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Twitchは、ゲーマーがゲームプレイをストリーミングしたり、他の人がプレイしたり、志を同じくするファンのコミュニティと交流したりするための場所になりました。 Twitchでライブストリーミングを作成したい場合でも、趣味で試してみたい場合でも、私たちはあなたをカバーします。


ここで取り上げる内容は次のとおりです。**2022年にTwitchでストリーミングする方法(ステップバイステップガイド)ストリーミングを開始したいですか? Twitchでストリーミングを開始するために必要な包括的なガイドは次のとおりです。このガイドでは、基本的なセットアップからすべての高度な機能まで、Twitchでストリーミングする方法について説明します。また、新しいストリーマーのヒントとコツについても説明します。それでは始めましょう!Twitchでストリーミングする方法:基本





Twitchは、主にビデオゲーム関連のコンテンツに焦点を当てたビデオストリーミングサービスです。 Amazonが所有しており、月間ユーザー数は4,500万人を超えています。





プレイステーションのアクティビティを、Twitchのアカウントを持っている友達とライブで共有することもできます。ただし、それはゲームだけのものではありません。 Twitchはライブストリーミングエンターテインメントの本拠地になりました。それを楽しむためにゲーマーである必要はありません。



なぜTwitchでストリーミングするのですか? Twitchは、ゲーマーと私たちが愛するもののための世界をリードするライブストリーミングプラットフォームです。世界中の何百万人ものファンと今すぐ視聴してチャットしましょう。Twitch入門






1。 Twitchの使用を開始するアカウントを作成する



  2. 「ユーザー名の選択」の下に希望のユーザー名を入力します。これはTwitchの名前ですが、必ずしもTwitchのチャンネル名と同じである必要はありません。詳しくは後で説明します。一意である必要があり(すでに使用されている名前は使用できません)、文字、数字、またはアンダースコアのみを使用して、長さが4〜25文字である必要があります。
  3. 後で名前を変更する場合は、[プロファイル設定]ページで、[プロファイルステータス]の横にある[編集]をクリックして変更できます。 [資格情報を入力してください]の下にメールアドレスとパスワードを入力します。
  4. メールアドレスが正確であることを確認してください。後でアカウントを確認したり、今後ログインに問題が発生したりする場合に必要になります。必要に応じて、新しいクレデンシャルを作成する代わりに、GoogleまたはFacebookのクレデンシャルを使用することもできます。利用規約とプライバシーポリシーに同意してから

2。 Twitchの使用を開始する2要素認証の設定






3。 Twitchの使用を開始するTwitchでライブストリーミングを行うための適切なストリーミングソフトウェアを選択してください



  • Twitchアカウント(お持ちでない場合は、こちらからサインアップしてください)
  • 美しい顔を見せたい場合は、カメラ付きのPCまたはMac
  • ストリーミングするソフトウェア
  • プレイするゲームまたは人々を楽しませるその他のアクティビティ(ゲームをプレイしたくない場合でも、おそらくこれが必要になります)



4。 Twitchの使用を開始するライブストリームに適したハードウェアを選択する












TwitchLaptopsは、ブログでお金を稼ぎ始めるのに最適な方法です。 TwitchLaptopsのリンクとバナーをブログに追加することで、読者にTwitchLaptops製品を紹介することでコミッションを獲得できます。

TwitchLaptopsリンクとバナーをサイトに追加するプロセスを合理化したい場合は、TwitchLaptopsアフィリエイトプログラムにサインアップすることを検討してください。このプログラムを使用すると、カスタマイズされた製品リンクと広告バナーにアクセスして、サイトに最も都合のよいときに配置できます。 。


承認されるとすぐに、TwitchLaptops Webサイトを閲覧して、読者の興味を引く可能性のある製品を探し、それらの製品の広告バナーをサイトに表示できるようになります。これらの広告を介してTwitchLaptopsに誘導するトラフィックが多いほど、誰かがそれらの1つをクリックして何かを購入する可能性が高くなります。つまり、お金を稼ぐことができます。

