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新しい知識とスキルを学ぶための 24 人の最高の YouTube 教師

高品質の教育用ビデオが多数ある YouTube は、学校や大学のような学習に最適なプラットフォームになっています。ここ数年、多くの教師がチャンスをつかみ、学習チャンネルを作成しました。


しかし、その分野で最高のものを見つけるのは簡単ではありません。そこで、科学、音楽、歴史、語学のすべてを教えてくれる 24 人の優秀な教師を紹介します。


TecMath – 数学が本当に簡単に

Tecmath の才能は、複雑な数学的概念と問題を明確かつ正確な言語で表現することです。簡単な絵を使って、学習者に方法論的アプローチと従うべきトリックを段階的に示します。あなたが家で苦労しているなら、彼はあなたの数学の先生を簡単に置き換えます!

Walter Lewin – 魅力的な物理教師

Walter Lewin について 1 つ言えることがあるとすれば、それは、彼が誰もが無関心にならない物理の教師だということです。ダイナミックな講義や独自の実験を通じて、Lewin は物理学の基本法則を雄弁に教えてくれます。物理のカリキュラムを有利に始めるのにこれ以上のものはありません!

Tyler DeWitt – 直感的な化学教師

Tyler De Witt は、あなたがずっと望んでいた化学の先生です。忍耐と細部への注意を払って、彼は化学問題の方程式を解く方法を説明します。これらの指示に従って、化学製剤の複雑さを理解してください。

Hussain Biology – 生命科学をシンプルに

Hussain Biology は、生命がどのように機能するかを正確な図で視覚的に説明しています。その説明は、生物学コースのグローバルなビジョンを探している学生なら誰でもアクセスできます。さらに説明が必要な場合は、ぜひご覧ください。

博士。ナジーブ – 包括的な医療クラス


博士。 Ali Mattu – アクセス可能な心理学のレッスン

心理学の学生、患者、その他の誰にとっても、アリ・マットゥ博士が提供するアドバイスとレッスンは常に非常に啓発的で有用です.彼は、良い参考文献と素晴らしいエネルギーに満ちたビデオで、心理的な練習にアクセスできるようにすることができます.これは、プロの心理学者の頭の中に入るのに最適な YouTube チャンネルです。

Jacob Clifford – 経済学の基礎をすべての人に

ジェイコブ・クリフォードは、経済学を学ぶ学生の成功を支援することに全力を注いでいると言っても過言ではありません。主要な経済学の概念を要約した彼のすばやく簡単なビデオで、経済学の授業は長い間頭に残ります。 Clifford は、あなたの改訂について有益な洞察を与えてくれ、ダイナミックでさわやかな口調を持っています.


Derek Banas – オールインワンのコーディングとデータの教師

Derek Banas has the incredible ability to make any concept covering programming, data science and AI simple. You will find all the information you need to become a better developer. His playlist tutorials are especially comprehensive in teaching you to master new languages and systems.

Kudvenkat – Lessons to become software engineer

Kudvenkat is driven by a belief:that anyone has the right to learn software development with motivation. That’s why he offers his very detailed and clear courses on different types of infrastructure and programming languages. You will find everything you need to grow your coding skills and become a full-fledged developer!

The New Boston – Expert Teachers to Learn All Programming Language

The New Boston is a YouTube channel that collects programming courses from well-known programmers on the platform. It provides you with the best tutorials on many programming languages. Just watch the dedicated playlists, and you will be introduced with great clarity to the basic commands and operation of these systems.

Best Language Teacher

Ronnie – Instructive and Thoughtful English Teacher

Ronnie is the most adorable and educational English teacher on YouTube. With great patience and empathy, she is able to make any non-English speaker understand the basics of English. By watching these videos, you are sure to progress quickly in English, especially if you are a beginner.

Vincent – Learn French Easily

You want to learn the subtleties of the French language without losing your head? Vincent has the ability to teach French with great rigor and finesse. With him, you will know all the essential notions of this difficult language to speed up your learning.

Butterfly Spanish – Impactful Spanish Lessons

With great teacher Butterfy Spanish, you’ll learn all about Spanish grammar and pronunciation. Behind her blackboard, she will train you to speak Spanish by yourself with great vivacity and simplicity. This is the free online course you need to get by in a Spanish-speaking country.

