィードバックを喜んで提供します。ただし、製品を探しているユーザーに付加価値を与える準備ができており、製品を使用できるように注意する必要があります。

Reddit と同様に、収集できるカルマ ポイントがあります。アクティブな人には、100 ポイントからブロンズ シンボル、500 ポイントからシルバー シンボル、1000 ポイント以上からゴールデン シンボルがあります。 Product Hunt で製品を発売した、つまり Maker であるすべての人は、インジケータとして緑色の「M」も持っています。カルマ ポイントが多いほど、投票の価値は高くなりますが、それについては後で詳しく説明します。
2. Product Hunt の結果
これらは、当社が 1 年間にローンチして達成した結果です。もちろん、これは結果に柔軟に対応することではありません。むしろ、結果は短期間で何が可能であるかを証明するものであり、十分に準備された製品の発売はすべての指標にプラスの影響を与える可能性があります.

しかし、まず一歩下がって、すべてがどのように始まったかを見てみましょう. Product Hunt で初めてローンチすることを考えているあなたは、おそらくその時点にいると思います。
私にとっては、Product Hunt でアカウントを作成し、 1 か月後の 2020 年 7 月 7 日に行われる最初の提出の準備。
最初の Product Hunt の立ち上げの準備は、私たちが Product Hunt とコミュニティに不慣れだったため、これまでで最も集中的に行われました。 Product Hunt の世界に深く飛び込むほど、インターネットに出回っている多くの記事を読み、より多くの質問をするようになりました。そのため、このプラットフォームで成功しているトップ ハンターやメーカーに手紙を書き、フィードバックやアドバイスを求めることにしました。
Product Hunt のユーザーは非常にオープンで前向きなコミュニティであり、多くの人が自分の経験を喜んで共有し、貴重なアドバイスを提供してくれることにすぐに気付きました.
私に何度も返ってきたアドバイスの 1 つは、製品を中心に構築したコミュニティは非常に役立つというものでした。さらに良いことに、Product Hunt で活動しているコミュニティがあります。しかし、それについては後で詳しく説明します。
これで、最初のプロダクト ハントを開始する準備が整いました。私たちの予想に反して、ローンチは信じられないほどうまくいき、ほぼ 14 時間にわたって 1 位でした。私たちは受け取ったすべての反応に圧倒されました。それにもかかわらず、最終的には 6 位にとどまり、最初の 5 つの製品が得られ、Web サイトに埋め込むことができるバッチを逃しました.そして、その日は最も多くの賛成票を獲得しましたが、これらすべてが行われました。

それで、何が起こったのですか?これが私たちの最初の大きな学びです 最初のローンチから!
上の画像でわかるように、その日の開始後に多くの賛成票が集まり、トップに躍り出ました。 300 票近く 最初の 6 時間 . 1 日の終わりに計算すると、1200 の賛成票が得られます。 初日で入手するのはほぼ不可能です。これまでのところ、これを完全に管理している製品はごくわずかです。
これらの賛成票の問題は、それらが私たちのネットワークからのものであり、私たちをサポートしてくれたほとんどすべての人が、その日または数週間前に Product Hunt で新しいアカウントを作成したことです.
すべての賛成票が同じ価値があるわけではありません。確立されたアクティブなメンバーからの賛成票は、新しいメンバーからの賛成票よりも重みがあります。 Product Hunt アルゴリズムについては後で詳しく説明します。ただし、アルゴリズムがばかげているわけではなく、人為的な賛成票を防ぐように正確に設計されていることは明らかです。人為的に押し込もうとするため、製品がプラットフォームから外れる場合があります。私たちが最初に立ち上げたとき、私たちはそれについて何も考えていませんでした.一方、PH は、新しいユーザーがプロフィール写真の上に赤い風船で表示される更新をリリースしました。
全体で 11.8K ありました 5.3K のリリース週の火曜日から日曜日までのセッション ユニークな訪問者。当日は 2.4K でした ユニークな訪問者。

Web サイトへのアクセスは主に米国からのものです (23%) )、続いてインド (9%) )。 Similar Web によると、これらはプラットフォーム上で最大の 2 つのコミュニティ グループでもあります。 The device behavior shows that most people have visited our site via the Desktop browser, which is very useful for us, since we develop Type Studio desktop first and not for the mobile far (At least until now;)).