TwitchLaptopsアフィリエイトプログラムではどのような製品を利用できますか? TwitchUSBインターフェース/ミキサー入門のすべてを見つけることができます。 Twitchを使い始める前に、必要なことがいくつかあります。これらのアイテムの一部はオプションですが、完全なエクスペリエンスを得るにはほとんどが必要になります。

  1. ビデオおよびオーディオコンテンツをストリーミングできるコンピューターまたはラップトップ。これは、音声を送信する機能だけでなく、Webカメラとマイク入力(または独自のWebカメラ)も備えていることを意味します。**

  1. チャットルームで他の人と通信するためのヘッドセットまたはマイク付きヘッドホン。**アップロード速度が1メガビット以上のインターネット接続。これにより、ラグの問題なしにビデオとオーディオをリアルタイムでストリーミングできます。**

  1. オーディオ出力ジャックを備えたオーディオカードまたはミキサー。ヘッドセットを接続して、他の人がチャンネルで話しているときに他の人の声を聞くことができます。*ストリーム中にライブビデオをブロードキャストする場合はWebカメラ。*

  1. 少なくとも10メガビット/秒(Mbps)を処理​​できるブロードバンド接続。*音声を録音する場合はマイクとスピーカー。*




USBマイク、スタジオコンデンサー、ラベリアマイク、ヘッドセットマウスなど、いくつかのオプションを利用できます。自分に最適なものを見つけてください。 Twitchでのストリーミング用に特別に設計されたマイクを調べることもできます!




なぜストリーミング用のウェブカメラを購入するのですか? Twitchでストリーミングしている場合は、専用のWebカメラを選択することを検討してください。ウェブカメラは使いやすくセットアップも簡単で、視聴者に自分の姿を見せるための最良の方法です。








Neewer18インチ外部調光可能リングライトNeewerPro5in1マルチディスクリフレクターストリームライトスティンガーDSLEDHL懐中電灯(12VDC充電器および120VAC POD充電器付き)–800ルーメン照明設定2つのソフトボックスライトをメイン光源として使用する必要があります。これらのライトは、カメラのどちらかの側を自分の方に向けて内側に向けて設置する必要があります。




より多くのカメラの動きをストリームに組み込みたいTwitchストリーマーは、新しいTwitchスタンド/マウントを購入できるようになりました。 Twitchスタンド/マウントは、ラップトップを三脚にマウントする場合でも、スタンド付きのUSBマイクをマウントする場合でも、ストリーミングのすべてのニーズに使用できます。




5。 Twitch入門チャンネルのカスタマイズ


基本的に、これは視聴者があなたのチャンネルに与える第一印象です。したがって、放送局としてのあなたが誰であるかを正確に反映していることを確認してください。 Twitchプロファイルのカスタマイズを開始する方法は次のとおりです。Twitchのトップメニューバーに移動し、ユーザー名をクリックします。次に、「ダッシュボード」をクリックします。




Twitchにブロードキャストするストリーミングソフトウェア。 Twitch InstallOBSStudioにブロードキャストするストリーミングソフトウェア。

公式ウェブサイトからOBSStudioの最新バージョンをダウンロードしてください。 OBSを起動し、右下隅にある[設定]を選択します。



「ビデオ」タブで、必要に応じて基本解像度と「出力(スケーリング)解像度」を変更します。 1080pでストリーミングする場合は、両方が1920×1080以上に設定されていることを確認してください。 [適用]、[OK]の順にクリックして[設定]を閉じ、OBSのメインウィンドウに戻ります。

1。 Mac/PCデスクトップを使用したTwitchアカウントからのライブストリーム




これは、MacまたはPCのいずれかを使用してTwitchアカウントからライブストリーミングする方法の簡単なチュートリアルです。 [チュートリアルビデオへのリンク](アプリを使用したライブストリーム。



