Movavi は人気の動画編集ソフトで、定評のある有料版が複数あります。このページでは、Movavi について知っておく必要があるすべての情報と、価格に見合う価値があるかどうかを確認するお手伝いをします。

Movavi Video Editor レビュー
Movavi Video Editor は、ビデオをオンデマンドで迅速かつ効果的に編集および変換する機能を備えたツールの 1 つです。このプログラムを使用すると、おなじみのビデオを自由に作成して、これまで以上にユニークにすることができます。ビデオ マーケティングが爆発的に普及した近年、Movavi Video Editor は常にユーザーの関心を集めてきました。では、Movavi Video Editor は本当にお得なのか、噂どおりの使いやすさなのか?この記事では、最も正直なレビューを提供します。
お見逃しなく:Final Cut Proレビュー、KineMasterレビュー
…内なる映画製作者がより多くのビデオ編集ツールを必要としている場合は、Movavi Video Editor が最適です。このプログラムには、標準のビデオ エディターのすべての機能に加えて、オブジェクト アニメーションなどの優れた追加機能が含まれています。…
Movavi Video Editor の長所と短所
- ユーザーフレンドリーなインターフェースで使いやすい
- 利用可能なテンプレート、タイトル、出力オプションが多数あります
- オンライン動画共有を許可する
- 編集者向けのリソースが充実したフレンドリーなサポート センター
- 薄型ノートパソコンに最適
- Apple Silicon M1 では利用できません
- データのレンダリング速度が遅い
- 騒音計なし
- 高度なクリッピング モードの欠落
現在、Movavi Video Editor の 7 日間の無料試用版があります。その後、ソフトウェアを 3 つの価格で購入する必要があり、さまざまなメリットがあります:
Movavi Video Editor Plus (1 年ライセンス) $44.95 | Movavi Video Editor Plus (終身ライセンス) $64.95 | ビデオ スイート (終身ライセンス) $84.95 |
● 年に 1 回更新 ● このビデオ エディタのすべての機能が含まれています | ソフトウェアの次の機能を永久に使用できます: ● コラージュ動画 ● エフェクトの使用 ● 動画の自動作成 ● 組み込みのメディア パックを使用する ● 超高速で 4K ビデオを処理 ● キーフレーム アニメーション ● タイムライン メーカー | ● Movavi Video Editor の全機能を所有します ●画面ストリーム機能も搭載 |
一般的に、Movavi Video Editor の価格構造はそれほど高くありません。他の動画編集ソフトより低いです。あなたがプロのビデオ プロデューサーであり、このキャリアを長期的に追求したい場合は、ビデオ スイート パッケージが最適です。
ユーザーは、Movavi Video Editor を Web サイトから直接インストールできます。このビデオ エディタのダウンロード サイズは、64 ビット システムで約 82 MB、32 ビット システムで約 75 MB です。構成に応じて、平均ロード時間は 5 ~ 10 分です。その後のインストール手順は、説明書が含まれているため非常に簡単です。
全体として、Movavi Video Editor は、軽量ながらフル機能のビデオ エディターです。学生、学生、またはアマチュアに非常に適しています。

Movavi をインストール
Movavi Video Editor のインターフェース
多くのソフトウェアの専門家や編集者は、Movavi ビデオ編集ソフトウェアは非常に使いやすいインターフェースを備えているとコメントしています。 Adobe Premiere Pro CC や Lightworks と比較しても非常にシンプルに見えます。これにより、ビデオ編集を始めたばかりの人でも、使用方法の学習に多くの時間を費やすことなく、ソフトウェアに簡単にアクセスできます。これは Movavi の優れた点です。
Movavi には従来の標準的なレイアウトがあり、編集するビデオ ファイルをタイムラインにドラッグ アンド ドロップし、右側の大画面で出力を表示できます。 Movavi のツールはすべてインターフェース画面の左側に集められ、大きくてわかりやすいアイコンでマークされています。
全体として、この動画編集ソフトは非常に使いやすいです。さらに、出版社の Movavi は、学習リソースと作業提案の完全なデータベースも提供しています。これは、彼らが非常に思慮深いことを示しています。不明な点がある場合は、簡単に答えを見つけることができます。これにより、ビデオ編集作業がより便利になります。