In Amplitude, we recorded a total of 541 new signups during the week, which turned out to be very valuable for us, as we received an incredible amount of user feedback and a real user base.
As mentioned in the beginning, a launch can bring many other positive things with it. Over the course of the day, a total of 8 investors contacted us. This shows that many investors are also on Product Hunt and are looking for exciting new products or startups.
Our absolute highlight came later in the day when we got retweeted directly by Ryan Hoover, the founder of Product Hunt. We knew that many products get retweeted by the official Product Hunt Twitter page, but this really caught us by surprise! A few minutes later we got a mail from Ryan and Vedika Jain and their Weekend Fund that they would like to get to know us.

Following launches
The launches of the next products were much more relaxed for us and produced similarly good results since we've learned from the mistakes we made in our first launch and basically made the following changes.
- Convinced a well-known Hunter in the community to submit our product to Product Hunt.
- Picked another day for the launch.
- Asked the community we gained through our first launch on Product Hunt for support.
With these improvements, our second launch even made it directly to first place. If you want more insights and stats from one of our launches, check out my post on Indie Hacker.
Before we continue with the proper preparation for your launch, here's an important hint!
Don't violate the Product Hunt rules. Never ask for direct upvotes, but rather for feedback and support for your launch. The same product or version 2.0 may be resubmitted after a maximum of 6 months, otherwise, it will be removed from the Product Hunt team. The fact that Product Hunt can be very strict and takes these rules very closely is shown by this article from the no-code editor Softr.
But now let's get into the real preparation of your launch.
3. Preparation for your launch
There are a few things to keep in mind when preparing for the launch on Product Hunt. You can practically divide the work into three steps
- Pre-launch
- The actual launch day
- Post-launch
Most of the work is done during the pre-launch. But don't worry, don't let it put you off. Maybe it sounds difficult at first sight. I have summarized all the things that are important to prepare your launch on Product Hunt optimally.
Launching days are different from each other
Not every day is the same on Product Hunt. There are days when there are more visitors on the website and days when there are fewer. Accordingly, high-quality products usually launch on the days when there are many visitors on the site to be seen by as many as possible and get many upvotes.
After our first launch, I made an evaluation over the period of one year to see which are the strongest days on Product Hunt. For this, I added up the upvotes of the top five products of the respective day.

It can be seen that Tuesday is the strongest day. But also Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday are strong days on Product Hunt. Towards the weekend it gets a bit quieter. Saturday and Sunday are the least busy days on Product Hunt. From this, you can now derive your strategy for picking the right day. If you think your product is very strong or you already have a large fan base on Product Hunt, it makes sense to launch on a strong day. If, on the other hand, you want to get a top ranking more easily and accept that fewer people will explore the product, the weekend is a good time for the launch.
One thing you can never prevent is other good products launching on Product Hunt on the same day. At our first launch, we had the bad luck that mmhmm also launched on the same day. mmhmm app, which is from the Evernote founder Phil Libin. His app has gone viral in the whole tech scene and has received over 3700 upvotes so far. Especially his explanatory video has received an incredible amount of attention - over 300k clicks as of now. If you want to see an excellent product video, you should definitely watch it!
Prepare submission
Let's move on to the preparation for your own launch. This consists mainly of the preparation of headlines, texts, images, and ideally a video.
On the overview page you will always see the following information about your product:

The page of the project itself looks like this:

Logo / Icon (GIF)
An important part is the logo of your product. The product hunt community likes well-designed logos. If you want to go the extra mile, animate your logo or create a GIF. This will automatically attract more attention when people scroll through the products. The logo should have the following characteristics. Square Logo with an aspect ratio of 240x240 JPG, PNG, GIF. Make sure that the file is not larger than 2MB.
Here are a few of our examples:

Pictures are very important to explain your product. I would recommend having at least three of them. Prepare nice screenshots or vivid images of your product. You can submit multiple images. Again, they can be gifs if appropriate. It is important that the first image serves as a thumbnail of your page. That means, if you share the link to your product hunt page, this image will be used as a thumbnail. So make sure that this image represents your product as well as possible and is not a detailed image of a special feature of your product. The resolution of your images should be 1270 x 760.
Here's an example of how it looks like if you want to share the link on Twitter:

To present your product as well as possible, you can submit a video that you must have uploaded to Youtube. With a video, you can present your product in the best possible way. A clear trend that has emerged recently is product demos that you can easily record with Loom or other screen recording tools. These work better than highly polished marketing videos and make you and your product more authentic. Make sure that the videos are not too long and that you get to the point.
Here is one of our explanatory videos:
Headline (max. 40 characters)
The headline should usually be the name of your product or feature. There are only 40 characters available, which means you have to get the headline to the point one way or the other.
Tagline (max. 60 characters)
Try to formulate the most important function or feature of your product in one sentence. Again a maximum of 60 characters is available. The sentence should be very well chosen because, besides the headline and the logo, it is everything that must convince the visitor on Product Hunt to take a closer look at your product.
Description of Product (max 260 characters)
Explain what your product does and why it is awesome in less than 260 characters. This information will be found under the video and images on your product page. It's basically like a high-level pitch of your product.
Link to your product
The link should go to your main product page. If you have an app, you can also include an App Store or Play Store link. In a few cases, products from Kickstarter campaigns are presented and linked.
There are different topics that you can enter at Product Hunt to classify your product. Do not specify more than 5 different categories. Among these categories, your product will be found later on (e.g. Productivity, SaaS, Developer Tools, Social Media).

Social Media
For the visitors, you can specify your social media channels on which people can find you. It is important that you do not enter your personal profiles here, but those of your product. This is how Product Hunt specifies it. There is the possibility to specify a Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and AngelList (since Product Hunt was bought by AngelList). In addition, you can also specify an article that you have published on Medium for exciting articles about your product.
Maker Comment
A good launch on Product Hunt has a detailed Maker comment! You can write this already in the preparation. If you hunt your product yourself, you can also post it beforehand. Generally, as a Hunter, you are able to schedule your launch 7 days in advance. Explain all the details the visitors should know about your product and give a little background of how you develop the product and what problem you're solving. At the latest when your product is live, you should post the comment in the comment box below your product. This is also where visitors will provide feedback on your product.
This is my Maker comment under our first submission. This post alone got 26 upvotes and shows that it is very appreciated by the community.

There is no topic that is discussed as much as having an external hunter for the launch of your product! I have talked to many successful makers and hunters about this and here is my opinion.
It's definitely not a negative aspect to have someone like a Hunter who is kind of an influencer on Product Hunt and is known in the community. Our first launch on Product Hunt was without a Hunter and I hunted our product myself. As a learning, we said then, next time we want to have a known Hunter, which brings us the additional trust and upvotes from established community members. As a counter-argument, it can be said that this additional boost is not as noticeable as it used to be, because in the past all followers of a Hunter received an email notification that a new product was being launched. However, Product Hunt has stopped this and you only get a push notification in the app.
So it's a question of how much effort and time you want to put into finding a hunter. Some of the biggest hunters also take a fee to launch your product. Nevertheless, we have noticed that finding a Hunter who is well connected to the community is a good indicator to get a good result because they will also take a look at your product and give you their honest opinion.
One of the biggest advantages is that a Hunter can make that your product is featured directly on the front page.
Wait... what? What is the front page?
Don't worry it won't get any more complicated. Since a lot of products are published throughout the day, each product starts in the "NEWEST" section, which is reached from the home page, but of course, is much less visited than the home page itself. So you have to manage to get enough relevance to be listed on the home page and the limited spots. There are basically too many products on Product Hunt. But don't worry, as soon as you get some votes you will usually be listed on the front page and will potential seen by all the daily visitors.