Twitchアプリは、[最近のアプリ]から閉じるか、[設定]からアプリを完全に終了するまで、バックグラウンドで実行され続けます。 [ストリーミングの開始]ではなく[リンクの共有]を選択すると、どこでも共有できるライブストリームへのリンクをコピーできます。



3。 WebブラウザからTwitchするライブストリーム


この記事では、Open Broadcaster Software(OBS)とChromeを使用して、独自のクリエイティブな取り組みをTwitchにブロードキャストする方法を紹介します。はじめにTwitchでブロードキャストを開始するには、OBSStudioをダウンロードしてインストールする必要があります。




Twitchは、世界最大のライブストリーミングプラットフォームです。世界中の人々がTwitchを使用してゲームをストリーミングしたり、他の人がプレイするのを見たりしています。 Twitchでより多くの視聴者を獲得する方法を疑問に思うかもしれません。そうすれば、あなたもストリーミングから生計を立てることができますか?簡単ではないかもしれませんが、可能です。



量より質品質世界中のすべての豪華な機器を手に入れることができますが、視聴者と交流していない場合、ポイントは何ですか?優れたビデオとマイクの品質がすべてではありません。実際、多くのストリーマーは低品質のコンソール(Nintendo Switchなど)でのプレイを好みます

1。 Twitchの広告とチャリティーで視聴者数を増やす






ほとんどの人は、Twitchでどれだけのお金を稼ぐことができるかを理解していません。 Twitchでお金を稼ぐには、何千人もの視聴者が必要ですか?絶対違う!熱心なファンがいる場合、または始めたばかりの場合でも、プラットフォームを使用して追加の現金を稼ぐ方法があります。




3。 Twitchでの視聴者数を増やすニッチなトップストリーマーを特定し、それらをエミュレートする

あなたのニッチでトップストリーマーを特定し、それらをエミュレートします。 Twitchでストリーミングを始めたばかりの場合、または放送を改善する方法を探しているベテランの場合は、ニッチのトップストリーマーを調べるのに役立ちます。


答えは、あなたがどのタイプのストリーマーであるか(Fortniteをプレイするゲーマー、Twitch IRLブロードキャスター、またはライブアートを行う人)によって異なりますが、多くの成功したTwitchブロードキャスターに共通することがいくつかあります。

たとえば、次のようになります。ゲームと同じくらい個性を強調します。カメラや照明などの高品質の機器を使用して、洗練されたストリームを生成します。 OBS StudioやRestreamなどのツールを使用して人々を引き付けるエキサイティングなコールアウトでストリームを強調表示して、品質とリーチを向上させます。

4。 Twitchでの視聴者数を増やすコミュニティを構築するための最適なツールとプラグインを選択してください

Twitchは、YouTubeやFacebookと並んで、ストリーミングで最も人気のあるプラットフォームの1つです。 Twitchでの視聴者数を増やしたい場合は、利用可能なすべてのツールを検討することが重要です。
















SullyGnome is a site that provides analytics and statistics for twitch streams. The site uses the Twitch API to gather data on various things like streamers, games, or even the entire website.

The front page shows the top 100 overall streams, but you can change this to show only specific games or languages. On each streamer’s page there are stats on their streaming habits, as well as graphs showing how they’re doing over time.

You can also see other streams that those users watch most, find out when they’ve gone live the most, and even see their most played games over time. SullyGnome is a tool that allows you to compare the performance of channels on Twitch.

It has a whole host of features that allow you to get granular statistics on how channels are performing. You can compare your channel performance against other channels, and see how your channel has been performing over time. You can also see what games have been popular on a channel over time, as well as when a channel has been online and offline.

ipeeeStream:Payment Plugin

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new payment plugin for TipeeeStream, which allows you to easily request donations from your Twitch or YouTube stream! Get it now on GitHub! To make it easy for streamers to get paid for their content, TipeeeStream offers a great way to accept donations. For example, with this plugin you can ask viewers to donate in order to unlock more chat emotes (the little icons used in chat).

