この記事では、自動字幕ジェネレーターを使用して動画の字幕の作成を高速化する方法について説明します。その情報はすべて、私が過去 3 年間に行ったさまざまなテストに基づいています。
私は 2016 年に最初の字幕プロジェクトを行いました。その時、Kickstarter キャンペーンを立ち上げようとしているスタートアップのビデオを作成したばかりでした。私はそれが非常に単純なものになり、追加サービスを販売する機会になるだろうと考えました 🤑.私は自分が何をしようとしているのか分かりませんでした… このプロジェクトの終わりに、私は自分に言い聞かせました。
今日やることはこれだけです。何が私の心を変えたのですか?簡単です。作成ワークフローを最適化し、適切なツールを身に付けることができました。字幕の作成にかかる時間を 8 で割ることができました。
- 自動キャプションは機能しますか?
- YouTube の自動字幕を使用できますか?
- オンラインのクローズド キャプションに最適なソリューションはどれですか?
- 外国語の動画に自動的に字幕を付けるにはどうすればよいですか?
1 – 自動字幕はどのように機能しますか?
自動字幕について話すときは、2 つのニーズを区別することが重要です。動画の原語での「キャプション」と外国語での「字幕」があります。外国語での字幕作成はより複雑であることがわかります。

元の言語でのクローズド キャプションは、音声認識と呼ばれるものを使用します。つまり、ソリューションはビデオから音声を抽出し、アルゴリズムは話された言葉を理解して書き換えることができます。
したがって、機械翻訳の品質は、ビデオの言語でのキャプションの品質に依存します。そのため、高品質の結果が必要な場合は、自動的に翻訳する前に元のキャプションを確認することをお勧めします.元のキャプションで行われていないすべての修正は、すべての外国語で行う必要があります。言語が 1 つしかない場合は大きな違いはありませんが、15 の言語があれば、作業時間が大幅に短縮されます。

無料で始める2 – 字幕を自動的に生成するソリューションはどれですか?
次の 3 つの主なソリューション ファミリから選択できます。
- 外部 API (技術チーム向け)
- 独自のニューラル モデル (最も複雑) を作成する
- オンラインの字幕エディタを使用する (最も簡単な方法)
音声認識と機械翻訳用の外部 API (技術的なスキルがある場合)
音声認識 API
原則として、外部サービスに接続し、ビデオまたはオーディオを送信すると、すべての単語とタイム コードを含むファイルが直接送信されます。次に、このファイルから字幕を作成する必要があります。
最高の音声認識 API
前に見たように、各 API プロバイダーには異なるモデルがあります。また、モデルは、使用する言語に応じて、多かれ少なかれ関連性のある結果を提供します。たとえば、Google は英語の動画で最良の結果を表示する場合がありますが、スペイン語の動画では必ずしもそうではありません。最良の結果を得るには、さまざまな API をテストし、字幕を付ける必要があるビデオに応じて、どれが最高の品質を提供するかを確認する必要があります。
以下は、現在音声認識で使用されている最も強力な API のリストです:
- Google 音声合成
- アズール
- スピーチマティクス
機械翻訳 API
機械翻訳 API の場合、元のテキスト、元の言語、および希望する翻訳言語を送信します。 API は、システムによって生成された機械翻訳に対応するテキストを送信します。
最高の機械翻訳 API
音声認識 API と同様に、最良の結果が得られるとは言いがたいです。ソース言語と使用する翻訳言語によって異なります。 Google は機械翻訳のリーディング プレーヤーであり、110 以上の言語をカバーしています。しかし、これらすべての言語で最高のパフォーマンスを発揮するわけではありません。小さな新しい Deepl は、英語、スペイン語、イタリア語、ドイツ語を含む 12 の言語で非常に強力です…
- Google 翻訳 API
- マイクロソフト翻訳 API
- 翻訳 API
- テキスト翻訳 API
- MyMemory 翻訳 API
- Deepl API
- My Translator Pro API
- Linguatools Translate API
- Yandex Translate API
- IBM Watson Language Translator API
Training your own neural network, the most complex solution.