Movavi インターフェイス
Movavi を使用すると、ユーザーは、VHS モバイル デバイスやテレビなど、さまざまなソースやフォーマットからビデオを編集できます。特に、ビデオ分割やビデオ ゲームの録画が可能です。 Movavi ビデオ エディタを使用して、ビデオを簡単にトリミング、クロップ、マージ、スリップできます。
それとは別に、Movavi にはブラウザベースの優れたオンライン ビデオ エディタがあり、YouTube ビデオをオンラインで簡単かつ手軽に編集できることに注意してください。

Movavi 動画編集
グラフィック アイコン
Another difference between Movavi Video Editor compared to other software is that it has an extremely rich graphical icon store. These include trending Emojis, cartoon-style stickers, or vintage stickers. You can attach these graphic icons to the video very easily by clicking on the Animations tab, selecting the desired graphic icons, and then dragging and dropping them into the video area. Movavi also allows you to change the transparency level of these animations to create emphasis.

Movavi Graphic Icons
Scene Detection Tool
This is a very impressive feature of Movavi Video Editor. It will help the editor to automatically cut the video into suitable segments. This saves you more time if you are editing videos in bulk.

Movavi Scene detection tool
Stabilization Feature
You can easily edit videos with a lot of shakes with Movavi Video Editor because it comes equipped with video stabilization, aka an anti-shake feature. Videos taken in a hurry or shot with a phone and have to move a lot during the recording process will be prone to shaking. This makes it difficult for viewers and editors to focus on the content and causes discomfort when viewing. When using Movavi Video Editor, you can reduce the shake of the video as desired, making the output look more pleasing.
However, it also does not completely solve the problem of the screen shake of videos. The best way to have a smooth video is right from the recording stage, you must have a professional or use a gimbal / other anti-shake devices.

Movavi Stabilization Feature
Chroma Key
The Chroma Key tool allows editors to replace backgrounds or objects when editing videos. For best results, the source video should be shot with a bright background. You can then use this tool to separate the background and replace it with another image/video. It is very easy to use.

Movavi Chroma Key
Highlight and Conceal Features
If you are using the Movavi Video Editor Plus version, then you will find the highlight and conceal feature of this editor very useful. It is used to draw the audience’s attention to a particular part of the video. In addition, you can also use it to hide part of the video. For example, hide the character’s identity.

Movavi Highlight and Conceal feature
Movavi Effects Store
You can visit the Movavi Effects Store on the app to choose from a variety of pre-designed stickers and titles. This feature helps you save design time and create a distinctive mark in your work. However, according to the reviews of many users, its price is a bit high compared to the market.

Movavi Effects Store
Movavi’s Resources
Movavi provides users with 150 filters and more than 100 different transition effects. In it, there are a few popular video effects and are very small in size, you will easily use them. Besides, it also has an extremely large sound store with classic and modern files.
In each editing mode, Movavi also allows users to change many elements. For example, in filter mode, you can change transparency, blur, and many other modes.
Movavi is a video creation tool that combines classic and modern. You will see this point clearly when you explore Movavi’s inventory of titles and stickers. The developer of this video editing tool is always up to date with the latest styles of the market. This helps editors unleash their creativity and produce videos that are more tailored to their tastes.
Export video
Movavi Video Editor supports more than 15 types of publishing video formats including MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG, WMV, MKV, M2TS, OGV, and more.

Movavi Export Video Formats
HD Video Processing
Although HD video publishing is allowed, to make this work, your system should meet the following standards:
- Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10
- Intel or AMD processor or equivalent, 2.8 GHz.
- RAM:1 GB for Windows 2000 and XP, 2 GB for Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10.
- Hard disk space:5 GB for further operations; HD video editing can require large amounts of disk space, up to tens of GB.
- Sound card.
With an average computer, exporting videos from Movavi Video Editor can consume a lot of rams, if you are determined to pursue a long-term video editing path, you should invest in a system with a high capacity.