それはどのように機能しますか? TipeeeStream is a web platform that allows streamers to accept payments [without taking any commission]( When you connect your account with TipeeeStream, you will be able to display an overlay menu on your stream.

Viewers can then donate directly on your stream and receive rewards according to your settings. To set up the plugin, simply download it from GitHub and follow the instructions in the readme file. You can choose from multiple options:


The TipeeeStream plugin supports both the Twitch and YouTube streaming platforms. It also supports OBS Studio and XSplit for livestreaming videos on Twitch or YouTube.

TeeBoard:Plugin for Twitch Desktop

TeeBoard is a powerful Twitch toolbox hosted by the folks who made the free and easy to setup Open Broadcaster Software How To Live Stream Your Gaming Sessions Using Open Broadcaster Software How To Live Stream Your Gaming Sessions Using Open Broadcaster Software Live streams have become all the rage these days in the world of gaming, and with Open Broadcaster Software you can join in with your own streaming sessions for the world to watch. Read More (OBS) streaming software.

If you’re new to Twitch and planning on becoming a streamer yourself, check out our guide on how to stream on How To Broadcast Your Games Online With Twitch TV How To Broadcast Your Games Online With Twitch TV As of March 2013, Twitch.TV had 45 million unique viewers.

It’s not just e-sports either! Regular gamers like you and I are using it, too — as both an entertainment platform and a showcase for… Read More . TeeBoard is a social tool that allows you to interact with your followers during your stream, making it a great option for someone looking to grow their audience.Monetize Your Streams On Twitch

Twitch has been around for years and is the most popular streaming platform for gamers. Gamers can stream their game live on Twitch and can make money through advertisements, subscriptions, donations and sponsorships.

You can create your own Twitch channel as well if you’re a gamer. The following are some ways to monetize your streams on Twitch:Subscriptions Subscriptions are one of the most important ways to make money on Twitch.

Viewers normally subscribe to get extra emoticons or other perks. You can set up subscription tiers which start at $4.99 per month, $9.99 per month and $24.99 per month (plus taxes). Viewers get certain benefits when they subscribe to you such as no ads, custom emotes and badges, exclusive chat room access or an ad-free viewing experience. These benefits are decided by the streamer themselves.

Twitch takes 50 percent of subscription revenue, meaning a streamer gets about half of what viewers pay — so someone subscribing at the lowest tier would cost them $2.50 per month to you, while someone subscribing at the highest tier would bring in about $12 per month. These fees change often so check with Twitch directly before entering into any negotiations with

Earn Money Without Being A Partner On Twitch

This is a very commonly asked question by new streamers. No one wants to waste their time streaming to 0 viewers so I wanted to share some tips with you on how you can start earning money without being a partner.

The first thing I want to mention is that being a partner does not automatically guarantee you money. You still have to work for it! There are many partners out there that make no money at all.

With that being said, if you get partnered you will have more opportunities to earn money through subscriptions, ads, and game sales. Game Sales Did you know non-partnered streamers can make money through game sales? Anytime someone purchases a game or in-game content on Twitch through your channel page, you get 5% of the purchase.

If a viewer purchases $100 worth of games, that’s $5 in your pocket! This isn’t going to be much income but as long as your stream is up and running, it’s passive income and will help pay the bills. Donations It may seem obvious but getting donations is another way for non-partners to earn money on Twitch.

The easiest way is by using Streamlabs and Paypal but other sites like Muxy,

1。 Earning Money On Twitch – Donations

Streaming can be a difficult job and you’re going to have your ups and downs. As well as the great days where you’re playing well, having fun, and chatting away with your viewers, you’ll also have bad days where nothing seems to go right.

Twitch donations are something that will take the pressure off of this during those down times. Even if you only make a little bit here and there, it could be enough to cover your streaming costs or help to buy a new piece of equipment that you need.