If you have significant technical resources in your team the other solution is to build your own model powered by your data or open source data.
You can for example rely on an open source ASR such as CMUSphinx, Kaldi or more recently Common Voice by Mozilla.
This article details the differences in the complexity of implementation and the quality of the result:open-source solution for automatic transcription.
Please note that if you also want to subtitle in a foreign language you will have to create another template based on machine translation. The more languages you have for subtitles, the more complex and time-consuming it will be to create and maintain your own solution.
For the open-source translation solution, you can use the OpenNMT solution which is one of the most advanced projects.
The simplest online automatic subtitling solution.

If you don’t have the technical skills and want to opt for the easiest solution to generate your automatic subtitles, you’ve come to the right place.
Usually it is a solution available on a website that allows you to upload your video and automatically the platform will generate subtitles in the desired language. Some offer automatic translation and others only subtitles in the original language of the video.
Let me present you the different solutions in 3,2,1…
3 – What are the best solutions for automatic online subtitling?
Automatic Youtube subtitling

YouTube’s automatic subtitling platform is one of the most widely used. It has the advantage of being directly integrated into YouTube, but it is also free of charge. If subtitle quality is not a priority then it is more than enough. But if you want professional subtitles then in this case you might spend some time correcting the machine errors. The online interface is ergonomic but requires a lot of keyboard/mouse input in order to edit subtitles. We did the test with a timer and it takes as much or more time to correct the automatic subtitling of Youtube than to rewrite it entirely. But for those looking for a free solution, this is the best. For those who are interested, you have the step-by-step detail to use the Youtube automatic transcript in this article the best subtitling solutions on the market.
Please note that to use this solution you will have to upload your video to YouTube. But be aware that you can put it in private to prevent it from being visible to everyone.
Automatic Facebook subtitling
Facebook took a while to offer its online captioning solution. But inevitably in competition with YouTube, they had to come up with something. At the moment it’s not as good as YouTube. So if you only post on Facebook it can do the job but the other choices on this list are usually better.
Checksub:online automatic subtitling solution

By 2017 I had tested all existing subtitling solutions. Automatic solutions did not allow me to create subtitles faster. In fact, I was spending more time correcting automatic subtitling rather than creating subtitles from scratch. So I came up with a solution that really saves time with technology. On April 1, 2020, we decided to make this solution available to everyone at www.checksub.com.
Over the last 2 years we have imagined and designed the dream solution for video professionals, communication agencies, translation agencies, e-learning trainers,… The objective is to use all available technologies to create quality subtitles.
The strength of the solution is based on 3 elements:
- the best speech recognition and machine translation APIs are used
- the online subtitle editor is powerful and very easy to use
- it is a collaborative platform for working with translators, clients or other partners
How Automatic Closed Captioning Works :
<オール>The Checksub platform allows you to create subtitles in 128 languages.

Kapwing is mainly made for videos for social networks. The automatic English transcript works very well. In other languages, the result is not so good. Kapwing’s automatic subtitling interface is very simple. This quickly becomes a limit if you want quality subtitling. We can also regret the absence of the audio spectrum to adjust the time codes precisely.
Rev :pour le sous-titrage anglais uniquement

Rev is a transcription and captioning company that has become known for its manual (human) captioning service. For some time now it has been offering automatic subtitling. This service is only available for English videos. If your video is in another language you will not be able to use it. The result of the English transcription is of very good quality. Their online editor is very basic. Just like Kapwing, it is an interface that is meant to be quite simple and this is done at the expense of accuracy. This solution is therefore suitable if you have a project in English that is intended for social networks and the accuracy of the time codes is not a priority for you. In terms of price Rev is at the high end of the market.
Veed.io :for online video editing