To conclude, top hunters are not a guarantee that your product will be successful and has less impact than it did a while ago. Of course, you can hunt your own product at any time. At the same time, a hunter can not hurt and increases the likelihood that your product will get more trust and a direct starting place on the home page. So you have to decide how much energy you want to spend to get a hunter to submit your product or to hunt your own product. But as I already said the community is a very nice one and you can basically reach out to them on Twitter or Facebook and get a response.
Here are some of the most famous top hunters that are out there:
- Kevin William David
- Chris Messina
- Hiten Shah
- Ben Lang
- Bram Kanstein
There is also a list made by Davis Baer about the Top 500 Hunters.
Since I've been on Product Hunt daily and become a part of the community, I've been getting more and more requests to do product hunt's. I have already accompanied two successful product hunt's. So if you need help, just visit my website and fill out the form.✌️
4. Community
If you're really serious about the launch and want to network with people in the community, you need to put the time and work in and network with them. As I started asking top hunters and makers for feedback and advice, nice conversations started to happen and I was offered to send them a link from our launch. Like I said the Product Hunt community is a rally cooperatively one.
There are numerous groups on Facebook and Slack where you can go and interact with people from Product Hunt. Product Hunt itself does not have the ability to chat with people. However, most of them have linked their Twitter account to Product Hunt and you can reach them there. I will link you to all the groups that I'm in, in the next chapter. Again, never ask for direct upvotes! This comes scammy and is not liked. Lead much more interesting conversation and exchange with people from the scene. Of course, you can also try to add value to the person you are networking with.
Special offer / Discount
The Product Hunt community appreciates getting a discount for being an early adopter. For example, we always give a 20% discount throughout the day on the paid version of Type Studio. Again, you can communicate this via image like this for example.

5. Launch Day
Is there anything to consider on the launch day itself? Simple answer - Yes, it is! Here are the most crucial things you should look out for.
The golden first hour's traction
By far the most important thing is to make sure that you get enough upvotes in the first hours to reach first place in the best case. Many visitors to Product Hunt only look at the top listed products. Similar to Google search results, the percentage decreases significantly the lower you are listed.
Here's one of the many examples where the winner is practically a foregone conclusion. What is striking is that the places from 2 to 5 have not changed since the beginning of the day. All get very evenly many upvotes over the entire period.

One prerequisite is, of course, that your product is fundamentally attractive and arouses curiosity. With a launch of a background remover from images, this probably won't work anymore, because more than 10 such products have already been launched. So try to mobilize your community and supporters especially for the first hours. But make sure that there are not hundreds at once, otherwise, the product hunt algorithm will fail and reject your product. The algorithm detects when you try to game the system.
What does right at the beginning of the day mean?
Since the Product Hunt servers are located in the PST time zone (GMT-8), a new day starts exactly at 12:00 am PST. So your product should go live right at the beginning of the day to take the whole 24h with you and get to the top as fast as possible. For security reasons, you should schedule the submission for 12:01 am so that no mistakes happen with the conversion of the servers to a new day.
Answer Feedback and start discussions
During your launch on Product Hunt, you can see a kind of dashboard. Here you will also see comments posted under your product. Product hunt shows you these messages as unanswered messages. This means you should reply to all comments if possible. Often valuable feedback is given by people who have tried your product. Here it is a good idea to start conversations and if questions arise to answer them so that other visitors can read the answers.

Comments are also a ranking factor. Comments from people with many karma points definitely have a positive effect on your ranking. So if you are connected with people who have valuable accounts, ask them to leave feedback in the form of a comment under your product.
Often I see the mistake of makers who try to push your product with many comments. This behavior is especially noticeable when the people who comment have a red balloon next to their profile picture and are thus displayed as new members.
Prevent your comment section from looking like this. It is a bad sign and can be a red flag at the Product Hunt algorithm.

Go in groups and spread the word around your launch
There are numerous ways to let people know about your launch on Product Hunt. When you go live, you should make the effort to actively promote it. There are many Facebook groups and Slack groups made for promoting the launch. To be honest the interaction rate is relatively low but it is worth the effort to get some interested people for your product. Again, it's important that you don't ask for upvotes directly, but rather for feedback. If they like your product, the upvote will come by itself.
Here is an example of what a post of mine looks like:

So know you want to know which groups are existing. I will link you to all the groups I am in.
Make sure you join the groups early enough, sometimes it takes a few days to get accepted. The same goes for posting. In most groups, your post will be checked beforehand and that takes some time. So post as early as possible after your product goes live.
With these Slack groups, there are dedicated product hunt channels where you can post.
Indie Hacker
If you're on Indie Hacker, you can post your launch there too. There is a separate group for it.
The same as for indie hackers applies to Reddit. There is a subreddit here as well.
Other Social Media
Of course, you can announce your launch anywhere else. Post it on LinkedIn or on Twitter. Twitter is actually a very good channel because basically a lot of people from the Product Hunt community are very active on Twitter. Make sure to tag the @ProductHunt account in your tweet. If your product is featured on the home page of Product Hunt it is very likely that the Product Hunt account will make a tweet about you. Or you are lucky and arouse the interest of Ryan Hoover himself, who then tweets about you.
To welcome the product hunt community on your landing page and basically inform all visitors on your website about the launch, you can embed the batch on your website via a small snippet.

If you get among the top 5 of the day, you get a new batch unlocked, which you can permanently embed on your landing page. We have included our batch in the footer of our landing page.

Clarify a common myth about Product Hunt launches
The biggest rumor going around about a launch at Product Hunt is that direct linking to your launch page is negative because the algorithm notices it and reports spam. People trying workarounds and just linking to the main page or just tell people they should visit Product Hunt and search for their product to upvote it.
Product Hunt clears up the rumor and says linking to your launch is absolutely okay and will not be penalized. However, linking to the home page only makes it harder for visitors to find your product.

Speaking of what is allowed and what is not. Trying to cheat is not allowed! There are some offers on Fiverr to buy upvotes. I highly recommend you never do that!!! They are not high-quality votes and the algorithm will detect this. Even if the upvotes are so cheap and the offer is tempting like this one found in Fiverr.

You will probably also receive messages like this one, trying to sell you upvotes and promising you a top ranking.
Cheating has never won, so keep your hands off these dubious offers. Your result will look like these in the end:
For me a clear case that here artificially upvotes were generated. Maiar got extremely many upvotes in a very short time, which was directly recognized by PH. They ended up far behind products with significantly fewer upvotes.
For me a clear case that here artificially upvotes were generated. Maiar got extremely many upvotes in a very short time, which was directly recognized by PH. They ended up far behind products with significantly fewer upvotes.

While products that were ranked before Maiar had just a little bit over 100 upvotes, Maiar already had 838 upvotes and was still listed behind. Everyone could see that they tried to artificially push the product with upvotes, which in the end had exactly the opposite effect.

Okay, enough of failed launches and back to the beautiful things of launch your product. But one sad last example that affected us at one of our launches I have to share with you!
6. Newsletter aka the second boost
Product Hunt has a newsletter that reaches an extremely large audience. There are two different newsletters. One that is sent every weekday and one that summarizes the weekend. In the newsletter, the top 10 products on Product Hunt of the previous day or weekend are mentioned. This means that if you make it into the top 10 of the day, you are in the newsletter the next day and can look forward to some more upvotes because many prefer to read the newsletter than to search daily on Product Hunt for cool products. In your profile settings, you can choose which newsletter you would like to receive. If you like to check out how the newsletter looks like you can visit their newsletter page where all newsletters are stored.
7. Product Hunt Ship
If you think it's too hard to build a community around Product Hunt and your launch, Product Hunt offers you a great opportunity. Product Hunt Ship helps you to announce your product even before launching it! You will get a landing page on Product Hunt where you can collect email addresses for interested folks. This way you can build a community that will surely support you on your launch day. Another positive effect that Ship brings is that you can get some beat users who can give you valuable feedback on your product.

8. Conclusion
That was a ride! But you have made it. That was all the knowledge I gathered about product Hunt as a heavy user. I hope you got some exciting insights into the world of Product Hunt and are now ready to prepare everything to successfully launching on Product Hunt.
Let me briefly summarize the most relevant learnings.
- Product Hunt is a great platform capture the light of the world for your product or Startup
- It will need some time and effort to prepare a your launch well enough, but there is no magic and everything can be done by following the simple steps that I have listed.
- Try to build a community around your product with preferably real product hunt natives.
If you have any questions or suggestions, I'd be happy to talk to you about Product Hunt, your launch, or anything else I've mentioned here. Just feel free to send me an email:[email protected]
I wish you a happy launch day!