Movavi HD Video Processing
Export Video Online
This is a feature any marketer needs – export videos to online platforms like Youtube, Google Driver. This feature allows your work to become more convenient. To use this feature on Movavi, you first need to sign in with your Google account into the app. Then, on the publisher, select share and select the online platform you want to share with. Next, you can choose the video quality, privacy settings as you like. Movavi is rated high security, so users do not need to worry about the problem of stealing their Google account.
Things I Don’t Like About This Software
Honestly, Movavi is a useful, versatile, and easy-to-use video editor. However, it still has a few limitations. The first is that Movavi’s pixel and frame accuracy is not perfect. Many times the shake or transition will be deviated from what I want. If you are someone with high accuracy requirements, this is an annoying problem. The second thing is that in Movavi’s editor you will not see the appearance of the sound meter. Instead, you’ll see the audio waveforms of the clips on the timeline. This makes it less than ideal to correct the audio accompanying the video. However, once you are familiar with Movavi, with your experience, you can solve this problem.
New Features Updated
According to the announcement from the publisher Movavi, in 2022, this video editor will be equipped with new features to help take video editing to a new level. These include:
- Magic sound booster button:It automatically adjusts the sound in the video to become sharp
- Manual Audio Adjustment Button:You can edit the audio in each video one by one.
- Added 3 more sound effects:Overload, Oscillation, and Vibration
- Added audio driver so editors can adjust the overall volume of the project.
In general, Movavi is equipped with additional features for audio editing. The ability to adjust audio is a minus point of Movavi compared to other video editors. This update will help it remove defects and become even more perfect.
Movavi Video Editor Specifications
System requirements:
Minimum system requirements | Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8/10 |
Minimum graphic screen resolution: | 1024×768, 32-bit color. |
RAM | 256 MB for Windows 2000 and XP, 512 MB for Vista, 1 GB for Windows 7 and Windows 8, Windows 10. |
Minimum hard drive space | 250 MB for installation 2 GB for follow-up operations. |
Price: | $44.95/year 64.95$/ lifetime $84.95/lifetime, full features |
Number of languages supported | 14 |
3D video editing | Yes |
4K video processing | Yes |
Number of filters | 150 |
Number of transition effects | 100 |
Upload videos to YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive right from the app | Yes |
Video postcard design function | Yes |
Main features of Movavi Video Editor:
- Support video editing and editing such as cutting, joining, upgrading sound quality, images … quickly and effectively.
- Can read and apply on many popular video formats today.
- Support converting video formats dynamically.
- Allow ripping, cloning videos to CD/DVD on demand.
- Built-in video postcard design functionality for email or blog.
Final verdict
If your inner filmmaker wants more video editing tools, then Movavi Video Editor is just what you need. The program includes all the functionality of our standard Video Editor, some cool extras like object animations.
Remove unwanted passages, move parts around, add titles and transitions, apply filters, upload music, add your own dub, and more! Save your movies to watch on your PC, mobile device, or even a 4K TV. Upload videos to YouTube right from the program.
If you want the most authentic experience from yourself, then you can use Movavi’s 7 free days to experience it. Try it now.
Additional Reading:Best Free Movavi Video Editor Alternative You Should Totally Try
FilmForth is on the top of our list of best free video editing software and it can serve as a perfect Movavi Video Editor alternative for Windows 10 and Windows 11 PCs. FilmForth is completely-free, intuitive, incredibly easy to use, and it doesn’t export videos with watermarks, making it a perfect option for video editing beginners.
What’s more, FilmForth can be versatile as well, it offers a variety of video editing options including trimming videos, cropping videos, resizing videos, adding customizable text to videos, splitting videos, adding gifs/stickers/special effects to videos, detaching/changing/adjusting audio, adding transitions, reversing video, changing video playback speed, even creating YouTube intro with templates, and a lot more.
FilmForth is available from Microsoft store, hit the download button below to get it for free, and it will install on your computer in less than 2 minutes!
How to Edit Videos with FilmForth Free and Effortlessly
Step 1. Import Video into FilmForth
Editing video with FilmForth is super duper easy, first launch FilmForth from Windows start menu, hit the New Project button in the middle, and click ADD VIDEO/PHOTO CLIPS button to import your videos/photos.
Import the Video
Step 2. Edit Videos with FilmForth
After videos are added to FilmForth, you can click to select a video clip in the timeline to edit it. There are clickable buttons in the timeline and the operation panel below for you to quick edit the video.
Edit Your Videos
Step 3. Export Videos from FilmForth
When you’re done editing, hit the Save video button from the lower right side to customize video parameters and export the video, simple as that! So don’t hesitate to give FilmForth a try!
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