Veed.io is above all an online video editor. But they also offer an automatic subtitling function. The principle is similar to that of other platforms, you upload your video and you have a “subtitles” menu so that the platform automatically generates subtitles in the original language. They are the only ones besides Checksub to offer automatic subtitle translation. Veed.io is an ideal solution for those who need to modify the editing of their video. If you are looking for a solution to manage mainly your subtitle creations this is not the most suitable solution.
Authôt :For video transcriptions

With Authôt it is possible to create a transcript of your video. But you should know that the tool is rather designed for the automatic transcription of audio documents. As soon as you open the interface, you will notice that the editor is less adapted to subtitling than its competitors. The subtitles are not displayed on the video, it is not possible to work on cutting the script into subtitles, and finally, it is impossible to modify the time codes.
Knowing that their rates are higher than other platforms, this solution does not seem to be suitable for the creation of subtitles. But this solution is interesting if you exceptionally have a subtitling project to do, you are used to using Authôt for your transcription and you already have credit. In this case, you don’t need to use another platform. But if your need for subtitling is becoming more and more important it would be a good idea to test other solutions.
4 – Tips to know :
Prepare your video file
Before starting to work on subtitling, it is essential that the editing be finalized. If after creating the subtitle you edit the video, the subtitle time codes may no longer match the video. This will force you to readjust all the subtitles or start from scratch. So even if you want to save time, wait until you have the final cut. If your changes do not affect the editing of the video at all (color, over-printing of text, …) it is not embarrassing and you can then start subtitling before the finalized version. But as soon as you modify the editing of the video you risk having staggered subtitles.
Optimize the download of your video
All the automatic subtitling solutions presented above require you to send the video to an external server for processing. If your video is too heavy and you don’t have the fiber, you may spend a lot of time uploading it to the server. The automatic subtitling platform will also take longer to prepare your project with a heavy video. So if you don’t need to generate an export from the platform by overlaying subtitles, it’s better to have a low definition version of your video to save time. In addition, if you have a slow Internet connection it will also save you time when loading the video on the platform. To compress your video you can use the Handbrake software available on this link:https://handbrake.fr/
In the case of a translation, correct the original subtitles.
As I explained earlier, machine translation will use subtitles in the original language. So the better the subtitles in the original language, the better the machine translation will be. So you have the choice to correct the original subtitles or spend more time on the foreign language subtitles. This is a tip that is especially valuable if you need to create subtitles in different foreign languages. Every change you make to the original subtitle saves you from having to redo it for each foreign language.
Recovering or exporting your video
Creating subtitles is good, using them is better. Depending on the use you want to make of the subtitles you will be able to export them in different formats. For example, if you want to add subtitles to a YouTube or Facebook video you will use the SRT format. If you want to customize the style of your subtitles it is necessary to generate a new export of the video by embedding the subtitles in the image. Checksub allows you to generate an export by embedding subtitles in the video. Alternatively, you can use a solution like Submerge to embed subtitles in a video. Here is a full tutorial to learn how to use Submerge to add subtitles to your video.
Add subtitles to a video already uploaded in Youtube, Facebook, Vimeo, Wistia,…
If the video you have just subtitled is already available on different platforms there is no need to upload your video again. If for example, you want to keep the views on YouTube you should avoid creating a new video that will make you start from scratch on all the statistics. In this case, it is best to upload the source file of the automatic subtitles, usually in SRT format, and then import it directly to the platform in question. This is an option that is available on almost all video hosting platforms that have a video player. It works with YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, Wistia, and many others. The procedure, however, is specific to each form. We plan to do a tutorial to show how to do it. But for the moment the best is to look in the FAQ space of your hosting platform.
5 – To remember
As we have seen, there are many solutions, not all of which will necessarily save you time in subtitling. It is therefore important to choose the most suitable one. As a professional, the existing solutions did not suit me. That’s why I imagined and created Checksub. So if you are a video professional, a translation agency, a global company, … I invite you to test this solution because I imagined it for you.
Thank you for your attention and I hope this article will have helped you save a lot of time on the creation of your subtitles ⚡