Donations are one of the most common methods used by streamers to make money on Twitch. They are a simple way for viewers to make payments directly to their favourite streamers without any complex processes or fees.

The most popular way for Twitch streamers to accept donations is through PayPal. It’s quick, simple, and easy for both parties involved.

2。 Earning Money On Twitch – YouTube

It’s no surprise that YouTube is one of the most popular ways for people to make money online. With over 1 billion unique users visiting each month, YouTube has taken over as the leader in video uploading and streaming.

And, with the recently introduced YouTube Partner Program you can now profit from making and uploading videos. You will receive a percentage of the advertising revenue collected per 1,000 views.

A recent study done by Buffer App found that the top four reasons people use social media are to:Connect with people they care about, keep up on current events, learn new things and be entertained. With that said, it makes sense why most people want to get in on the action of sharing videos with everyone and getting paid to do so.

The YouTube Partner program enables creators to monetize certain types of videos. Creators can earn money from advertisements served on their videos and from YouTube Red subscribers watching their content.Creators must apply to join the YouTube Partner program and once accepted, follow all of the policies set forth by YouTube.

3。 Earning Money On Twitch – Patreon

We are going to talk about how to earn money on and one of the options we will cover is patreon.

What is Patreon? Patreon is a membership platform that makes it easy for creators to get paid. Basically, it allows you to set up a subscription service, so that your fans and supporters can give you regular payments.

Patreon has been used worldwide by YouTubers, webcomic artists, writers, podcasters, musicians and other categories of creators who post regularly online.

How Does Patreon Work? Patreon works on a monthly model where people pay their favorite content creators a monthly fee of their choice. In return, the patron gets access to exclusive content, community or other rewards based on what the creator decides to offer.

Why Use Patreon? Many people use Patreon as a tip jar, but you can also offer exclusive rewards or experiences in exchange for those monthly payments. Some common rewards include:Access to your entire back catalog of content / podcast episodes / music / videos / whatever else you create

Early access to content / music / videos before it’s released anywhere else Discounts or free downloads to your current products (i.e., 10% off an

4。 Earning Money On Twitch – Affiliate Marketing

If you’re a gamer and you have a lot of followers, it might be time to consider earning money on Twitch. Twitch is an online streaming platform.

This platform has its own unique currency called “Bits” which can be used to tip streamers. The more Bits viewers use when cheering your channel, the more money you earn! In addition to this, you can also monetize videos by running ads or selling merchandise.

Getting Started In order to get started, you’ll need to sign up for an account on Twitch and connect it with your Amazon account. You’ll also need to enable Bits as a monetization option in your dashboard. After that, you’re ready to go!

The Streamlabs Extension will allow viewers to cheer for you using Bits. Once enabled, viewers can use Bits by visiting your channel page. You’ll then see a purple bar appear at the bottom of the screen indicating that someone has cheered for you.

If you want to earn even more money, check out affiliate marketing! Affiliate marketing involves promoting products and receiving a commission if they make a purchase through your link. Many people have earned hundreds or thousands of dollars through this method alone! Here’s what you need:

Get Paid As An Affiliate On Twitch

Twitch has a new way for online video creators to earn money, and it doesn’t involve getting paid by the streaming service itself. The Amazon-owned company has launched a “Revenue Sharing” feature for its Affiliate Program, which lets streamers monetize their channels, even if they’re not big enough to qualify for Twitch’s Partner Program (which allows Partners to make money from subscriptions, ad sales and other revenue sources).

To be eligible for this new program, streamers must have at least 50 followers and stream for at least 500 minutes in the last 30 days; have an average of three or more viewers per stream; be at least 18 years old with a registered PayPal account; and not be Partner or Partnered Community members.

Once they meet those requirements, they can start earning through a “Cheer Bit” button found on their channel. Cheer Bits are digital currency that viewers can purchase to show their support for streamers.