YoYo Chinese – Clear and Stimulating Chinese Classes

With her big smile, YoYo Chinese will teach you the basics of Chinese pronunciation, grammar and conversation. Her lessons are very clear and motivating and will make you learn even more about Chinese. All you have to do is to start!

Best Music Teachers

Music Matters – Extensive and Enjoyable Music Theory Teaching

Want to deepen your understanding of music? Music Matters covers the fundamentals of music theory in a highly educational way. From harmony theory to music composition, you’ll have everything you need to master or create scores.

Marty Music – Easy-to-Begin Guitar Lessons

Marty Schwartz is the coolest guitar teacher you can find on the internet. He’ll give you your first guitar lessons, and you’ll be able to play some great tunes right away. With his many lessons to play acoustic, pop or rock classics, you will also find something to impress your friends.

Andrew Furmanczyk – Lovely and Instructive Piano Teacher

There are few piano teachers as pleasant to listen to as Andrew Furmanczyk. With patience and sympathy, he teaches you to position your fingers correctly on the instrument and to understand your musical scores. There is no better way to start playing the piano at home.

Todd Ehle – Learning the Best Violin Techniques

There are many piano professionals on YouTube, but Tod Ehle will teach you the best techniques to progress quickly. For such a complex instrument, he is able to teach you the right moves to master and make it accessible to everyone. A must-have for all violin lovers.

Adam Neely – Elaborate and Advanced Music Lessons

Want to take your music learning even further? Adam Neely covers more advanced and sophisticated topics in music theory and practice. From song analysis to a more in-depth study of melodic mechanics, he has something for everyone who wants to hone their ear and musical sense.

Best History and Literature Teacher

CrashCourse – Exciting History Lessons

Crash Course is known for its interactive and informative videos on many subjects. But it is on historical topics that the magic of this YouTube channel appears. You won’t find more entertaining content to learn about the major conflicts and upheavals in history.

Exploring History – In-details Political History Explanations

Do you want to go even further in the study of history and socio-political mechanics? Exploring History takes you behind the scenes of the secret strategies that caused the great events of history. You will gain a more accurate and true vision of political and historical movements.

Rebecca Balcarcel – Insightful Literary Analysis

Rebecca Balcarcel is one of the few YouTube girls who have dedicated her channel to the analysis of great works of literature. Whether it’s for your studies or just for curiosity, you’ll understand what made the greatest writers successful and recognized. With it, you are sure to pass your literary essay.

Wireless Philosophy – Fascinating Philosophical Lessons from top professors

Always had a secret passion for philosophy? Wireless Philosophy will awaken it with its detailed descriptions of the ideas and movements of the great philosophers. With animated drawings, you’ll understand everything about ethics, epistemology, metaphysics and more.

Geography Now – Engaging Lessons about Every Country You can Imagine

Want to know more about every country around the world? Geography Now offers in-depth and dynamic presentations on the flag, geography, culture and politics of each country. With their videos, you will know the intricacies of every country in the world!

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  2. 最高のICOと暗号通貨のビデオの18

  3. 21のベストYouTubeイントロ(2022)

  4. 2022年の11の最高のYouTubeキーワードツール

  5. 11の最高のYouTubeバナーメーカー。エピックチャンネルアートを作ろう!

  6. 写真を学ぶ方法:6つの最良の方法

  7. ギターを弾くことを学ぶためのベスト5ギターアプリ

  8. YouTube、Instagram、Facebookの最高のビデオアスペクト比

  1. 画像やビデオをアップロードして共有するための最良のTinyPic代替手段

  2. かわいい動物のGIFとビデオのための最高のウェブサイト

  3. YouTube Online の最高のイントロとアウトロ メーカー

  4. YouTube ビデオの最高のフレーム レート

  5. YouTube コミュニティのキャプションに代わる最良の方法は?

  6. 字幕とキャプションの違いを学ぶ

  7. これは最高の YouTube バナー サイズ (および優れたチャンネル アートの例) です

  8. 調査によると、YouTube に投稿するのに最適な日時は次のとおりです
