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すべての親が守るべき新生児写真の 22 のヒント


新生児写真のヒント:01 適切な時期

新しい親はこの時期に戸惑うかもしれませんが、赤ちゃんは生後 10 日間が最もしなやかでポーズをとることができることがわかります。この時間枠内で作業するようにしてください。

新生児写真のヒント:02 細部


新生児写真のヒント:03 帽子のヒント


新生児写真のヒント:04 持っているものを使う



もっと見る: 見事な人物写真を撮るためのポートレート写真の 25 のヒント

新生児写真のヒント:05 安全第一


新生児写真のヒント:06 ママとパパを使う


新生児写真のヒント:07 握りこぶしを緩める


新生児写真のヒント:08 体温を上げる


新生児写真のヒント:09 時間をかけてください


もっと見る: お子様の素敵なポートレートを撮影するための 11 の幼児写真のヒント

新生児写真のヒント:10 の写真に個性を加える

赤ちゃんは新生児と同じように見える傾向がありますが、どのようにショットを区別しますか?ショットに個性を加える簡単な方法の 1 つは、その赤ちゃんに固有のもの (特定のおもちゃやお気に入りの家具など) を撮影することです。



新生児写真のヒント:12 の小さな手、大きな手

特に小さな赤ちゃんを撮影するときは、赤ちゃんがどれだけ小さいかを伝えたいと思うでしょう。これを行う 1 つの方法は、お母さんまたはお父さんの指をつかんでいる赤ちゃんをキャプチャすることです。 Use a shallow depth of field to isolate this subject. These photos make great additions to montages.

Newborn photography tips:13 Overhead

Try shooting the baby lying down flat, looking directly up at the camera you’re holding above them. In this case, shooting directly from above from your height can frame the face nice and tight to show a great deal of expression.

Newborn photography tips:14 All about context

In addition to tip 62, you can also show how small a baby is by placing it on top of a folded stack of towels. Make sure the baby will be secure at all times, though.

SEE MORE: Best camera settings for window-light portraits

Newborn photography tips:15 Show the whole family

Try incorporating mum and dad into the shoot, too. While you should make sure they have ample warning that they’ll be photographed, you’ll probably find that they’ll be excited to create these memories with their new baby.

Newborn photography tips:16 Be sensitive

Consult with parents before the shoot as to what they want to achieve in the photos. For instance, while it’s not at all uncommon to shoot newborns naked, not everyone will necessarily be comfortable with this. You want the shoot to go as smoothly as possible for both baby and parents, so be sure to discuss these things beforehand.

Newborn photography tips:17 Lose the awkwardness

You’re going to have to pose newborns. They don’t have much control over their arms and legs at this age, so without a little help from you, they may end up looking quite awkward. The good thing is that newborns are very flexible so you can pose them without disturbing them too much. If you’re nervous or hesitant, however, don’t hesitate to ask mum or dad to step in.

Newborn photography tips:18 Tuck in legs

Tucking in the legs of newborns can create some nice lines and shapes. Plus, a tiny baby’s extended legs can look a little lanky.

SEE MORE: Common Photoshop mistakes photographers make (and how to avoid them)

Newborn photography tips:19 Watch the face

It’s all-too-tempting to cozy up to a soft blanket. If you’re using a snuggly blanket like we’ve suggested, you may find that you need to move the baby’s face out of it so it’s facing your lens.

Newborn photography tips:20 Feed them up

If you’re looking for the classic sleeping newborn shot, make sure the baby is fed right before the shot so they’ll be more likely to fall asleep. A full baby will most likely stay content long enough for you to get the shots you want.

Newborn photography tips:21 Rest on a beanbag

In addition to the stack of towels we mentioned in tip 64, beanbags also make great resting places for newborns and small babies. They’re soft and flexible enough to form around the baby for maximum comfort. If you can’t get your hands on one, a pile of cushions will do. For a softer effect, try draping a blanket over your resting place.

Newborn photography tips:22 A classic pose

One classic pose for the sleeping baby is the hands under the head. Gently place the baby on its stomach and then cross the hands underneath its head. Fold the legs up underneath the body for a sweet, cuddly look.


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