For example, 100 bits costs $1.40. A viewer can then use them to “cheer” on a streamer in chat — where the Cheer is displayed alongside animated emoticons. Cheering also earns Twitch users points toward special badges and emojis.

1。 Earning Money On Twitch – Subscriptions

Twitch is a social network for gamers, where you can live stream your games for others to view. You can also watch other gamers playing as well. Twitch has exploded in popularity over the last few years to more than 100 million monthly users.

This popularity has helped it grow into an incredible source of income for professional gamers, and thousands of people have become Twitch partners, earning money each month through subscriptions and advertising revenue.

The most popular way to earn money on Twitch is through subscriptions. People on Twitch pay $5 per month to subscribe to a channel, which gives them extra perks like additional emotes (emoticons) and access to special chat rooms. When someone subscribes to your channel you’ll earn half of the subscription fee ($2.50).

For example, if you have 10 people subscribed you’ll be paid $25 per month. If you increase your number of subscribers to 100 people, you’ll earn $250 per month. Subscriptions are automatically renewed each month unless a subscriber decides to cancel their subscription, so if you can maintain a high number of subscribers you’ll earn recurring monthly income.

To maximize your chances of earning money with Twitch subscriptions, it’s important that you create a loyal following who wants to support what you’re 2. Earning Money On Twitch – Twitch Bits Twitch is the world’s leading video platform and community for gamers. More than 45 million gamers gather every month on Twitch to broadcast, watch and chat about gaming.

Twitch’s video platform is the backbone of both live and on-demand distribution for the entire video game ecosystem. This includes game publishers, developers, media outlets, industry conventions and press conferences, casual gamers and gaming for charity events. Twitch also caters to the entire esports industry, spanning the top pro players, tournaments, leagues, talk shows and organizations. Learn more at

The first way to get free Bits on Twitch is pretty obvious:Cheer in a channel! You’ll earn one Bit for every 1 cent you donate to a streamer through their Cheer Chat Badge (minimum donation of 100 Bits). For example, if you Cheer 100 Bits in a channel, you will receive 100 Bits back in your account within 24 hours.

To find out how many Bits you’ll receive as a reward for cheering in an individual streamer’s channel, just click on their Bit icon under their video player:

Earn Income With A Significant Audience On Twitch

Twitch is an online streaming platform that allows users to watch or broadcast live videos games and other forms of multimedia entertainment. Most of the income from Twitch comes from advertisements, subscriptions, donations and sponsorships.

This guide will help you to earn money on Twitch. Earn Passive Income From Advertisements Twitch offers affiliate programs through which users can earn a certain amount of money for advertising their products or services.

You only need to use a link to advertise your product on your Twitch channel, then receive payment for each referral you make to the advertiser’s site. Receive Payment For Donations You can receive payments via PayPal or credit cards. However, you must have a PayPal Premier or Business Account to be eligible for payouts through PayPal.

If you have a basic account you can upgrade it at any time. To start receiving donations, click here. Become A Twitch Affiliate If you want to become a Twitch affiliate and start making money, keep in mind the following requirements:You must have at least 500 total minutes broadcast in the last 30 days;

At least 7 unique broadcast days in the last 30 days; An average of 3

1。 Earning Money On Twitch – Brand Sponsorships

Twitch is a great platform for gamers to share their passion with others, and even make some money while doing it. Starting out on Twitch can be difficult; growing an audience and getting noticed by sponsors is a challenge.

But once you start getting the hang of it, you might be able to find a sponsor to work with who’s willing to pay you for your content. Sponsorships are lucrative but they can be hard to land, as many companies don’t know much about the world of livestreaming.

They may also think that their brand won’t fit into your stream. Here are some tips on how to get sponsored on Twitch:Build an audience The most important thing for brands is the number of viewers who will see the ads or product placement during your streams.

The more people watch you, the more likely it is that the sponsor will earn a profit from sponsoring you. If you want to get sponsored, you need to figure out how to grow your Twitch channel with authentic fans.

Learn how to pitch When you get in touch with brands, you need to make sure that you’ve got a solid pitch strategy so that you can convince them that working with you will be beneficial for them

2。 Earning Money On Twitch – Sell Your Merchandise

Twitch is a platform that let’s gamers livestream their games for others to watch and enjoy. It’s also a place where you can earn money from sponsorships, advertisements, donations from fans, and selling your own merchandise.

This post will explain how you can sell your own merchandise on Twitch and make some serious cash. First Step:Create Your Design We’ll assume that you already know what kind of designs you want to sell on your Twitch merchandise, so we’ll skip the design process and move onto the next step.

If you are looking for some inspiration or if you need a designer to help create your designs, check out our list of the Top 10 Twitch Overlay Makers Next Step:Find The Right Company There are tons of companies that offer merch printing services online. You want to find one that is reliable and has good customer service.

We recommend Spreadshop, as they’re one of the most popular and most trusted options available. They have amazing customer service, and they even have an option to create an online shop with their platform to sell your merchandise.

Once you’ve found a company you like, all you have to do is send them your design file and choose which products you want it printed on.

Make Money as a Partner On Twitch

In the world of online content creation, few sites have become as popular as, a live streaming video platform that allows gamers to broadcast their play sessions to the world and chat in real time with other likeminded individuals.

The site boasts more than 100 million unique visitors per month, and those viewers watch more than 16 billion minutes of content on a monthly basis. For many Twitch users, watching streams is a fun pastime and nothing more.

But for some gamers, Twitch is a way to make extra money or even a full-time income. Increasingly, brands are finding ways to integrate themselves into the Twitch experience in meaningful ways. In fact, Amazon acquired Twitch for $1.1 billion in cash in mid-2014.

Many marketers predict this will lead to an increase in ad spending on the site because brands can reach a highly engaged audience of young males who aren’t found anywhere else online. As a growing number of advertisers flock to Twitch, they’ll be looking for streamers with dedicated audiences who can help them reach their target customers — and they’re willing to pay big bucks for it

How To Stream On Twitch – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Stream on Twitch? While we’re here to answer all your questions, unfortunately, we can’t help you with this one. That’s because the answer is different depending on your platform. If you’re streaming from a PC, you have a couple of options:

XSplit Gamecaster – XSplit Gamecaster is our free version for beginners. As the name suggests, it was designed specifically for gamers and streamers. It lets you easily stream and record your greatest gaming moments at the click of a button.

What sets it apart from other streaming softwares is its ease of use and convenience. You don’t need to be tech-savvy to start streaming on Twitch with XSplit Gamecaster.

XSplit Broadcaster – If you want to take things up a notch and learn how to stream on Twitch like a pro, XSplit Broadcaster allows you to add multiple scenes, customize transitions, and add an unlimited number of sources so that you can truly stand out from the crowd. XSplit Broadcaster also has powerful audio controls that let you balance sound levels between music and in-game sounds without needing extra mixing hardware.

If you’re looking for the best way to stream on Twitch

How To Stream On Twitch – Wrap Up

So, you want to stream on Good choice! You’ll be joining thousands of other streamers with audiences who are actively looking for something to watch. It’s a simple process and there are a lot of great tutorials out there that show you how to get setup.

What this guide teaches you is how to build your Twitch channel from the ground up. That means more than just getting your stream running. It also includes building an audience, finding your unique selling point (USP), and actually getting viewers.

If you follow the steps in this guide, you’ll quickly find yourself on the path to becoming the next big Twitch star! With the right amount of hard work, dedication and fun, we believe that anyone can become a successful streamer on!

Congratulations on finishing this course! I’m sure you now know how to stream on Twitch and that you’re ready for more Twitch tutorials. Twitch is a great platform to show people what you can do, connect with friends, make new friends, and build a community around yourself. I hope this course was a good starting point for your streaming adventure.

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